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Datei:Lontar Foundation logo.jpg
Lontar Foundation

Die Lontar Foundation, eine nicht gewinnorientierte Organisatio (not-for-profit organization) in Jakarta, Indonesien, wurde 1987 von vier indonesischen Schriftstellern gegründet: Goenawan Mohamad, Sapardi Djoko Damono, Umar Kayam und Subagio Sastrowardoyo, sowie dem amerikanischen Übersetzer John H. McGlynn.[1]

The foundation is an independent organization, neither affiliated with nor intended to promote the interests of any particular political cause or group. Its core activity is the translation and publication of Indonesian literary works whose long-term goals are:

  • To stimulate the further development of Indonesian literature;
  • To make Indonesian literature accessible to an international audience; and
  • To preserve for future generations Indonesia's literary record.

One of Lontar's most noted works is Illuminations: The Writing Traditions of Indonesia: Featuring Manuscripts from the National Library of Indonesia. According to Associate Professor Jean Gelman Taylor from the University of New South Wales, "Wetherhill and the Lontar Foundation have made a major contribution to scholarship by bringing together in one book these samples of Indonesia's intellectual and artistic heritage."[2]

Lontar also published Indonesia in the Soeharto Years: Issues, Incidents and images written by John H. McGlynn and a large number of other writers. According to Katharine McGregor, Senior Lecturer in Southeast Asian History at the University of Melbourne, "[a] strength of the work is the rich collection of photographs which document key protests, acts of violence, street life and Indonesian protest art."[3]

In 2010, the Lontar Foundation published the Lontar Anthology of Indonesian Drama, the first anthology of Indonesian drama translated into English, featuring a diverse group of translators such as Harry Aveling, an authority on Indonesian and Malay literature, among others. In May 2011, the Lontar Foundation launched a new series of Indonesian literature translated into English called the Modern Library of Indonesia, featuring works from the 1920s until the present, including authors such as Putu Wijaya and Dewi Lestari.[4] According to Tempo, "[Lontar] has inarguably become Indonesia's foremost literary foundation, and now has under its belt an impressive collection of translated literary works, from prose to poetry to drama."[5]

Selected publications

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  • Illuminations: The Writing Traditions of Indonesia: Featuring Manuscripts from the National Library of Indonesia. Lontar Foundation and Weatherhill, Jakarta; New York 1996, ISBN 978-0-8348-0349-7 (
  • John McGlynn: Indonesia in the Soeharto Years. Lontar/KITLV, City 2007, ISBN 978-90-6718-263-8.
  • The Lontar anthology of Indonesian drama. Volume 3: New Directions, 1965-1998. Lontar, Jakarta 2010, ISBN 978-979-808372-3.
  • The Lontar anthology of Indonesian drama. Volume 2: Building a National Theater. Lontar, Jakarta 2010, ISBN 978-979-808371-6.
  • The Lontar anthology of Indonesian drama. Volume 1: Plays for the Popular Stage. Lontar, Jakarta 2010, ISBN 978-979-808370-9.


[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
  1. Poernomo Gontha Ridho: Duta Besar AS Sumbang Yayasan Lontar. (deutsch: U.S. Ambassador donates to the Lontar Foundation). In: Tempo. 10. Dezember 2003, archiviert vom Original am 1. April 2004; (indonesisch).
  2. Jean Gelman Taylor: Illuminations: The Writing Traditions of Indonesia by Ann Kumar; John H. McGlynn. Review by: Jean Gelman Taylor. In: The Journal of Asian Studies. 57. Jahrgang, Nr. 3, 1998, S. 916–919, JSTOR:2658818.
  3. Katharine McGregor: Book Reviews-Indonesia in the Soeharto years: Issues Incidents and Images. In: Inside Indonesia. 13. April 2008, ISSN 0814-1185 ( (Memento des Originals vom 15 April 2013 im Webarchiv [abgerufen am 30. Oktober 2012]).
  4. Katrin Figge: Found in Translation: Putting Indonesian Novels on the Map (Memento des Originals vom 4 February 2013 im Webarchiv In: The Jakara Globe, 20 May 2011. Abgerufen im 30 October 2012 
  5. Kendisan Kusumaatmadja: A Portrait of Our Times. In: Tempo. ISSN 0126-4273, S. 40–41 ( [abgerufen am 2. Februar 2012]).

[[Category:Arts organizations established in 1987]] [[Category:Book publishing companies of Indonesia]] [[Category:Foundations based in Indonesia]] [[Category:Indonesian literature]]