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Vorlage:Short description A tone argument (also called tone policing) is a type of ad hominem aimed at the tone of an argument instead of its factual or logical content in order to dismiss a person's argument. Ignoring the truth or falsity of a statement, a tone argument instead focuses on the emotion with which it is expressed. This is a logical fallacy because a person can be angry while still being rational. Nonetheless, a tone argument may be useful when responding to a statement that itself does not have rational content, such as an appeal to emotion.[1]

The notion of tone policing became widespread in U.S. social activist circles by the mid-2010s. It was widely disseminated in a 2015 comic issued by the Everyday Feminism website.[2] Activists have argued that tone policing has been regularly employed against feminist and anti-racism advocates, criticizing the way that they presented their arguments rather than engaging with the arguments themselves.[3][4][5][6]

Proponents of this viewpoint contend that these expectations tend to give preference to a specific mode of communication often associated with traits like masculinity, high levels of education, and a detached, "rational" style of expression.[7] They argue that this emphasis on a particular communication style may inadvertently reinforce existing societal inequalities, including those rooted in colonial history, White-supremacist structures, cis-hetero-patriarchy, and capitalist systems.[8]

Tone policing may marginalize individuals who naturally incorporate diverse linguistic features, including frequent use of filler words such as "like" and "um," and employ vocal variety, including vocal fry and uptalk, in their speech.[9] Notably, in the realm of social justice, scholars and experts often underscore the significance of emotions, such as anger, as they are frequently associated with personal experiences of injustice and can serve as motivators for those engaged in social change efforts.[10]

The proliferation of social media platforms has contributed to the prevalence of tone policing in online discussions, particularly in contexts characterized by brevity and anonymity. In these digital environments, there is an increased focus on tone over substantive arguments.[11]

Psychological research has explored the potential effects of tone policing, suggesting that individuals consistently subjected to such policing can experience frustration, feelings of silencing, and self-doubt. This psychological toll can significantly deter individuals from actively participating in conversations pertaining to social justice matters.[12]

Additionally, it is noteworthy that educational institutions can be spaces where tone policing manifests, particularly when students advocate for change or raise concerns about systemic inequalities. This may influence communication norms within academic settings.[13]



[[Category:Diversionary tactics]] [[Category:Relevance fallacies]] [[Category:Metaphors]]

  1. Shubhankar Chhokra: The Myth of Tone Policing, 8 April 2016 
  2. Robot Hugs: No, We Won't Calm Down – Tone Policing Is Just Another Way to Protect Privilege. In: Everyday Feminism. 7. Dezember 2015, abgerufen am 25. Juni 2023 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  3. Shambhavi Raj Singh: Infographic: What Is Tone Policing And Why Is It Wrong? In: Feminism In India. 17. Juli 2020, abgerufen am 14. September 2022.
  4. How Tone Policing Is Used to Silence Black Women. In: Blackburn Center. 24. Februar 2021, abgerufen am 14. September 2022.
  5. Alice MacLachlan: Tone-Policing and the Assertion of Authority. In: Blog of the APA. 10. Mai 2022, abgerufen am 14. September 2022.
  6. Ijeoma Oluo: So you want to talk about race. Seal Press, 2018, ISBN 978-1-58005-882-7, S. 201.
  7. Kyra Gillies: Intersectional poetry: Spoken poetry as a platform for feminist thought free from tone policing. In: Women's Studies Journal. 31. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2017, S. 88–94.
  8. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein: WHAT'S THE HARM IN TONE POLICING? In: Medium. 2. November 2015, abgerufen am 28. September 2023 (englisch).
  9. Why Policing the Way Voices Sound Has to Stop. In: Boston University. 18. September 2020, abgerufen am 28. September 2023 (englisch).
  10. Daan Vandermeulen, Siwar Hasan Aslih, Eric Shuman, Eran Halperin: Protected by the Emotions of the Group: Perceived Emotional Fit and Disadvantaged Group Members' Activist Burnout. In: Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 49. Jahrgang, Nr. 7, 2023, ISSN 0146-1672, S. 1086–1096, doi:10.1177/01461672221092853, PMID 35549948, PMC 10302361 (freier Volltext).
  11. Sandra González‐Bailón, Yphtach Lelkes: Do social media undermine social cohesion? A critical review. In: Social Issues and Policy Review. 17. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2023, ISSN 1751-2395, S. 155–180, doi:10.1111/sipr.12091 (englisch,
  12. Kenneth M. Tyler, Danelle Stevens-Watkins, Jennifer L. Burris, Sycarah D. Fisher, Candice N. Hargons: Black Psychology and Whiteness: Toward a Conceptual Model of Black Trauma through the Prism of Whiteness. In: Journal of Black Psychology. 48. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, 2022, ISSN 0095-7984, S. 5–42, doi:10.1177/00957984211034948 (englisch,
  13. Brittany M. Williams: "It's Just My Face:" Workplace Policing of Black Professional Women in Higher Education. In: Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education. 16. Jahrgang, Nr. 2, 3. April 2023, ISSN 2637-9112, S. 67–89, doi:10.1080/26379112.2023.2172730 (englisch,