Diskussion:Fritz-Gerald Schröder

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[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Dear Mr. Schröder,

The beautiful photograph you took of Königstein Fortress and generously ceded to the public domain, I have used on my own website where it was very useful to be able to illustrate my author's text at the precise point where he describes the fortress he would escape from.

The author is the most famous person to have escaped from Königstein, the French general Henri Giraud; the context is his book "Mes évasions" about his three escapes (one in World War I, two in World War II), which I have transcribed in its entirety on the section of my site devoted to "France at War"; the exact passage, with your photo and crediting you, is here.

Thank you for your kindness in making the resource widely available.

Bill Thayer

(American & Military HistoryLacusCurtiusGazetteer of Umbria)

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