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The term Geneometry is consisted of the terms `gene` for genes und `metry` for measurement and it thereby means as much as ´measuring our genes`.

The Geneometry system [1] was invented by the Bluezones Research Group [2], together with the working group of Dr. Haslberger[3] and HealthBioCare[4] in Vienna. The aim is to give personalized recommendations for each individual, based on different analysis methods, to achieve the best health status.

For this, it combines different epigenetic and genetic analysis methods. These analyses allow to draw conclusion on the human blueprint- the DNA [5]. The wide-ranging analysis of gene activity (link zu gene expression), measurement of micro-RNA [[en:micro RNA]]and DNA-methylation, determination of the whole genome sequence of the DNA with high-end Nanopore technology (Link Nanopore- sequencing- Abschnitt DNA-Sequenzierung) and of different relevant SNPs, allow a deep sight into our DNA constellation. This broad knowledge allows a totally individually customized nutritional recommendation, which can together, with the knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms of action, lead to an optimization of the human health status (2)(3).

It is a newly established analysis system that allows to give recommendations for an individual personalized health level.

Analyses Methods

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MicroRNA Analyses

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Usage of Geneometry

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Geneometry Healthy Aging Panel

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Geneometry Metabolic Panel

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  1. Geneometry. Abgerufen am 30. Juli 2020.
  2. Bluezones Research Group. Abgerufen am 30. Juli 2020.
  3. Research Group Dr.Haslberger. Abgerufen am 30. Juli 2020.
  4. HealthBioCare. Abgerufen am 30. Juli 2020.
  5. ElGendy, K., Malcomson, F., Lara, J., Bradburn, D., & Mathers, J: Effects of dietary interventions on DNA methylation in adult humans: Systematic review and meta-analysis. IN: British Journal of Nutrition, 120(9), 961-976. doi:10.1017/S000711451800243X.