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Midhurst ist eine Industriestadt in West Sussex. Die Bevölkerung umfasst ca. 5.000 Menschen. Midhurst liegt am Fluss Rother. [1]

In Midhurst gibt es zwei sehr interessante Ruinen Tudor Cowdray House und Victorian Cowdray House. Weitere interessante Gebäude sind "Midhurst Castle" und "Midhurst Church"

Die Midhurst Grammar School bildet die schulische Mittelstufe der Stadt, der bekannteste Absolvent ist HG Wells.

Cowdray and Midhurst Heritage Project

Category:Ort in West Sussex en:Midhust

Formerly standing within the ground of , the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Denys was mentioned in 1291 and later in 1367 as standing, "in a place called Courtgene". The interior of the church has undergone much restoration and change and little evidence exists of its Medieval heritage. Consisting of chancel and nave flanked by aisles on both sides, the church was largely rebuilt in the Perpendicular style in 1422, towards the end of Henry V reign.

It would appear that the castle was dismantled by the Bishop of Durham sometime between 1284 and 1311. The earlier owners being the de Bohum family who abandoned the castle in favour of Cowdray in 1280.

Each year the town hosts the "Gold Cup" which is a major polo competition.

Cowdray and Midhurst Heritage Project