Diskussion:Batis (Kommandant)

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Monaten von Tolanor in Abschnitt Passagen zu Batis' Tod
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Passagen zu Batis' Tod

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Hi, ich parke hier nur schnell die Stelle bei Hegesias zwischen, die in der Übersetzung von Luisa Prandi bei Brill's New Jacoby lautet: "Meanwhile Leonnatos and Philotas transported Betis still alive, (Alexander) seeing him strong and threatening – his skin was black – hating him for what he had plotted, ordered that a bronze horse bit be passed through his feet and he be dragged naked around the place. His body devastated by the asperities of the ground, he cried. And this event, which I am describing, gathered many people to the place. Actually the barbarian’s pain increased and he shouted, begging, ʻlordʼ; the solecism made people laugh. The fat and the mass of the flesh revealed another fat animal of Babylon. Therefore, the crowd made fun of him, insulting him like soldiers do a horrible and sinister enemy like him." Mal sehen, ob sich daraus noch etwas mehr für den Artikel machen lässt. So long, --Tolanor Diskussion:Batis (Kommandant)#c-Tolanor-20230815005300-Passagen zu Batis11Beantworten