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"Jews" kommt an 2 Stellen im 10-bändigen Anastasia Roman vor:

  • Book 6: The Book of Kin
    • Imagery and trial; S. 159 - 165
  • Book 7: The Energy of Life
    • Chapter Sixteen: To lews, Christians and others; Going deep into history, Take down Jesus Christ from the cross (133); S. 107 -
    • Chapter Nineteei: Terrorism; S. - 135

Man kann sich natürlich drüber echauffieren, dass aus Sicht cleverer High Priests (einer davon Moses) und Leviten eine Menschengruppe programmierte Bioroboter sein soll. Und dass Jesus sein Volk wieder umprogrammieren wollte. "He came up with a new religion for them — one different from what they had before. " Dann kam ein weiser High Priest, der das schon vorausgesehen hatte, und danach fiel Rom.

  • Kann man aber auch bleiben lassen. Ist ja ein Roman.

Six thousand years ago the High Priest, one of the six, decid- ed to take control of the whole world.

He reasoned as follows: There is no way I can seize power by military force, with the pharaoh's armies -— even if I taught the com- manders how to make use of weapons more advanced than others possess. Besides, what could an army of raving mindless didlards do? Go and plunder gold, but there is so much of that as it is. There are slaves aplenty, but there is an unfavourable energy emanating from them, and it would not be proper to accept food from, the hands of a slave. The food would be savourless and harmful to health. I must bring human souls into subjection, and direct all their love and tremulous affection back to myself. But in this case it is not an army that is needed, but scientific thought. The science of imagery — that is my invisible army. The deeper I become acquainted with it, the more faithfully this army ought to serve me. The less that is known by the crowd, immersed as it is in occultism, and unreality, the more it will be in subjection to me.

The High Priest devised his plan. Even today it finds its reflection in the historical events of the past six thousand years.

You and everyone else are aware of recent events. The only difference is in their interpretation. But you should try and give your own, and then the truth will be made known to you. Look and see.

There in the council of those six priests the plan was laid out, and was later revealed to many — it is mentioned in the Bible, in the Old Testament. By order of the High Priest the priest Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt. The people

Imagery and trial 159

were offered a most marvellous life in the Promised Land, prepared by God especially for them.

The Jewish people were declared to be God's chosen ones. The tempting news set minds afire, and a part of the people followed Moses, who for forty years led his people about from region to region in the wilderness. The priest's assistants con- stantly preached sermons about their being a chosen people and inspired the people to make war and plunder cities, all in His (God's) name.

If anyone should happen to awake from his psychosis and demand a return to his former life, he was declared a sinner to be reformed, and given a deadline by which he had to be re- formed. If he failed to do this he would be killed. The priests acted not in their own names, but by pretending they were carrying out the deeds of God.

What I am telling you is no fantasy or dream. This may be clearly seen by everyone for themselves by looking for an- swers in the Old Testament of the Bible — a great historical book. A reliable portrayal of historical events can be learnt by anyone who wakes at least a little from the millennia-old hypnotic sleep and reads how and by what means the Jewish people were programmed and turned into troops of the priesthood. Later Jesus tried to deprogram his people and to use his manifest gift for acquiring new wisdom to prevent the priests from carrying out their designs. In his journeys among wise-men, he endeavoured to glean inklings into the science of imagery And after he had learnt a great many truths, he decided to save the Jewish people, his own people. He suc- ceeded in creating his own religion — one which could serve as a counterbalance to the terror.

His religion was not for all the nations upon the Earth. It was intended only for the Jewish people. He himself men- tioned this more than once. His words were written down by his disciples, and you can still read them to date.

160 Book 6: The Book of Kin

See, for example, St Matthew's gospel, Chapter 15, verses


A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.

Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." 2

What does it mean: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel"? Why are Jesus' teachings only for the Jews? Why did he consider the Jewish people to be lost?

I tell you, Vladimir: Jesus knew that as a result of the forty- year programming in the Sinai wilderness, the majority of the Jewish people were lost in a hypnotic dream. This part of the people as, indeed, Moses himself, thus became a tool in the hands of the High Priest. They were his foot-soldiers, whom he compelled to seize power over all the Earth's people to sat- isfy his own vainglory

And they will be running their battles in various parts of the Earth for thousands of years. Their weapons will not be primitive swords or bullets, but cunning and the creation of a way of life subjecting all the world's peoples to occultism — in other words, to the selfishness of the priests.

And they will do whatever it takes.

But any battle presupposes the presence of two opposing sides, you may well be thinking. And if so, then where are the victims? In any battle there have to be victims on both sides.

"Matth. 15: 22-24 (New International Version; emphasis added by the author).

Imagery and trial 1 6 1

You could probably find evidence of these battles yourself through searching by the dates mentioned in the various his- torical sources. But to make it easier for you to locate these fearful dates I shall cite just a few of them right now. If you wish, you can look up their historical confirmation for your- self.

Everybody knows today, including you, Vladimir, how children and elderly people are perishing from terrorism in Israel. It was not all that long ago that what you call the Great Patriotic War 3 took place. And it is well documented how during that war the Jews — old people and children, moth- ers and young pregnant women, young men who had not yet known love — were systematically burnt in ovens, poisoned with gas and buried alive in common graves.

Not just one person, not an hundred, not mere thousands, but millions of people were brutally slain during this brief pe- riod. Historians lay the blame squarely on Hitler. But who was to blame back in 1113, in Kievan Rus', 4 when popular hatred of the Jews suddenly boiled over? Jewish houses in Kiev and other parts of Rus' were plundered and burnt, while Jews — even children — were killed. The people of Rus', caught up by a brutal rage, were ready even to topple the ruling princes from their thrones. And when the princes gathered together within council, they decided to pass a law expelling all Jews from the whole territory of Rus' and henceforth letting none in. An order was given to rob and kill any who surreptitiously entered therein.

^ Great Patriotic War (Russian: Velikaya Otechestvennaya voina) — the com- mon Russian term used to refer the events of the Second World War that directly involved Russia or the Soviet Union.

A Kievan Rus' (pron. ROOSS) — the name given to the East Slavic state dom- inated by the city of Kiev between 880 and the mid-i2th century.

162 Book 6: The Book of Kin

In 1290 there was a sudden move to effect the physical ex- termination of all Jews in England. The rulers were obliged to eject the whole Jewish population from the country.

In 1492 Jewish pogroms began in Spain. A threat of physi- cal annihilation hung over all Jews living in Spain, and once again they were obliged to leave the land.

Right from the moment when the Jews left the Sinai wil- derness they became the target of hatred by peoples of vari- ous countries. The hatred kept increasing, and here and there manifested itself in cruel pogroms and murders.

I have cited just a few dates of these fearful pogroms — ones that you can easily verify for yourself in histories people have written down. There have been many more conflicts besides for the Jewish people. Any one of them by itself is naturally not as significant as the instances everybody knows about. But when the range of small-scale conflicts is exam- ined as a whole, it takes on an unprecedented scale and pro- portion, perhaps the most extreme of all the most terrifying phenomena in human history

If something like that has happened throughout the mil- lennia, one could conclude that the Jewish people are to be blamed in people's eyes. But what are they to be blamed for? Historians both ancient and modern have said that the Jewish people have conspired against authority. That they have aspired to deceive everyone, from the least unto the greatest. In the case of the poor, to try to trick them out of at least a little, in the case of the rich, to bring them to utter ruin. And this is evidenced by the fact that among the Jews there are many wealthy people capable of even influencing governments.

But there is one question you should ask yourself: How righteous are the ones who have been deceived by the Jews? The ones that had amassed such wealth, did they acquire it all by honest means? As for those condemned to be in authority,

Imagery and trial 163

can we believe them to be so smart if they could be so easily deceived?

Besides, most rulers are dependent on someone else, as the Jews have demonstrated quite clearly One could go on ex- ploring this topic for a long time, but the answer is simple: in the Occult world everybody lives by deceit. Then should we only condemn the one who has succeeded in achieving more than the rest? 5

And as far as the Jewish people are concerned, we could easily substitute any one of the other peoples we know to- day Anyone — if they were subjected to the same totally un- precedented programming as the Jews were during their forty years of wandering in the wilderness, heeding only occultism and not seeing what had been created by God.

Jesus tried to remove this programming and save his peo- ple. He came up with a new religion for them — one differ- ent from what they had before. For example, in contrast to the previous saying: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", he said: "whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also". 6 In contrast to the verse which said: "God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself" he called his people "the servants of God." 7

3 Vladimir Megre has always emphasised in his writings and public speeches that any individual should be judged by his actions and not by his religion, ethnicity, nationality or race. The raising of the 'Jewish question' in this chapter is aimed solely at exposing the roots of (and thus helping to allevi- ate) the inter-ethnic conflict and the anti-Semitic feelings so prevalent in today's Russia and elsewhere in the world. See also Book 7, Chapter 16: "To Jews, Christians and others".

See Exod. 21: 24; Matth. 5: 38, 39 (quotation from the Authorised King James Version).

7 Quoted from Deut. 7: 6; I Peter 2: 16 (Authorised King James Version); see also Rom. 6: 22.

164 Book 6: The Book of Kin

Jesus could also have told the truth to his people. He could have told them about Vedic times, about how Man was able to live happily in his domain, in contact with the creations of the Father- Creator. But the Jewish people were already programmed. They believed only in occult deeds, their con- sciousness was oppressed by the world of the unreal. And so Jesus decided to act in an occult manner himself. He founded an occult religion.

The High Priest at the time was able to guess Jesus' inten- tion. The High Priest racked his brains for many a year before he found what he considered the smartest solution: There is no point in fighting Jesus' teachings. Through the minds of the soldiers I have selected from among the Jews I must spread them through all the peoples of the Earth, while maintaining the old religion for Israel. And so it happened, exactly as the High Priest had conceived.

And two essentially different philosophies began to co- exist.

According to one, the Jews are a chosen people, as Moses taught, and all other peoples ought to be subject to them. According to the other, expressed in Jesus' words, all are equal before God, and people should not try to take precedence over others; instead one should love one's neighbour and even one's enemy.

The priest realised that if the Christian religion, which calls everyone to love and humility, should succeed in spreading throughout the world, and at the same time Judaism, which elevates one over the rest, is preserved, the world would be subdued. While the world might bow before the Jews, they are but foot-soldiers. The world would actually be bowing be- fore the priest.

And the priest's preachers went out into the world as ear- nest teachers of the new doctrine.

The doctrine of Jesus? Not quite. The priest had by now added a great deal of his own teachings to it. What happened thereafter you already know. Rome fell.

Imagery and trial 165

AH right. So, major companies have services providing them with intelligence from various countries. And in turn they can influence the creation of favourable conditions for themselves?"


"You agree. Good. If you pursue this line of reasoning, you will come to the conclusion that national governments have similar services at their disposal. There are many examples of this in history. The most significant of all is a tiny Jewish group which is involved in the governing of America, Europe and Russia. Though they have merely been an instrument in the hands of the high priest."

"What's the connection between this group and the Christian dioceses that have come out against Anastasia?"

"I indicated that those who serve as bio-robots are this type of people. They arose under the influence of the priests' programme and the tiny Jewish group that is spread out in various places."

"Where's the proof of such statements?"

"In historical facts. They need to be examined meticulous- ly and impartially"

Chapter Sixteen

To lews, Christians and others

In appealing to Jews and Christians, I am counting on the un- derstanding of at least some adherents of these two mutually exclusive ideologies. I realise not everyone is aware of the reason I felt compelled to touch upon this topic.

The mere mention of the subject in my previous book 1 touched off a chain of hurt feelings — even though the essence of Anastasia's sayings has only one aim, namely, to shed light on the causes of conflicts between peoples — the same conflicts that have been going on incessantly over the past five millennia.

As I was working on the present volume, common sense dictated that it would be better to avoid the theme of Jews and Christianity altogether. Why stir up a good part of my readership and cause them to become disposed against me? Nevertheless, in view of the information in my possession, I do not feel I have a right to withhold it, no matter how dis- tasteful it may seem to some people.

In presenting descriptions of the Jewish pogroms which have been going on for millennia, I simply cited historical facts, trying my best not to offer personal commentary on the events described or to treat them too subjectively.

My only goal here is to try to prevent yet another large-scale po- grom against Jews which could take place simultaneously in several countries.

Such a pogrom could conceivably be significantly greater in scope than that unleashed during the era of Nazi Germany.

See Book 6, Chapter 6: "Imagery and trial".

io8 Book 7: The Energy of Life

In fact, it is almost inevitable. Only one thing can prevent it: a sufficient understanding of the causes of previous pogroms, along with corresponding actions to remove these causes.

I shall try not to resort to the statements made by the recluses of the Siberian taiga — Anastasia and her grandfa- ther — even though they carry more and more weight with me personally with each passing year, since others might in- terpret them as sheer invention. I shall endeavour to draw proofs simply from well-known facts, or facts which can be easily attested by anyone who wishes to.

And so, as is known from historical sources, anti-Jewish po- groms date back to the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. And over the last millennium they have occurred approximately once every hundred years, in various countries which had be- come christianised by that time. And their scope has been expanding with each passing century

The last large-scale attempt to annihilate the Jews oc- curred in Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1945. Jews were burned in concentration-camp ovens, shot execution-style and poi- soned with gas. Various sources estimate the number of Jews exterminated during this time to be in the neighbourhood of six million.

The regularity of recurring events connected with the ex- termination of the Jewish populations of various countries over more than one millennium clearly and convincingly at- tests to the existence of certain causes behind these events. At the same time somebody has been attempting to carefully conceal the true causes.

The mass media — the press, radio and TV — have been painstakingly trying to avoid this most contentious issue. It only takes a single mention in the media to provoke accusa- tions of inciting racial hatred.

In actual fact racism can be incited more readily by remaining si- lent about the sensitive and controversial issues facing society today.

To Jews, Christians and others 109

A great many facts attest to society's sensitivity to the Jewish question. Many people will remember a speech by a Russian general, a member of the State Duma, in which he declared, in effect: "Get all the Jews out of Russia!"

A number of Duma members condemned the general. Naturally, he was given no coverage in the press. Nobody started an argument with him. Why? Was it because this gen- eral was just one lone voice supporting such a view, making it hardly worth wasting precious airtime on the whole Russian public's arguing with just one person?

I dare say, though, he is not alone. He has a lot of company, not just among his fellow-generals, but among Russian civil servants, among Russian youth.

The numbers of people willing to blame all their troubles on the Jews are steadily increasing. The silence on the part of the press is allowing them to build up to a critical mass. I can cite figures which more than eloquently attest to this.

Since 1992 more than fifty anti-Semitic books have been re- leased in Russia by various publishing houses. This rather size- able number does not include materials published by the under- ground press, nor a multitude of newspapers and magazines.

You won't find these publications gathering dust on store shelves or in publishers' warehouses. They are circulating from hand to hand. Many of them have been read so many times the covers are starting to fall off. These are publications in demand. And their readers tend to dismiss the absence of any discussion of the issue in the press by simply saying "the whole press is in the hands of Jews". Their arguments are so well developed that anyone without a thorough grounding in the subject will find it a challenge to counteract them.

no Book 7: The Energy of Life

I was sitting in my train compartment, on my way back to Moscow from St. Petersburg, when in walked two men and a girl. The men wore dark-coloured shirts and wide army-of- ficer belts. They looked very much as though they had been exhausted by some rather strenuous activity and immediately lay down on the upper bunks.

I struck up a conversation with the girl, who, like the men, was dressed rather severely. It turned out they were on their way home from a convention of (as she put it) 'the patriotic forces of Russia'.

'And what issues were discussed at your convention?" I asked her.

"The struggle with world Jewry," she proudly replied.

"How can you, being here in Russia, struggle with someone who is, let's say, in Europe or America?"

"We've got our supporters in Europe, and in America too. We haven't contacted them all, but we know of many move- ments that share our views. Patriots in various countries are soon going to unite against world Jewry."

The girl was talkative, chatting on audaciously. Either by in- struction or at her own initiative she was taking on the role of agitator for her (as she was convinced) 'patriotic' movement.

I asked the girl:

"Tell me, have the Jews harmed you personally in anyway?"

"Sure they have. Because of them I'm forced to live in a poor and filthy country which keeps kowtowing to the West and licking up its crumbs."

"But what makes you think the Jews are the cause of the failures in our country?"

'"Cause they've got this special plan of action. They deceive and plunder one country, then another, then a third. And no sooner does the first get back on its feet than they start clean- ing it out again. They don't even consider us human beings.

To Jews, Christians and others in

Just look at what's written here. This is a copy of several pas- sages from their Talmud."

Handing me a slim pamphlet, she opened it to a particular place and I began reading.

I shan't reproduce these citations here, as back then, dur- ing our conversation, it was hard for me to tell how much they actually corresponded to the Talmud. I was already aware that, according to the Old Testament, the Jews consider themselves to be a chosen people. But that's not the point. I was so struck by this young 'patriot's' rampant aggressiveness that I felt it was high time to get to the truth of the matter.

The root cause of the incessant conflicts within many countries lies in the existence, within one and the same society at one and the same time, of two mutually exclusive religious ideologies.

Let us examine the question of just what is religion? First and foremost, it is an ideology which shapes a particular class of Man, plugging him. into a particular programme of action.

Religion — in this case, the religion of the Jews — defines the Jewish people as exclusively chosen by God, and even con- cretises and regulates its actions in respect to other peoples.

Christianity, on the other hand, says that a Christian Man is a servant, and some will get to relax in Paradise only after this earthly life. It's hard for rich people to get to Paradise. You must love your neighbours and share your possessions with them.

The Talmud says: "It's all yours", while the Bible says: "Give it all up". A good combination! These two mutually exclu- sive ideologies arose from one location — i.e., Israel. But that doesn't mean that they were worked out by Jews themselves. That's not the point. What is significant here is the inevita- bility of conflict.

The inevitability of conflict between adherents of the two ideologies can be attested by examining even the behaviour of very young children. Let's say we tell one child that all the toys he sees belong only to him, while we encourage another

ii2 Book 7: I he Energy of Life

child to give up the toys he owns when another needs them — what then is the result?

The second child may agree to hand over his toys once or twice, but he won't exactly feel love for the one who takes them. Sooner or later he will want at least something back, but nothing will be offered to him. As a result he will either start crying or try to use force.

And so it turns out that two differing ideologies may serve to facilitate conflict even between children as yet unborn.

In a case like this nationality doesn't even come into the question. You could turn all the ethnic Jews into Christians and all the Slavic peoples into practising Jews and still get the very same conflicts.

It is not nationalities that are constantly warring with each other, but differing ideologies exploiting nationality for their own purposes.

We have heard even very cultured and enlightened people warn us from time to time about the necessity of a tolerant at- titude toward different faiths. The State Duma has adopted a law punishing those inciting ethnic or religious hatred. On TV we see leaders of different denominational groups getting together to participate in secular governmental receptions.

It all gives the appearance of something good, proper and normal. But it does absolutely nothing to reduce extremism. We still keep seeing placards with inflammatory slogans say- ing Kill them! and we still hear reports on people setting off explosions at non-profit organisations.

So, what's going on? It's all quite simple. The situation cannot be changed simply by eloquent words and appeals. To the contrary, such words only serve to conceal the real state of affairs and make it worse. It remains concealed, waiting for the 'zero hour' to explode and destroy the state.

To Jews, Christians and others 113

"Let's show a tolerant attitude toward all faiths!" Let's indeed. I myself — like many others, I think — have nothing against a tolerant attitude.

But what then happens with the faiths themselves? This is what happens. Each of them tries with all their might to become as strong as possible and attract to their ranks the greatest possible number of followers. Finally, once they think they have achieved a sufficiently solid power base, two ideologies inevitably find themselves on a collision course, as is clearly confirmed by the history of incessant conflicts in the world. But over the course of many centuries mankind, as though pre-programmed, continues to make the same mis- takes over and over again.

Did the priests know about this — the ones who created the two ideologies? Yes, they knew How could they not know, these people who are capable of exercising a psycho- logical influence on millions of people in various countries all over the world, capable of pre-programming human beings?

Was their aim really to make the Jewish people happy by telling them they were 'chosen'? History shows quite a dif- ferent motivation. Over the centuries the Jewish people have been used as a 'throwaway card', or scapegoat, serving as a shield to divert people's attention from those who are 'play- ing their own little game', using both Jews and Christians as pawns in a simple chess match. This kind of pre-program- ming causes only suffering to both parties.

You can see for yourselves where all this is leading today. The world is witnessing an ever greater accumulation of aggres- sive energy. Conflict continues between Israel and Palestine. With their military technology and American support, Israel can occupy Palestinian land and subject the inhabitants to its own demands. But this is by no means favourable to the development of mutual respect between two neighbouring

ii4 Book 7: The Energy of Life

peoples. Quite the opposite: the amount of aggressive energy directed at the Jews is sharply rising throughout the Muslim world. This energy will inevitably find its outlet, including incessant acts of terrorism on both Israeli and American ter- ritory But it is not just the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is at play here. More and more inhabitants of our planet are realising that the current path of development of our global civilisation is heading for a dead end.

People are being devoured by AIDS, drugs, crime and tech- nological disasters. The overwhelming majority of Earth's in- habitants are deprived of the opportunity to consume food that will not harm their health, to drink clean, uncontami- nated water and to breathe pure, unpolluted air.

But what if these masses of people were to acquire infor- mation about the true cause of social and technological dis- asters? What if leaders appeared who could show them the true instigators of this depressing global situation, and expose their game, their aims, their tricks?

This, and this alone, is what the world ideologists are afraid of. It is for this reason, in an attempt to shield themselves from universal human outrage, that they keep tossing out again and again that time-tested card, namely the Jews. You bet — they're to blame for everything — down with them! Angry masses launch attacks on Jews indiscriminately That's what's been going on, over and over again, throughout the ages. They attack them, thinking they're getting rid of something evil, whereas all they're doing, in fact, is 'letting off steam'.

Chapter Seventeei

Going deep into history

The account told me by Anastasia's grandfather struck me as being quite extraordinary, and yet quite simple in its proof of the extraordinary

Subsequently I began comparing his arguments with those

from other sources and was amazed at how closely the details coincided. These were facts which nudged logical thinking to certain conclusions. And now I shall try reconciling the conclusions drawn by Anastasia's grandfather with those of other sources.

Back duringthe years 30-100 of our Common Era small groups of believing Jews and dissidents living in Israel, Palestine or other parts of the Roman Empire, began to merge into an in- dependent movement within Judaism. This resulted in the formation of a small Christian community comprising peo- ple who earnestly believed in the precepts of Christ Jesus and His imminent resurrection — an account attested in a great number of historical monographs, including the Bible.

In a word, there is no question that the mighty Christian doctrine began with the gatherings of a small Jewish commu- nity.

But now let us try to determine how the teachings of this small community suddenly found its way into not only the Roman Empire but also the territories of present-day Europe and Russia. How did people in so many countries come to hear of it — given that so few people knew about it even in Israel itself?

n6 Book 7: The Energy of Life

According to Anastasia's grandfather, the priests who con- trolled the Jews of that period realised that by tinkering with (or, rather, re-working) the Christian teachings in a certain way, these teachings could shape a type of slave mentality which would be very easy to control. This mentality either partially or almost completely rules out independent logical thinking, and Man begins to believe what he is told by the clergy or by someone else. More precisely: one ends up with bio-robotic people, subject to whatever programming has been instilled in them.

(A bio-robotic Man is a Man who consents — not entirely of his own free will, of course, but under the influence of spe- cial occult programming — to believe in an unreal world. And given that this unreal world has been constructed by some- one for a specific purpose, this someone claims that he knows the laws of the unreal world and demands that Man subject himself to them. Whereas in fact he is subjecting the Man personally to himself.)

Next, the priests of Judaism, who at the time had not just the knowledge but also the practical experience of inculcat- ing self-serving teachings into masses of people, trained hun- dreds of preachers from Christian ranks, gave them money and sent them off to various countries to instil the priests' own self-serving teachings into the local populations.

An incidental proof of this may be seen in the following.

At the end of the second century of our Common Era a number of Jewish Christian communities suddenly launched a comprehensive missionary campaign in various countries. This campaign was preceded by a period of intensified evan- gelisation (the publication and copying of the Christian Hebrew Bible).

Everybody knows perfectly well that even today publish- ing books requires money. In ancient times the production of each book required not just money, but big money A goodly

Going deep into history 1 1 y

sum would have been needed, too, for travel to other coun- tries. It was largely merchants, or wealthy and prominent people, who could afford such travel. So how could such an extravagant, large-scale operation be carried out by a com- munity consisting mainly of rural residents?

Of course there must have been expert theoretical training and a considerable amount of financing involved. The atten- tion the priests paid to these rural residents, together with their moral and financial support, served to turn ordinary peasant believers into fully-fledged fanatics.

Just picture to yourself a Hebrew villager who is suddenly told:

"We see in you the makings of a great missionary and preacher. All you have to do is study up a bit, we'll give you money and you'll teach people, only... Only not here in our country You'll be going to other countries."

And so they studied up, got their money and off they went — travelling to other lands. So, what was the result? Any success? Not a bit. The Jewish preachers were rejected by the people in every country they went to. It was more than just a simple rejection — at first they were listened to, then asked to leave. The more obtrusive among them were beaten or had dogs set upon them.

This is confirmed by many historical facts known from the Roman Empire of the period, where the major contingent of preachers was sent.

The only significant result of this massive campaign was the organising of a network of Christian communities in various parts of the Roman Empire. But there was no way they could shake the foundations of the traditional sects of the time. Ancient Rome was left just as pagan as in earlier times. These sects exerted no influence either on the politi- cal life of the Empire or on the formation of the new type of Man — the bio-robotic slaves the priests had dreamt about.

n8 Book 7: The Energy of Life

And the Roman emperors had absolutely no regard for this first wave of preachers.

The Emperor Nero, who was generally tolerant of the vari- ous pagan beliefs on the whole, took a particular dislike to the Christians. Christians were expelled from Roman territory by various emperors: Dionysius (249-251), Diocletes (284- 285) and especially Galerius (305-311), one of the leading per- secutors of the sect.

It was not until the second wave came that the preachers had any success. Unlike their predecessors, preachers of the second wave were no fanatics. The priests prepared them in such a way that they could speak eloquently about their faith on the one hand, while on the other they had a knowledge of psychology and were capable of influencing a person by using his aspirations to achieve their own ends.

The mission of the second wave of preachers was focused solely on the rulers — persuading them that their authority could be enhanced and perpetuated by the Christian faith, that it would make their state completely governable, con- trollable and flourishing.

It was to this end that certain dogmas were introduced as well, such as All power is of God and The ruler is God's vicegerent on the Earth.

Confessions opened the door to controlling the thoughts, hopes and actions of every citizen of a country In a word, the preachers began persuading the rulers that the christianisa- tion of a state would create the most favourable conditions for governing.

And on the surface it did, but only on the surface. In fall- ing into these traps, the rulers had no idea they were actually falling under the control of other powers.

Christianity began noticeably consolidating its position in the Roman Empire beginning in 312 C.E., when Emperor Constantine was persuaded how advantageous the presence

Going deep into history 119

of Christian churches within the state would be for him. He agreed to offer them patronage, even while still maintaining the temples to the Roman gods.

This led to a significant improvement in the position of Christianity within the Roman Empire, an increase in its wealth, and successive generations of Christian archbishops attaining a level of power rivalling that of the Roman senators.

This phenomenon, along with many others to follow, at- tests to the fact that Christian teachings were unable to de- velop and exert any serious influence on society without the support of secular rulers. Christian leaders themselves were always among the pretenders to power.

While the Roman Church continues to enjoy great power even today, the Roman Empire disappeared. A coincidence? An exception to the rule, or a predictable pattern? This ques- tion can be answered by examining the history of nation- states in the ensuing centuries, right up to the present day.

There is not a single state on our planet anybody could name which began flourishing with the arrival of Christianity. On the other hand, one can name off a whole list of states which succumbed to the same sad fate as the Roman Empire.

And one more interesting historical fact: in every single country where Christianity was officially adopted, it wasn't long before non-Christian Jews began to appear and start en- gaging in rather strange activities. They became wealthy with extraordinary ease.

In every Christian country they pursued their activities on such a large scale that they couldn't help but be noticed by both the citizenry and the governments of these countries. And when they reached a certain level in a particular land, the people started reacting violently toward them and the gov- ernment began expelling them abroad.

We have access to a whole lot of reports of anti-Jewish pogroms in various Christian countries, dating back to the

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beginning of the eleventh century. In 1096 dozens of Jewish communities were plundered on the Rhein and their resi- dents exiled. In 1290 Jews were expelled from England. At the end of the fourteenth century more than 100,000 Jews were exterminated in Spain. (Granted, some time later Jews quietly began coming back to these countries.)

This list of historical facts could all too easily be added to. But no need. It is already absolutely clear that these situations, so similar to each other and constantly repeating themselves over many centuries, are the result of pre-programming.

And since losses have been suffered by both the members of the Christian world and the Jews themselves, there must be a third party involved which remains free from loss. For this third party both types of Man — the Christian and the Jew — are reduced to the status of mere bio-robots, easily manipulable.

Who is this third party? Historical researchers attempting to dig out the roots and discover the essence of the lawless- ness that has been taking place constantly in the world over the millennia have always pointed only to the Jews. They are to blame for everything, or so the claim goes. But if there exists a third power, both the Jews and the Christians turn out to be nothing but puppet bio-robots in the hands of this third power.

But is it possible to determine and prove its existence to- day? Of course it is. By what means? By means of historical facts and logical thinking. You can judge for yourselves.

Going deep into history 121

Within the Jewish society there is one tribe in particular — or layer, ethnic division, caste: you can call it what you like — the name doesn't really matter. For brevity's sake let's call them Levites.

Some historical sources say the Levites were descendants of the Egyptian priests. Other more familiar sources, in par- ticular the Old Testament, give us to understand that the Levites occupied a special position among the Jews.

For example, according to Hebrew law they were exempt from participation in military action. They were not compelled to pay taxes or tributes to anyone. The Levites were not in- cluded in the Hebrew census described in the Old Testament. 1

When the Hebrews were on the march and the time came to make camp, the tribes of Israel — numbering anywhere from 50,000 to 150,000 — pitched their tents in a circle, each one in a pre-designated spot. There were indications of the north, south, east and west co-ordinates as well as the locations where guards were to be posted. The Levites invari- ably occupied the centre. Hence protection of the Levites fell within the duties of all the other Hebrew tribes.

And just what did the members of this class of Levites do?

It was their duty to appoint from among their ranks of- ficials to conduct services, and enforce Jewish laws — laws which, among other things, regulated what to eat, what to do with apostates and where to go. The laws were strict and spe- cific. They covered all one's waking hours from morning 'til night. They showed what lands people could occupy Also whom they should fight.

Thus the Levites were the de facto rulers of the Jewish peo- ple. And, all things considered, most definitely qualified for the job.

Special provisions for the Levites are described in the first chapter of the Book of Numbers in the Bible (verses 47-54).

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It is hard to tell whether the Levites were actually Jews themselves. Few of the laws every Jew was supposed to abide by extended to them. For example, while universal Jewish law required circumcision of a child on the eighth day after birth, the Levites were exempt.

Thus, with their knowledge of the secret science of the Egyptian priests and their capacity to do experiments, en- gage in observation and contemplation free from military du- ties and the work routine everybody else was so accustomed to, they have been in a position to constantly perfect their knowledge from generation to generation right up to the present day.

Now, how could that be — 'up to the present day? People may wonder why we haven't heard about the ethnic group or social class known as the Levites. The English, Russians and French, for example — everybody knows about them. But why do so few people know about the most intelligent people of all, the Levites, especially since they are the ones governing everybody?

The reason is that just like the Egyptian priests, they too must remain in the shadows. In case anything happens, full responsibility will fall on the Jews, the ones who carry out their will.

Jews have been persecuted for centuries in various coun- tries of the world. Persecuted for what? For using any means they can to make as much money as possible. And many of them are successful.

Anyway, what have the Levites got to do with this? "What benefit or interest would it be to them if Jews in England, Spain or Russia went about their politicking and transferred a major part of public or private funds to their own bank ac- counts — in other words, pocket the money for themselves? Wouldn't both the rulers and the people of some country or other catch sight of this ugly phenomenon, and start a violent

Going deep into history 123

reaction against Jews and mistreat them? Something like that could go all the way up to the Levites. Hence the impres- sion of illogicality in the actions of the 'wise Levites'. And what point would there be in the Levites' helping the Jews with sound advice or in coming up with clever intrigues for them — manipulating whole nation-states at a time?

Well, as it turns out, there is & point. A matter of simple, direct and specific interest. Money! Wealthy Jews, no matter what country they find themselves in, are obliged to pay a part of their profits to the Levites. Proof? Take a look! According to the Old Testament, the Hebrews are obliged to give a tenth part of their income to the Levites. Here is the exact wording from the Bible:

All the contributions from holy-gifts, which the Israelites set aside for the Lord, I give to you and to your sons and daughters with you as a due in perpetuity This is a per- petual covenant of salt before the Lord with you and your descendants also.

The Lord said to Aaron: You shall have no patrimony in the land of Israel, no holding among them; I am your hold- ing in Israel, I am your patrimony.

To the Levites I give every tithe in Israel to be their pat- rimony in return for the service they render in maintain- ing the Tent of the Presence. In order that the Israelites may not henceforth approach the Tent and thus incur the penalty of death, the Levites alone shall perform the serv- ice of the Tent, and they shall accept the full responsibil- ity for it. This rule is binding on your descendants for all time. They shall have no patrimony among the Israelites, because I give them as their patrimony the tithe which the Israelites set aside as a contribution to the Lord. Therefore I say unto them: You shall have no patrimony among the Israelites.

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The Lord spoke to Moses and said, Speak to the Levites in these words: When you receive from the Israelites the tithe which I give you from them as your patrimony, you shall set aside from it the contribution to the Lord, a tithe of the tithe. Your contribution shall count for you as if it were corn from the threshing-floor and juice from the vat. In this way you too shall set aside the contribution due to the Lord out of all tithes which you receive from the Israelites and shall give the Lord's contribution to Aaron the priest. Out of all the gifts you receive you shall set aside the contribution due to the Lord; and the gift which you hallow must be taken from the choicest of them.

You shall say to the Levites: When you have set aside the choicest part of your portion, the remainder shall count for you as the produce of the threshing-floor and the wine- press, and you may eat it anywhere, you and {your sons and} your households. It is your payment for service in the Tent of the Presence... 2

Someone might wonder how the OldTestament, more than two thousand years old, relates to our modern times. There is an answer. Aren't there still rabbis and other clerics among Jewish believers today? Of course there are! And, of course, the majority of Jews still observe their religious canons. If that is so, then just try to picture the colossal amount of capi- tal held by the Levites, scattered through the banks of various countries!

Besides that, they don't have to worry about maintaining or multiplying their capital. Most bankers in a lot of countries are Jews, and that is their job. Of course, at the right moment

Numbers 18:19-31 (cited here from The New English Bible). Note that "the Tent of the Presence" corresponds to "the tabernacle of the congregation" in the older Authorised Version of the Bible.

Going deep into history 125

the Levites can drop a hint as to where their capital should be invested. They can suggest which regimes, alliances or groups opposing existing governments should be either supported or, alternatively, exterminated by financial intrigue.

There might have been reason to doubt Anastasia's infor- mation on human society all over the globe being controlled by just a handful of priests. But now, after going through this chain of logic, there can no longer be any doubt for any- one still capable of logical thinking. I'm not talking about fanatics.

The logic may be outlined as follows:

Approximately one million Jews came out of Egypt under the control of the priests. The priests' close assistants were the Levites, to whom they entrusted the task of shaping the Jews into a pre-determined type of individual Man. To this end they created an ideological religion, which set up a series of rituals along with a unique way of life.

The Levites managed to carry out their appointed task. The ideology created several thousand years ago still weighs on the Jews even today. It is what distinguishes them from the host of other nationalities living on the Earth.

One of the basic tenets of this ideology is the declaration that, of all the national groups populating the Earth, God se- lected the Jews alone as His chosen people.

So, this ideology still exists today, the Jews still exist to- day, and the conflicts continue and many people know about them. But where are the Levites? Do we ever hear much about them? Hardly at all. And therein lies their subtlety — or their wisdom — you can call it what you like, but they exist.

Now picture to yourself a rather small group of people living on this Earth who possess a greater degree of esoteric knowledge than anyone else — a group that has, over the mil- lennia, been constantly adding to their experience of practi- cal influence over masses of humanity.

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Is there any body that can be compared with them — say, some sort of state-sponsored institute set up to study issues of national development or the formation of ideologies?

This is not possible for a variety of reasons, including the following:

The Levites have been passing their esoteric knowledge down to their heirs over the generations, and are continuing to do so today

Modern science rejects esoteric knowledge and therefore does not consider it a serious object for research, to say the least.

This absurd situation did not come about haphazardly But why is it absurd? Judge for yourselves.

On the one hand, the state accords official recognition to a number of religions, and they too are quite esoteric. The state even sets up favourable conditions for their financial support. Yet the state does not make any provision for scien- tific study of esoteric tendencies. This means, in effect, that within the territory of the state there are legalised structures capable of influencing the mentality of its citizenry. But the secular government has only the foggiest idea of what this in- fluence consists of in actual practice. So, in the end, who is controlling whom?

Secondly not only the government but all its thinking citi- zens should try to learn the lessons of history History makes a very good school of life. But, for this, one has to know one's history Those who rule the world know it perfectly well. Most people, however — and that includes those in the gov- ernment — know next to nothing of the history of the state in which they live. More than that, the little history they do know is distorted. Russia is a perfect example.

Going deep into history 127

It wasn't that long ago that we heard in our schools and colleg- es, in art and especially literature — just about everywhere, in fact — how terrible life was for our grandmothers and grand- fathers in Tsarist Russia. For most of us this belief was a sa- cred cow. For most of us it went far beyond a belief — people made such a fuss over those that delivered us from the terror of tsarism. For many people the commissars in their leather jackets were heroes, while the symbol of reactionary extrem- ism became the priesthood.

And then all at once, before our very eyes — note, not over two or three generations or centuries, but right before our eyes — history changed.

The commissars in their leather jackets, it turned out, were scoundrels, subjecting the people to genocide. And after tsarism we lived in the most terrible and totalitarian state in the world. And again, the majority of the people believed it. And once more the majority made a fuss over those who had delivered them from the yoke of a totalitar- ian state.

I am not about to say which of these regimes is the better or the worse. But it seems that we should all ponder this phe- nomenon of change — something amounting to a whole sea- change in our consciousness over an extremely brief period of time. We should ponder the question of why it changed so radically. Did the changes take place all by themselves or under somebody's manipulation?

Here, too, it is not difficult to guess: for a long time now it has been all too easy to manipulate our consciousness, and this is what is still going on today. We are like guinea-pigs in somebody's hands.

It is only the masters of manipulation that are competing amongst themselves. It is they who render us incapable of perceiving historical reality.

iz8 Book 7: The Energy of Life

But let us try to discern just what this reality, in fact, is all about. Let us try to determine historical reality not on the ba- sis of somebody's words, but of our own power of reasoning.

Note how every day on the TV, programme after pro- gramme keeps showing us first-hand how husbands subtly be- tray their wives and vice-versa. We are constantly being called upon to pay attention to scores of non-existent problems, but God forbid any serious issue will be raised by our politicians, journalists or writers! Such an issue makes a brief appearance only to be immediately lost in the daily soup of gossip, violent TV series, psychotropic advertising and mud-slinging.

What we need is a thoughtful analysis of what's been going on, a critical analysis of the status of life on our planet today, and the working out of a plan for the future. We need a new ideology An ideology that won't cause the world's peoples to come to blows with each other, but will actually unite them.

But repeating a thousand times how necessary it is to do this, even shouting it a thousand times, won't make it happen. Even if we were to gather all the leading scholars of the world and sit them down together to work out this new ideology, again, nothing would come of it. Only an unending argument.

If science were capable of working out such an ideology, it would have come up with it and put it into practice long ago, at least in some country or other.

Anastasia. It doesn't matter any more who she is. That's not the point.

In the face of this ongoing lawlessness, Anastasia has given to the world the idea of family domains. Now it is becoming abundantly clear that in very simple terms she has outlined a philosophy, a new ideology, which has remained and still remains unshaken in human hearts ever since the creation of the world.

Kings and paupers, Christians and Jews, Muslims and Shintoists, Russians, Chinese and Americans, have always found the greatest grace and solace for their souls in the bosom of Divine Nature.

Going deep into history 129

Anastasias philosophy is the philosophy of uniting mankind not with words, but through concrete action, by merging the interests of different peoples of the world. Experience has shown that it is accepted by people of different nationalities, including Jews. And I have documented proof of this.

And I invite Jewish analysts, Christians and ideologues of patriotic movements to examine her ideas and philosophical aspirations. My invitation extends to leaders and followers of any religious denomination, either large or small. The very act of examination is a creative process in itself, which can lead to a union of opposites — to a "conjoint creation and joy for all from its contemplation" , 3 as God Himself wanted.

^Quoted from Book 4, Chapter 2: "The beginning of creation".

Take clown Jesus Christ from the cross

I'll say this right off: one must be careful not to confuse the teachings of Jesus Christ, the selfless deeds of Russian church elders, with the occult set of rituals we are confronted with

today. It is quite possible for the most beautiful teachings to be neutralised by occult devices.

As you must realise yourself, Christ Jesus has nothing to do with them. Moreover, He himself continues to hang on the cross to this day, thanks to the efforts of the occultists and our own ignorance.

I have deliberately devoted a number of chapters to the power of the energy of human thought, through which people are able to create images. If this is understandable, then tell me: which is the clearest image of Christ Jesus prevailing in your thought — in the thoughts of the majority of believers? A straw poll points to a crucifix — the image of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross.

You will find crucifixes in every Catholic and Orthodox church. Who thought up an occult device like this, and for what purpose? Did Christ Jesus himself want this particular image to be front and centre, predominating over all the oth- ers? Of course not!

But we — yes, we — continue to project the image of the crucifixion — note, not the resurrection, but the crucifix- ion — through the power of our own thoughts. And the im- age we kiss is not of the resurrection, but of the crucifixion. 1 And that is how we still keep Him on the cross.

Take down Jesus Christ from the cross 131

This simple occult device uses the energy of collective hu- man thought in shaping an image.

And Jesus Christ will remain hanging on the cross until we realise this and take him down from it with our thoughts — until we stop giving in to occult machinations.

Right from the start, in shaping the various religions the priests tried to imbue them with their occult rituals and teachings.

Any religion — even the very brightest, one which sum- mons people to kindness and noble deeds — if interwoven with the priests' nuances, can be a powerful device in their hands. This device has enabled them to subjugate whole en- tire nations and set them at odds with each other, to the point of utter self-annihilation. That's the way it has been and still is today. Many contemporary religions still today involve oc- cult rituals and teachings whose meaning and degree of influ- ence on mankind is known only to the priests.

The projection of Jesus Christ's crucifixion by a great many people's thoughts is due to a particular occult ritual. But the people themselves involved in this projection — or, rather, their souls — will be crucified over and over again as long as they project this image.

The collective thought of the crucifixion is so strong that it can penetrate right through to the flesh of people today Jesus' bleeding wounds periodically appear on the bodies of cer- tain believers — this is known as the stigmata mystery. 2 Many

In some Christian churches, including the Russian Orthodox, kissing a crucifix is part of accepted ritual.

'stigmata — marks or pain sensations in places on the body corresponding to Jesus' wounds from the crucifixion. The word stigmata comes from the Latin word for marks in the Vulgate edition of Galatians 6: 17: "I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus " (quoted here from the Authorised Version). The majority of stigmatics are said to be female members of Roman Catholic orders.

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scholars believe that the stigmata, or bleeding wounds — are a symptom of mental illness. I would add that this is not a dis- ease affecting a single individual, but rather a whole segment of society, and that its root cause is an occult ritual observ- ance induced by the priests.

However, instead of making a thorough investigation of this phenomenon, some enterprising people have exploited it for commercial purposes. Take, for example, the city of San- Nicolas in Argentina, home to the stigmatic Gladys JVtotta: 3 all around her house are signs of a brisk trade in everything directly or indirectly connected to her.

Anastasia's grandfather put it this way:

"People murdering each other, along with what you call terrorism, is rooted in the teachings of the priests which they have infused into many religious denominations, both large and small.

"They are the ones who came up with the doctrine that Man's true Divine life is not on the Earth but somewhere in another dimension. They are the ones who invented the im- age of a Paradise apart from the Earth God Himself created. It is because of this doctrine that so many religious fanatics manifest an attitude of neglect toward life on the Earth. It takes but a small amount of pressure exerted on their mind to induce them to kill either themselves or others.

Gladys Quirogade Motta (1937-) — one of the more celebrated stigmatics in the world today. An ordinary housewife living in San Nicolas de los Arroyos (a small town 230 km north of Buenos Aires), Ms Motta had her first vi- sion of the Virgin Mary on 25 September 1983, a vision repeated many times since. Ms Motta's stigmata first appeared in November of the following year and then twice a year since, during Advent and Lent. Every year on 25 September thousands of pilgrims (now more than a million annually) de- scend upon the town, hoping to benefit from her presence. In recent years the increased tourist trade in San Nicolas, including the sale of 'Blessed Virgin Mary' souvenirs, saved the town's economy following the privatisa- tion of the local steel mill.

Take down Jesus Christ from the cross 133

"Ajnastasia has tried to bring this information to our at- tention through many different words and phrases. But not everybody will grasp what she says. Not everyone will un- derstand my words. You, Vladimir, along with your readers, should give careful thought to what we have said, and cite your own examples and proofs. A number of different voices blending into a single whole will be able to bring liberation.

"Look carefully at the root cause of war and terrorism to- day and you will clearly see the influence of this monstrous teaching."

The Siberian elder went on at some length on this subject. He appeared to be just a little excited, sometimes pausing to stroke the cedar pendant hanging around his neck before returning to the topic of how we ourselves need to be more aware of the manifestation of occult rituals and teachings.

"No spiritual teachers will be able to save people from these doctrines if the people don't start thinking for them- selves and learning to recognise them," Grandfather said.

Believing that I had grasped the significance of his state- ment, I set about investigating the phenomenon of terrorism in our lives. In the future this is something we shall have to do all together. I shall merely start the ball rolling.

Chapter Nineteei


And so, in recent years, a wave of acts of terrorism has swept across many lands. Memories of large-scale events, such as those of ii September 2001 in America, still haunt people's minds. A fearful terrorist act took place even more recently in our country: from the 23rd to the 26th of October 2002 terrorists held more than 800 people hostage at the Moscow Theatre Centre on Dubrovka Street during a performance of the musical Nord-Ost. 1

In between these two major acts of terrorism quite a few others have occurred, not quite so spectacular, in various parts of the globe, claiming human lives.

On each occasion different governments have angrily de- nounced the terrorists involved. Their 'special services' keep mouthing assurances that the guilty parties will be punished, at the same time increasing the level of precautionary secu- rity measures.

1 Nord-Ost (lit. 'North-East' in German) — a Russian musical play based on a novel by Veniamin Kaverin and telling a romantic story set in the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (in Russia's Far North) in 1913. During the perform- ance the premises were seized by a group of well-trained and well-armed commandos (including a group of women with explosives strapped to their bodies) who demanded from the Russian government the immediate with- drawal of Russian troops from the war-crippled Chechnya republic. The theatre was eventually stormed by Russian elite 'special troops' but the deadly gas they used ended up killing 130 hostages on the spot and caus- ing many more to die afterward. The theatre was closed temporarily after the hostage crisis, but re-opened with the same production the following February. Subsequent attendance was poor, however, possibly because of fears of renewed attacks, and the play was cancelled in May 2003.

Terrorism. 135

An international coalition to combat terrorism is already at work. Even today, however, the problem shows no signs of letting up. Quite to the contrary, it is taking on ever greater proportions and becoming increasingly refined in its meth- ods. It is hard to escape the impression that someone has been making masterful ploys to keep leading both govern- ments and their special services down the wrong path.

The true source and chief organiser of many of the world's terrorist acts came in for a brief mention not too long ago in Russia. During the October 2002 hostage crisis the major TV networks featured a whole host of interviews and com- mentaries. This included statements from the Emergency Response Headquarters, presented by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, among others. This trim, grey-haired man spoke tersely, almost in military fashion. His speech included no hesitation-sounds like uh-uh... ahm... His sentences were marked by thoughtful content and sensitivity, indicating that his thinking was relatively quick and precise.

He was one of the first to declare that "we're dealing here with religious fanatics". Quite possibly not very many peo- ple paid attention to this particular phrase, but for many who did understand, it resounded like a bolt from the blue. For the very first time — from the lips of a Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs yet — one of the fundamental tenets of ter- rorism was called by its real name.

This was followed by the floating of another concept: Islamic fundamentalism. Rumours began circulating that Islamic funda- mentalists had declared war on Christians and Jews — Israel, Russia and the United States of America in particular.

The question arises as to how to fight against religious fa- naticism. I suggest we all calm down and take a more thought- ful look at the situation.

Let us first decide whether religious fanaticism is found only in Islam or whether it exists in other religions as well.

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