Benutzer:Xilukarim/Outpost (Computerspiel)

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Entwickler Sierra On-Line
Veröffentlichung 1994 (PC)
Plattform Windows 3.1, Macintosh
Genre Construction and management simulation
Spielmodus Einzelspieler

Outpost ist ein Computerspiel, 1994 entwickelt und veröffentlicht von Sierra On-Line. Das Spiel ist beachtenswert für seine wissenschaftliche Herangehensweise (Hard Science-Fiction), einer seiner Hauptdesigner war NASA-Wissenschaftler.

Outpost wurde gleichzeitig für DOS und Windows 3.1 veröffentlicht, später gab es eine Version für den Macintosh. Es gab einen Nachfolger, der nur lose die Handlung weiterführt: Outpost 2: Divided Destiny.

Ein großer Asteroid namens Vulkan's Hammer wurde entdeckt und befindet sich auf Kollisionskurs mit der Erde, alle Versuche ihn umzuleiten schlagen fehl. Der letzte Versuch durch das Abfeuern einer Nuklearrakete endet letztendlich darin, dass er nicht wie erhofft in fünf Teile zerbricht (was die Katastrophe verhindert hätte), sondern in zwei Asteroiden. Anstatt die Erde zu zerstören, wird "nur" noch fast alles Leben auf der Erdoberfläche ausgelöscht. Um das Überleben der Menschheit zu sichern wird deswegen als letzte Hoffnung eine Mission geplant und durchgeführt, um eine Kolonie in einem anderen Teil der Galaxie zu errichten. Der Spieler ist Leiter dieser Mission.

Initial reviews of Outpost were enthusiastic about the game. The American version of PC Gamer rated the game at 93%, one of its highest ratings ever for the time. It was later made known that the reviewers had in fact played beta versions of the game, and had been promised certain features would be implemented, but never were.Vorlage:Citation needed

Indeed, many of the features described in the game's own documentation simply did not exist in the game at all. These included the ability to enter diplomatic relations with the rebel colony and the ability to build roads, orbital colonies, or the mass driver. Many of these gameplay aspects were later patched in, though in appearance only, as many of them failed to have any meaningful effect on gameplay.

Following the release of the game, the game's general bugginess and perceived mediocre gameplay, along with the lack of features described in most of the game's reviews and the game's own documentation led to a minor backlash against the computer game magazines of the time by consumers who bought the game based on their reviews.Vorlage:Citation needed

Outpost endet manchmal plötzlich, wenn ein Spieler zu Beginn ein falsches Sternensystem auswählt und sich dann in einem Sternensystem ohne bewohnbare Planeten befindet.

Sometimes, players will find the colonists on the planet dying en masse unexpectedly, thus causing the game to end when everyone has died. The colonists' death rate during this occurrence is one of exponential growth, following the equation 2^n, where n is the number of turns passed since the widespread death bug began.

The algorithm to calculate recyclable resources was also exploitable. If one built enough residential units, the resulting recyclables produced by the colony would be more than the resources going into the colony.

The game files contain information for several buildings which are not available during gameplay. This was a result of cutbacks made by the game's developers due to a rushed release date.

A player cannot build a working mass driver, as the option to create the rail is nonexistent. However, with update 1.5, some buildings were rehabilitated and a lot of improvements were made to the algorithm.

Category:1994 video games Category:DOS games Category:Windows games Category:Mac OS games Outpost Category:Video games with isometric graphics Category:City-building games Category:Impact event video games