Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 10 Jahren von Elya
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After this sectionː Bechtle was born one of seven children of the married couple William and Louise Rosine Bechtle. He learned the trade of tailor, and rose up early on their own. He was regarded as a man who helped where he could.

I propose that the following be addedː

Bechtle married Johanna Kauz in 1934 and in 1937 the couple had a daughter, USA. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-

Please provide the published sources (references) for this statement, and it will be no problem to add it to the article. The name of the daughter probably won't be added if she's not notable herself due to personality rights. Thanks! --elya (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-Elya-2013-09-05T05:15:00.000Z-
I assume that this is based on some kind of family research, i.e. unpublished documents? If that is the case then please specify as much information as possible (marriage date & location, ref number of the Standesamt document if available) so that it becomes possible to check the facts. PDD Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-PDD-2013-09-05T05:37:00.000Z-

I have a PDF file of documentation for this information. How can I share it for your validation? (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-

It really depends on what the PDF includes; if it is just some sort of family history that is not properly sourced then we can't use it at all. Generally we have to rely on published sources which the reader can check for their veracity. In some cases it may be necessary to rely on unpublished archival sources (like in this case, e.g. a marriage certificate) but then it needs to be indicated where the original document can be found (i.e. a state archive etc., not some private individual's collection). PDD Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-PDD-2013-09-06T06:55:00.000Z-

I have copies of a birth certificate showing Reinhold Bechtle's name, the name of his wife and their daughter. I also have a document called a Sippenfragebogen which show the genealogy of Bechtle's wife and lists members of his family and her family. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-

Thanks for your answer! So it applies what PDD said before: what's the source of these documents? Which public archive holds the originals? --elya (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-Elya-2013-09-09T05:21:00.000Z-

My mother-in-law is the daughter of Reinhold Bechtle. She has her birth certificate issued by Der Standesbeamte in Stuttgart. The Sippenfragebogen is issued by the burgermeister of Lochgau. I am not sure if these documents are in a public archive but they were issued by public offices. I am just trying to help my mother in law add to her father's Wikipedia biography and would be happy to share the documents with whomever. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-

Interesting. So the people on this photo would be your family! It's strange that this large documentation about the brothers Bechtle does not provide the information about Reinhold's marriage, they have a lot about the family. It definitely should be added there, it's the right place for primary sources like your documents. I suggest you mail your documents to info@dzok-ulm.de so they can check and add it to the published documentation. If it's published, we can easily add it to the article. I'll try to find out more parallely if there is no published hint to Reinhold's family. I'm sure it's worth finding out what's going on here. --elya (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-Elya-2013-09-10T17:04:00.000Z-

I have sent the PDF file of the documents to the email address as you suggested. I appreciate any help you can offer to add to the information about Reinhold Bechtle. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-

Liebe Elya, herzlichen Dank für die Vermittlung! Die leibliche Tochter von Reinhold Bechtle hat inzwischen Ihre Geburtsurkunde und weitere Dokumente, die ihren Vater betreffen, an das Archiv des Dokumentationszentrums Oberer Kuhberg (DZOK) in Ulm weitergeleitet, so dass wir die Echtheit der Dokumente feststellen konnten. Diese Dokumente sind mit Erlaubnis von Frau Bechtle nun im Archiv des DZOK zusammen mit weiteren Materialien zu Reinhold Bechtle im Bestand "Reinhold Bechtle" archiviert und können von Benutzern nach Voranmeldung eingesehen werden. Da es für Frau Bechtle sehr wichtig ist, dass festgehalten wird, dass ihr Vater eine Tochter hatte (dies war bislang weitgehend unbekannt), habe ich mir erlaubt die entsprechenden Änderungen in den Artikel einzufügen. Auf den Vornamen von Frau Bechtle habe ich dabei natürlich verzichtet. Ich habe bei dieser Gelegenheit außerdem noch einige weitere Informationen eingefügt, die in unserer Häftlingsdatenbank zu Reinhold Bechtle vorlagen. Ulrike Holdt, Wiss. Archivarin Dokumentationszentrum Oberer Kuhberg Ulm (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-

Wow … bin zutiefst beeindruckt, daß das geklappt hat. (PDD sicher auch, der sich an der Diskussion oben beteiligt hat.) Danke für Ihre Ergänzungen! --elya (Diskussion) Diskussion:Reinhold Bechtle#c-Elya-2014-06-17T19:13:00.000Z-