Diskussion:Mário Raposo

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 2 Jahren von JoergenB in Abschnitt Wirkte er wirklich auch als Ombudsmann für die PSD?
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Wirkte er wirklich auch als Ombudsmann für die PSD?

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

@Marcus.palapar: You wrote:

Bei der Wahl vom 19. Juli 1987 wurde er für Coimbra abermals zum Mitglied der Assembleia da República und vertrat in dieser vom 13. August 1987 bis zum 3. November 1991 die Interessen der PSD.

However, according to the Portugese and French wikipedias Raposo functioned as the Portugese ombudsman 1990–1991. I also found this confirmed in the Normdaten (and added it to the article). Now, I know almost nothing about the particular rules for the Portugese ombudspersons; but in many countries this task is not to be combined with simultaneously being actively representing a particlular party politically. In those countries, you would have either to resign from the position as Member of parliament, or temporarily to let a replacement take it up during your time as ombudsman.

I know that it was a few years since you wrote this article. Do you, in spite of this, happen to remember whether your formulation that he "represented the interests of the PDS in the parliament" also during the time he worked as ombudsman was supported by your sources, or rather was your interpretation of the fact that he was elected for the PSD for this time? Regards, Jörgen B (Diskussion) (Bitte auf Deutsch antworten!) Diskussion:M%C3%A1rio Raposo#c-JoergenB-20220915154100-Wirkte er wirklich auch als Ombudsmann für die PSD?11Beantworten