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sachliche Richtigkeit

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Sorry about my poor German. The factual accuracy of this article is disputed. Read the corresponding French article. The Signares were a mixture of Wolof, Fula and Lebou and European. They were not Serer. Can someone please tag this article for its poor factual accuracy? Thank you.

"Tut mir leid, mein armer Deutsch. Die sachliche Richtigkeit dieses Artikels ist umstritten. Lesen Sie den entsprechenden Französisch Artikel. Die Signares waren eine Mischung aus Wolof, Fula und Lebu und europäischen. Sie waren nicht Serer. Kann jemand bitte markieren Sie diesen Artikel für seine schlechte sachliche Richtigkeit? Danke." Diskussion:Signare#c- Richtigkeit11Beantworten

This whole article is wrong. The Portuguese and the Serer people hated each other. That is why the Portuguese had to use Wolof interpreters as agents in order to enter Serer territories like the Kingdom of Sine and the Kingdom of Saloum. A good reference to this in found in Alvisto Cadamosto's chronicles (reprinted in A. Teixera da Mota, A descoberta da Guiné, Boletim cultural da Guiné Portuguesa, 1946, vol. 1 (1), p. 11-68, (2), p. 273-326; (3), p. 457-509) as well as in Hair (see Hair, Paul Edward Hedley, "Africa encountered: European contacts and evidence, 1450-1700", Variorum, 1997, pp 213–15 & 248 and in Hair, Paul Edward Hedley, "The Use of African Languages in Afro-European contacts in Guinea : 1440-1560", (in) "Sierra Leone Language Review", no. 5, 1966, p. 13). Walo was also a Wolof kingdom, not a Serer kingdom. And Goree was a Lebou area, not a Serer area. This whole article should be pulled down or rewritten entirely based on reliable sources. Diskussion:Signare#c- Richtigkeit11Beantworten