Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf Männer

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Hilfe: #26, 15 km, "Heinz Weidl", DDR

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In the official protocol, "26 is listed as Heinz Weidl, DDR. However, not only have I failed to find any evidence of a top skier of that name, but no Heinz Weidl was among the 6 DDR skiers selected for cross cuntry, men. Two other skiers with simliar names were seected, though, Heinz Seidel and Helmut Wiedlich. Neither of them are among those recorded, though both gained a 15 km medal in the DDR Championship. Although Seidel's name is more simlar, Weidlich was the better in that race. However, Weidlich abandoned the previous 30 km race, and had a below par first leg in the 4x10 km relay. Hence I guess Seidel is the one, but I have seen no confirmation. Any able to confirm or refute this? And any willing to write a comment? My German, spoken and written, is poor, and I know website comments in English tends to be frowned upon ... Freundliche Grüssen, Rolv O (nicht signierter Beitrag von Rolv O (Diskussion | Beiträge) Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf M%C3%A4nner#c-Rolv O-2020-03-13T19:53:00.000Z-Hilfe: #26, 15 km, "Heinz Weidl", DDR11)Beantworten

Hello, first of all, thank you for adding the official lists. I just looked up the results in the "Sport-Almanach 1963" (review on 1962) by the East German publisher Sportverlag Berlin (only giving the Top 6 and the GDR athletes) and it says: 26. Seidel (DDR) 1:00:31,3. I see this as validation for Heinz Seidel and edit the article. --Gabas (Diskussion) Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf M%C3%A4nner#c-Gabas-2020-03-31T10:02:00.000Z-Rolv O-2020-03-13T19:53:00.000Z11Beantworten

Vielen Dank! (Today, I fonally found out how to add my signature ...) --Rolv O (Diskussion) Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf M%C3%A4nner#c-Rolv O-2020-04-01T13:14:00.000Z-Hilfe: #26, 15 km, "Heinz Weidl", DDR11Beantworten

4 x 10 km Relay, USA leg times

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There is some uncertainty re USA leg times, due to a missing line in official report. I cannot finish today, but wil complete it tomorrow. --Rolv O (Diskussion) Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf M%C3%A4nner#c-Rolv O-2020-06-06T21:26:00.000Z-4 x 10 km Relay, USA leg times11Beantworten

I tried to write an explanatory comment. If you read it, you'll find out why I rarely write here in German. :-) Please feel free to improve my writing. --Rolv O (Diskussion) Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf M%C3%A4nner#c-Rolv O-2020-06-07T10:37:00.000Z-4 x 10 km Relay, USA leg times11Beantworten

30 km - Startnr.; intermediate times, and possible DNS

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As you can se, the 1962 30 km list is still quite incomplete. I have only 21 of 64+ bibs/startnr., 13 of 59+ 20 km times, and I do not know whether or not there were any DNS. (Probably not more than 4 DNS, if any.) Anyone having the missing information? --RO5609 (Diskussion) Diskussion:Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaften 1962/Skilanglauf M%C3%A4nner#c-RO5609-2021-03-15T13:29:00.000Z-30 km - Startnr.; intermediate times, and possible DNS11Beantworten