Diskussion:Jämtländische Sprache

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Die Jämtländische Sprache is eigentlish keine Sprache sondern eine Dialekt.

// Fred-Schach 19:08, 15. Okt 2005 (CEST)

Being Swedish, I would suspect this is a mock article. Of course there are old dialects (like they spoke 100-200 years ago), but nowadays it's just Northern accent, quite close to the standard Swedish accent with a Northern touch. A few people may be able to speak the old way (never heard about it), but to say they are 50,000 or 5,000, I'm not sure if it really makes sense...Innsbr 05:59, 24. Jan 2006 (CET)

Being from Jämtland, I can tell you that the genuine dialect indeed is spoken by quite many, though definitely closer to 5,000 than 50,000 - someone has obviously invented the number 50,000. But there is a continuum from people who don't know a single jamtlandic word to those being fluent in the dialect as it was spoken 100 years ago. I am in middle position: I can't express myself consistently in Jamtlandic, but I have no problem understanding even the most archaic varieties of it. (I wouldn't have been able to communicate with my grandparents when I was a kid, for example, if I didn't understand archaic Jamtlandic.) My opinion is that when referring to "Jämtländische Sprache", one should refer to the archaic Jamtlandic which is consistently spoken by a small minority today, though understood by the majority, and not refer to Standard Swedish with northern touch. (More correctly, central tocuh since Jämtland is geographically in Central Sweden.) Jens Persson ( 23:29, 21. Feb 2006 (CET))

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