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Vorlage:Short description

Die Namensgebung von Planetensystemen folgt oft einheitlicher Themen. So zB das System des Sterns Kopernikus/55 Cancri, dessen Planeten, wie der Zentralstern, Namen europäischer Astronomen tragen.

Planetennamen für Exoplaneten außerhalb des Sonnensystems werden offiziell von der Internationalen Astronomischen Union (IAU) im Rahmen der als NameExoWorlds bezeichneter Wettbewerbe vergeben.

Offizielle Namensgebung

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Die Namen der Exoplaneten der IAU und auch in den meisten Fällen der zugehörigen Sterne, werden durch die Exekutivkomitee Arbeitsgruppe für Benamung von Planeten und planetaren Begleitern (EKAG), die parallel zur IAU Arbeitsgruppe für Sternennamen arbeitet. Sternnamen welche von der EKAG ausgewählt wurden, werden ausdrücklich von der Sternnamen Arbeitsgruppe anerkannt. Die Regeln nach denen die Namen ausgewählt werden, sind hierbei identisch mit denen des Minor Planet Center für Kleinplaneten.[1] Diese sind:

  • ein Wort
  • maximal 16 Buchstaben
  • in mehreren Sprachen sprechbar
  • profan
  • unterscheidbar zu existierenden Namen astronomischer Objekte[2]

Urheberrechtlich geschützte Worte, Namen lebender Personen und Bezeichnungen mit politischen oder religiösen Hintergrund sind darüber hinausvon der EKAG ausgeschlossen worden.[3] Darüber hinaus kann die Person, welche den Planeten entdeckt hat, einen Namensvorschlag, zurückweisen.[4]

In bisher drei NameExoWorld-Runden erhielten 163 Planeten einen offiziellen Namen. Darunter erhielten 2015 insgesamt 31 Stück, 2019 zusammen 112 und im 2022/34 laufenden Wettbewerb weitere 20 Planeten einen Namen.

Name des Planeten Namensherkunft Name des Sterns Masse (Vorlage:Jupiter Massen) Radius (Vorlage:Jupiter radius) Periode (days) Große Halbachse (AU) Entdeckungsmethode Entdeckungsjahr Entfernung (LG) Masse Zentralstern(Vorlage:Sonnenmasse) Temperatur Stern (K) Bemerkung
Spe "Hoffnung" (Lateinisch) 14 Andromedae


4.8 185.84 0.83 radial vel. 2008 249.2 2.2 4813 2015 NameExoWorlds
Arion Antiker griechischer Poet 18 Delphini


10.3 993.3 2.6 radial vel. 2008 238 2.3 4979 2015 NameExoWorlds
Arkas Sohn von Zeus und Callisto in der griechischen Mythologie 41 Lyncis


2.7 184.02 0.81 radial vel. 2007 287.9 2.1 4753 2015 NameExoWorlds
Orbitar Neologism 42 Draconis


3.88 479.1 1.19 radial vel. 2008 317.3 0.98 4200 2015 NameExoWorlds
Taphao Thong Charakter aus der volkstümlichen Überlieferung der Thai 47 Ursae Majoris


2.53 1078 2.1 radial vel. 1996 45.9 1.03 5892 2015 NameExoWorlds
Taphao Kaew 0.54 2391 3.6 radial vel. 2001 2015 NameExoWorlds
Dimidium "Half" (Latin) 51 Pegasi


0.472 4.230785 0.0527 radial vel. 1995 50.1 1.12 5793 Erster entdeckter Exoplanet der einen Hauptreihenstern umkreist

2015 NameExoWorlds

Galileo Italienischer Astronom 55 Cancri A


0.8306 14.65152 0.115227 radial vel. 1996 40.9 0.91 5196 2015 NameExoWorlds
Brahe Dänischer Astronom 0.1714 44.4175 0.241376 radial vel. 2004 2015 NameExoWorlds
Lipperhey Niederländischer Linsenhersteller 3.878 4825 5.503 radial vel. 2002 2015 NameExoWorlds
Janssen Dutch astronomer 0.02542 0.17 0.736539 0.01544 radial vel. 2004 2015 NameExoWorlds
Harriot English astronomer 0.141 262 0.788 radial vel. 2007 2015 NameExoWorlds
Ægir Gott des Meeres in der nordischen Mythologie Epsilon Eridani


1.55 2502 3.39 radial vel. 2000 10.5 0.83 2015 NameExoWorlds
Amateru Amaterasu, Japanische Sonnengöttin Epsilon Tauri


7.6 594.9 1.93 radial vel. 2006 155.0 2.7 4901 2015 NameExoWorlds
Dagon Gott der Fruchtbarkeit in der levantischen Mythologie Fomalhaut A 555530 160 imaging 2008 25.1 2 Erster entdeckter Exoplanet über indirekte Bildgebung (lichtbares Licht).

Erkenntnisse aus 2020 deuten darauf hin, dass es möglicherweise eine Wolke aus Überresten einer Asteroidenkollision, statt eines Planeten, sein könnte.
2015 NameExoWorlds

Tadmor Ancient Palmyrene und moderner Arabischer Name für Palmyra Gamma Cephei A


1.85 903.3 2.05 radial vel. 2003 45.0 1.4 2015 NameExoWorlds
Meztli Aztekischer Gott für Mond und Nacht HD 104985


6.33 199.505 0.95 radial vel. 2003 332.8 1.6 4786 2015 NameExoWorlds
Smertrios Gallic deity, teilweise gleichgesetzt mit dem römischen Gott Mars HD 149026


0.368 0.813 2.8758911 radial vel. 2005 257.2 1.34 6160 2015 NameExoWorlds
Hypatia Griechische Astronomin und Philosphin Iota Draconis (Edasich) 8.82 511.098 1.275 radial vel. 2002 102.2 1.05 4530 2015 NameExoWorlds
Quijote Charaktere aus der Geschichte Don Quixote Mu Arae


1.676 643.25 1.497 radial vel. 2000 49.8 1.08 5807 2015 NameExoWorlds
Dulcinea 0.03321 4205.8 5.235 radial vel. 2004 2015 NameExoWorlds
Rocinante 0.5219 9.6386 0.09094 radial vel. 2004 2015 NameExoWorlds
Sancho 1.814 310.55 0.921 radial vel. 2006 2015 NameExoWorlds
Thestias Griechische Mythologie Pollux 2.3 589.64 1.64 radial vel. 2006 33.7 2.1 4946 2015 NameExoWorlds
Saffar Muslimischer Astronom Upsilon Andromedae


0.6876 4.617033 0.059222 radial vel. 1996 43.9 1.3 2015 NameExoWorlds
Samh Muslimischer Astronom 1.981 241.258 0.827774 radial vel. 1999 2015 NameExoWorlds
Majriti Muslimischer Astronom 10.25 1276.46 2.51329 radial vel. 1999 2015 NameExoWorlds
Fortitudo "Glück" (Latein) Xi Aquilae


2.8 136.75 0.68 radial vel. 2007 204.4 2.2 4780 2015 NameExoWorlds
Draugr Norse myth PSR B1257+12


Vorlage:Val 25.262 0.19 timing 1994 2300 1.4 28,856 2015 NameExoWorlds
Poltergeist Poltergeist 0.0135 66.5419 0.36 timing 1992 2015 NameExoWorlds
Phobetor Griechische Mythologie 0.0123 98.2114 0.46 timing 1992 2015 NameExoWorlds
Arber Name für Bewohner Albaniens während des Mittelalters HD 82886


1.3 705 1.65 radial vel. 2011 407.7 2.53 4953 2019 NameExoWorlds


Tassili Tassili n'Ajjer UNESCO Welterbestätte HD 28678


1.7 387.1 1.24 radial vel. 2011 622.7 1.74 5076 2019 NameExoWorlds


Madriu Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site HD 131496


2.2 883 2.09 radial vel. 2011 358.8 1.61 4927 2019 NameExoWorlds


Naqaỹa "brother-family-relative" in the Mocoví language HD 48265


1.16 700 1.51 radial vel. 2008 285 0.93 2019 NameExoWorlds


Bocaprins Boca Prins beach in Arikok National Park WASP-39


0.28 1.27 4.055259 0.0486 transit 2011 750.2 0.93 5400 2019 NameExoWorlds


Yanyan "boy" in the Boon wurrung language HD 38283


0.34 363.2 1.02 radial vel. 2011 123 1.085 5945 2019 NameExoWorlds


Sissi Charakter aus dem Film "Sissi"(1955) über Kaiserin Elisabeth HAT-P-14


1.150 1.2 4.627657 0.0594 transit 2010 668.6 1.386 6600 2019 NameExoWorlds


Ganja Ancient capital of Azerbaijan HD 152581


1.5 689 1.48 radial vel. 2011 606.7 0.927 5155 2019 NameExoWorlds


Tondra "nap" in Bengali HD 148427


0.96 331.5 0.93 radial vel. 2009 193 1.45 5052 2019 NameExoWorlds

Nach Erkenntnissen aus dem Jahr 2020 möglicherweise ein leichter Stern und kein Planet

Eburonia The Eburones people, a prominent Celtic tribe HD 49674


0.1 0.98 4.94739 0.058 radial vel. 2002 133 1.07 5482 2019 NameExoWorlds


Drukyul Native name of Bhutan HD 73534


1.15 1800 3.15 radial vel. 2009 316.3 1.29 4952 2019 NameExoWorlds


Yvaga "Paradies" in Guarani HD 63765


0.64 358 0.949 radial vel. 2009 106 0.865 5432 2019 NameExoWorlds


Naron Ancient Celtic name for the Neretva river in the Balkans HD 206610


2.2 610 1.68 radial vel. 2010 632.7 1.56 4874 2019 NameExoWorlds

Bosnien und Herzegovina

Guarani Guaraní people of southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina HD 23079


2.45 730.6 1.596 radial vel. 2001 114 1.1 5848 2019 NameExoWorlds


Mastika "gem/jewel" in Malay HD 179949


0.92 1.05 3.0925 0.045 radial vel. 2000 88.1 1.28 6260 2019 NameExoWorlds


Bendida Bendis, a Thracian goddess WASP-21


0.3 1.21 4.3225126 0.052 transit 2010 750.2 1.01 5800 2019 NameExoWorlds


Nakanbé Nakanbé river in Burkina Faso and Ghana HD 30856 A


1.8 912 2.0 radial vel. 2011 385.2 1.35 4982 2019 NameExoWorlds

Burkina Faso

Awasis "child" in the Cree language of Canada HD 136418


2.0 464.3 1.32 radial vel. 2010 320 1.33 5071 2019 NameExoWorlds


Caleuche Ghost ship from the Chilote mythology of Southern Chile HD 164604


1.998 641.47 1.331 radial vel. 2010 129 0.77 4684 2019 NameExoWorlds


Wangshu Chinese goddess of the Moon HD 173416


2.7 323.6 1.16 radial vel. 2009 440.3 2.0 4683 2019 NameExoWorlds


Melquíades Character from the novel Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez HD 93083


0.37 143.58 0.477 radial vel. 2005 94.3 0.7 4995 2019 NameExoWorlds


Pipitea Small pearls found in Penrhyn lagoon HD 221287


3.09 456.1 1.25 radial vel. 2007 173 1.25 6304 2019 NameExoWorlds

Cook Islands

Ditsö̀ Name given to the first Bribri people by the god Sibö̀ in Talamancan mythology WASP-17


0.486 1.991 3.735438 0.0515 transit 2009 1338.57 1.2 6650 2019 NameExoWorlds

Costa Rica

Asye Earth goddess from Akan mythology WASP-15


0.542 1.428 3.7520656 0.0499 transit 2008 1005 1.18 6300 2019 NameExoWorlds

Côte d'Ivoire

Veles Veles, Slavic deity of earth, waters, and the underworld HD 75898


2.51 418.2 1.19 radial vel. 2007 262.8 1.28 6021 2019 NameExoWorlds


Finlay Carlos Finlay, Cuban epidemiologist BD−17 63


5.1 655.6 1.34 radial vel. 2008 113 0.74 4714 2019 NameExoWorlds


Onasilos Oldest recorded doctor in Cyprus HD 168746


0.23 6.403 0.065 radial vel. 2002 140.6 0.88 5610 2019 NameExoWorlds


Makropulos Věc Makropulos by Czech playwright Karel Čapek XO-5


1.077 1.03 4.1877537 0.0487 transit 2008 831.7 0.88 5510 2019 NameExoWorlds


Surt Ruler of Muspelheim from Norse mythology HAT-P-29


0.778 1.107 5.723186 0.0667 transit 2011 1050 1.207 6087 2019 NameExoWorlds


Boinayel Boinayel, god of rain from Taíno mythology WASP-6


0.503 1.224 3.361006 0.0421 transit 2008 1001 0.888 5450 2019 NameExoWorlds

Dominikanische Republik

Eyeke "Nahe" in Waorani HD 6434


0.39 21.998 0.14 radial vel. 2000 131.5 0.79 5835 2019 NameExoWorlds


Cayahuanca "rock looking at the stars" in Nahuatl HD 52265


1.21 119.27 0.52 radial vel. 2000 91 1.2 6159 2019 NameExoWorlds

El Salvador

Hämarik "twilight" in Estonian XO-4


1.616 1.317 4.12473 0.05485 transit 2008 955.6 1.32 5700 2019 NameExoWorlds


Abol First of three rounds in Ethiopian traditional coffee ceremony HD 16175


4.8 996.4 2.2 radial vel. 2009 196 1.34 6048 2019 NameExoWorlds


Hiisi Sacred localities and evil spirits from Finnic mythology HAT-P-38


0.267 0.825 4.640382 0.0523 transit 2012 812.1 0.886 5330 2019 NameExoWorlds


Bélisama Belisama, Gaulish goddess likened to the Roman Minerva. HD 8574


2.11 227.55 0.77 radial vel. 2003 144 1.17 6080 2019 NameExoWorlds


Mintome Fang word for a mythical land where a brotherhood of brave men live HD 208487


0.413 129.8 0.51 radial vel. 2004 147 1.3 5929 2019 NameExoWorlds


Neri Neri River in southern Ethiopia HD 32518


3.04 157.54 0.59 radial vel. 2009 382.9 1.13 4580 2019 NameExoWorlds


Toge "earring" in the Ewe language HD 181720


>12.12 956.0 1.78 radial vel. 2009 183 0.92 5781 2019 NameExoWorlds


Iolaus Nephew of Heracles from Greek mythology HAT-P-42


0.975 1.277 4.641876 0.0575 transit 2012 1458 1.179 5743 2019 NameExoWorlds


Koyopa' "lightning" in the Kʼicheʼ language WASP-22


0.617 1.199 3.5327313 0.04698 transit 2010 978.5 1.1 6000 2019 NameExoWorlds


Indépendance Haitian Declaration of Independence HD 1502


2.75 1.183 428.5 1.262 radial vel. 2011 518.6 1.46 4947 2019 NameExoWorlds


Ixbalanqué One of twin gods who became the Moon in K'iche' mythology HD 98219


1.8 436.9 1.23 radial vel. 2011 437.0 1.3 4992 2019 NameExoWorlds


Victoriapeak Victoria Peak, a hill on Hong Kong Island HD 212771


2.3 373.3 1.22 radial vel. 2010 427.3 1.15 5121 2019 NameExoWorlds

Hong Kong

Magor Ancestor of the Magyars in Hungarian mythology HAT-P-2


8.74 0.951 5.6334729 0.0674 transit 2007 384.9 1.34 6414 2019 NameExoWorlds


Fold "earth/soil" in Old Icelandic HD 109246


0.77 68.27 0.33 radial vel. 2010 214 1.01 5844 2019 NameExoWorlds


Santamasa "clouded" in Sanskrit HD 86081 A


1.5 1.08 1.99809 0.039 radial vel. 2006 297 1.21 6028 2019 NameExoWorlds


Noifasui "revolve around" in the Nias language HD 117618


0.174 25.8 0.18 radial vel. 2004 124 1.05 5861 2019 NameExoWorlds


Kavian "relating to Kaveh" from the epic poem Shahnameh by Persian poet Ferdowsi HD 175541


0.61 297.3 1.03 radial vel. 2007 417.5 1.65 5060 2019 NameExoWorlds


Babylonia Kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia HD 231701


1.08 141.89 0.53 radial vel. 2007 353.6 1.14 6208 2019 NameExoWorlds


Bran Canine son of Tuiren and cousin of hero Fionn mac Cumhaill from Irish mythology HAT-P-36


1.832 1.264 1.327347 0.0238 transit 2012 1034 1.022 5580 2019 NameExoWorlds


Alef First letter of the Hebrew alphabet HAT-P-9


0.67 1.4 3.922814 0.053 transit 2008 1566 1.28 6350 2019 NameExoWorlds


Lete Italian spelling of Lethe, the underworld river of fog from Greek mythology HD 102195


0.46 4.113775 0.049 radial vel. 2005 94.52 0.926 5291 2019 NameExoWorlds


Chura "natural beauty" in the Ryukyuan and Okinawan languages HD 145457


2.9 176.3 0.76 radial vel. 2010 411.0 1.9 4757 2019 NameExoWorlds


Wadirum Wadi Rum, largest valley in Jordan WASP-80


0.554 0.952 3.0678504 0.0346 transit 2013 196 0.58 4145 2019 NameExoWorlds


Buru "dust" in the Dholuo language HD 83443


0.4 1.04 2.98572 0.0406 radial vel. 2002 142.0 0.9 5460 2019 NameExoWorlds


Staburags Rock with symbolic meaning from Latvian poem Staburags un Liesma HD 118203


2.173 1.133 6.13498 0.07082 radial vel. 2005 289 1.23 5600 2019 NameExoWorlds


Beirut Capital and largest city in Lebanon HD 192263


0.733 24.3587 0.15312 radial vel. 1999 64.9 0.81 4965 2019 NameExoWorlds


Umbäässa "small ant" in the Triesenberg dialect of southern Liechtenstein TrES-3


1.91 1.305 1.30618608 0.0226 transit 2007 1219.51 0.924 5720 2019 NameExoWorlds


Vytis Vytis, the coat of arms of Lithuania HAT-P-40


0.615 1.73 4.457243 0.0608 transit 2012 1634 1.512 6080 2019 NameExoWorlds


Peitruss Pétrusse river in Luxembourg HD 45350


1.79 890.76 1.92 radial vel. 2004 160 1.02 5754 2019 NameExoWorlds


Trimobe Rich ogre from Malagasy mythology HD 153950


2.73 499.4 1.28 radial vel. 2008 162 1.12 6076 2019 NameExoWorlds


Baiduri "opal" in Malay HD 20868


1.99 380.85 0.947 radial vel. 2008 160 0.78 4795 2019 NameExoWorlds


Ġgantija Megalithic temple complex on the Maltese island of Gozo HAT-P-34


3.328 1.107 5.452654 0.0677 transit 2012 838 1.36 6509 2019 NameExoWorlds


Cuptor Baking and drying chamber formerly used in Mauritius WASP-72


1.461 1.27 2.2167421 0.03708 transit 2013 1108 1.386 6250 2019 NameExoWorlds


Xólotl "animal" in Nahuatl; god of fire and lightning in Aztec mythology HD 224693


0.71 26.73 0.233 radial vel. 2006 307 1.33 6037 2019 NameExoWorlds


Isli Lake in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco WASP-161


2.49 1.143 5.4060425 0.0673 transit 2018 1129.976 1.71 2019 NameExoWorlds


Hairu "unity" in the Makhuwa language HD 7199


0.29 615.0 1.36 radial vel. 2011 117 0.89 5386 2019 NameExoWorlds


Bagan Bagan, ancient city in Myanmar HD 18742


3.4 1.166 766.0 1.82 radial vel. 2011 440 1.36 4940 2019 NameExoWorlds


Laligurans "rhododendron" in the Nepali language HD 100777


1.16 383.7 1.03 radial vel. 2007 172 1.0 5582 2019 NameExoWorlds


Nachtwacht Nachtwacht, painted by Rembrandt HAT-P-6


1.057 1.33 3.853003 0.05235 transit 2007 650 1.29 6570 2019 NameExoWorlds


Kererū Māori name for the New Zealand pigeon HD 137388


0.223 330.0 0.89 radial vel. 2011 124 0.86 5240 2019 NameExoWorlds


Xolotlan Second largest lake in Nicaragua HD 4208


0.804 828.0 1.65 radial vel. 2001 111 0.87 5571 2019 NameExoWorlds


Equiano Olaudah Equiano, Nigerian writer and abolitionist HD 43197


0.6 327.8 0.92 radial vel. 2009 179 0.96 5508 2019 NameExoWorlds


Albmi "sky" in the Northern Sami language HD 68988


1.86 6.2771 0.0704 radial vel. 2001 189 1.2 5767 2019 NameExoWorlds


Perwana "moth" in Urdu HD 99109


2.09 1.386 1.212884 0.0232 transit 2010 1280 1.13 5924 2019 NameExoWorlds


Jebus Ancient name of Jerusalem HAT-P-23


0.502 439.3 1.105 radial vel. 2006 197 0.93 5272 2019 NameExoWorlds


Pollera Traditional women's costume for the El Punto dance of Panama WASP-79


0.9 1.7 3.6623817 0.0539 transit 2012 780 1.56 6600 2019 NameExoWorlds


Tumearandu Son of the original man and woman of the universe in Guaraní mythology HD 108147


0.261 10.8985 0.102 radial vel. 2002 125.8 1.19 6067 2019 NameExoWorlds


Sumajmajta Character from Way to the Sun by Peruvian writer Abraham Valdelomar HD 156411


0.74 842.2 1.88 radial vel. 2009 180 1.25 5900 2019 NameExoWorlds


Haik Successor to Aman Sinaya as god of the sea in Tagalog mythology WASP-34


0.59 1.22 4.3176782 0.0524 transit 2010 390 1.01 5700 2019 NameExoWorlds


Leklsullun "child/children" in the Pitkern language HD 102117


0.172 20.67 0.1532 radial vel. 2004 140 1.03 5672 2019 NameExoWorlds

Pitcairn Islands

Pirx Character from the books of Polish author Stanisław Lem BD+14 4559


1.47 268.94 0.777 radial vel. 2009 160 0.86 5008 2019 NameExoWorlds


Viriato Viriathus, leader of the Lusitanian people that resisted Roman expansion HD 45652


0.47 43.6 0.23 radial vel. 2008 120 0.83 5312 2019 NameExoWorlds


Aumatex God of the wind in Taíno mythology HIP 12961


0.35 57.435 0.13 radial vel. 2009 75 0.67 2019 NameExoWorlds

Puerto Rico

Negoiu Second highest peak in the Romanian Făgăraș mountain range XO-1


0.9 1.184 3.9415128 0.0488 transit 2006 536 1.0 5738 2019 NameExoWorlds


Teberda Teberda River in the Dombay region of Russia HAT-P-3


0.591 0.827 2.899703 0.03866 transit 2007 420 0.917 5224 2019 NameExoWorlds


Dopere North Senegalese area containing the water source of Belel HD 181342


2.54 1.19 564.1 1.592 radial vel. 2010 360.7 1.69 4945 2019 NameExoWorlds


Vlasina Vlasina River in southeastern Serbia WASP-60


0.5 0.9 4.3 transit 2011 1000 1.078 5900 2019 NameExoWorlds


Viculus "little village" in Latin WASP-32


3.6 1.18 2.71865 0.0394 transit 2010 795 1.1 6100 2019 NameExoWorlds


Kráľomoc "Jupiter" in ancient Slovak HAT-P-5


1.06 1.252 2.788491 0.04079 transit 2007 1100 1.163 5960 2019 NameExoWorlds


Iztok Character from Pod svobodnim soncem by Slovene author Fran Saleški Finžgar WASP-38


2.712 1.079 6.871815 0.07551 transit 2010 360 1.216 6150 2019 NameExoWorlds


Krotoa !Uriǁ'aeǀona translator, community builder, and educator during the founding of Cape Colony WASP-62


0.57 1.39 4.411953 0.0567 transit 2011 520 1.25 6230 2019 NameExoWorlds


Halla Highest mountain in South Korea 8 UMi


1.5 93.4 0.49 radial vel. 2015 518.91 1.8 4847.4 2019 NameExoWorlds


Riosar Sar River in Spain, featured in the works of Galician poet Rosalía de Castro HD 149143


1.33 1.05 4.07206 0.052 radial vel. 2005 210 1.1 5730 2019 NameExoWorlds


Samagiya "togetherness/unity" in the Sinhalese language HD 205739


1.37 279.8 0.896 radial vel. 2008 295 1.22 6176 2019 NameExoWorlds

Sri Lanka

Isagel Character from Aniara by Swedish poet Harry Martinson HD 102956


0.96 6.495 0.081 radial vel. 2010 411 1.68 5054 2019 NameExoWorlds


Eiger Prominent peak in the Bernese Alps HD 130322


1.05 10.72 0.088 radial vel. 1999 98 0.79 5330 2019 NameExoWorlds


Ugarit City where scribes devised the Ugaritic alphabet HD 218566


0.21 225.7 0.6873 radial vel. 2010 97.65 0.85 4820 2019 NameExoWorlds


Sazum Traditional name of Yuchi Township in Nantou County, Taiwan HD 100655


1.7 157.57 0.76 radial vel. 2011 397.9 2.4 4861 2019 NameExoWorlds


Tanzanite Tanzanite mineral WASP-71


2.258 1.5 2.9036747 0.04631 transit 2012 700 1.572 6050 2019 NameExoWorlds


Maeping Ping River in Thailand WASP-50


1.437 1.138 1.9550959 0.02913 transit 2011 750 0.861 5400 2019 NameExoWorlds


Agouto Highest mountain in Togo WASP-64


1.2 0.7 1.6 transit 2011 1219.51 0.99 5550 2019 NameExoWorlds


Ramajay "to sing and make music" in Trinidadian Creole HD 96063


0.9 361.1 0.99 radial vel. 2011 515 1.02 5148 2019 NameExoWorlds

Trinidad und Tobago

Khomsa Palm shaped amulet popular in Tunisia HD 192699


2.096 1.206 340.94 1.063 radial vel. 2007 220 1.38 5041 2019 NameExoWorlds


Göktürk Turkic peoples who established the First Turkic Khaganate WASP-52


0.46 1.27 1.7497798 0.0272 transit 2011 460 0.87 5000 2019 NameExoWorlds


Tryzub Tryzub, the coat of arms of Ukraine HAT-P-15


1.946 1.072 10.863502 0.0964 transit 2010 620 1.013 5568 2019 NameExoWorlds


Barajeel Wind tower used to re-direct wind flow as a form of air conditioning HIP 79431


2.1 111.7 0.36 radial vel. 2010 47.0 0.49 3191 2019 NameExoWorlds

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

Cruinlagh "to orbit" in Manx Gaelic WASP-13


0.485 1.365 4.353011 0.05379 transit 2008 509 1.03 5826 2019 NameExoWorlds

Vereinigtes Königreich

Mulchatna Mulchatna River in southwestern Alaska, United States HD 17156


3.195 1.095 21.2163979 0.1623 transit 2007 255.2 1.275 6079 2019 NameExoWorlds

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Ibirapitá Tree native to Uruguay, Argentina, and Brazil HD 63454


0.39 1.06 2.81747 0.036 radial vel. 2005 117 0.8 4841 2019 NameExoWorlds


Madalitso "blessings" in the Nyanja language HD 85390


0.099 799.52 1.373 radial vel. 2009 110.8 0.76 5186 2019 NameExoWorlds


Bambaruush[5] Mongolian for "bear cub" HAT-P-21


4.87 1.11 4.12448 0.0494 transit 2010 911.6 1.24 5588 2019 NameExoWorlds


Portal: Astronomy – Übersicht zu Wikipedia-Inhalten zum Thema Astronomy

Sources Vorlage:Refbegin

  1. Lars Lindberg Christensen, Xiaowei Liu, Thierry Montmerle, Giovanni Valsecchi, Robert Williams: Naming of exoplanets. In: International Astronomical Union. 15. Januar 2016, abgerufen am 10. Januar 2020.

Vorlage:Refend Citations Vorlage:Reflist

Planet Sagwassersepp/Planetennamen In: The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia (englisch)

  1. Vorlage:Harvard citation no brackets
  2. Vorlage:Harvard citation no brackets
  3. Vorlage:Harvard citation no brackets
  4. Lars Lindberg Christensen, Xiaowei Liu, Thierry Montmerle, Giovanni Valsecchi, Robert Williams: Public Naming of Planets and Planetary Satellites: Reaching Out for Worldwide Recognition with the Help of the IAU. In: International Astronomical Union. 13. August 2013, abgerufen am 10. Januar 2020: „The process must be respectful of intellectual property: a. it must have the formal agreement of the discoverers, who may participate in the process...“
  5. a b c Vorlage:Bare URL plain text