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Males and females begin to move to the breeding sites as early as October, and sometimes as late as January, depending on latitude, cumulative rainfall for the season, and average temperature.[6] Typically, stable minimum temperatures of 42 to 44 °F (5.5 to 6.5 °C) are required to induce breeding. Observations of adult migration are best made on moonlit nights with light rains. The male is thought to defend his territory, once he is in the breeding pond area, using nocturnal displays. In fact, most activity is at night, especially enhanced by periods of light rain. The actual courtship behaviors commence in January in the California part of the range, and as late as March in northerly regions. In any case, the breeding season terminates in July at the latest, and earlier in the drier locales.

Each female produces 200 to 1100 eggs per season, and attaches the egg cluster to submerged vegetation or rotting logs, characteristically seven to 15 cm below the pond surface.[3] Egg clusters are typically about 10 cm in diameter, and may disperse into an irregular form underwater. Eggs hatch in 39 to 45 days, and tadpoles require about 80 days to attain metamorphosis.[8]

Oviposition generally takes place in densely vegetated, shallow portions of wetlands with little current, and in unusual cases, egg masses have been observed in water up to 500 cm in depth.[citation needed] Breeding sites can be either permanent or temporary, with inundation usually necessary into June for successful metamorphosis.[7] The June date is based on Oregon conditions; in Northern California, metamorphosis occurs in late May or early June. Breeding is initiated when water temperatures exceed about 6°C (usually in January), but can be as late as March in the extreme northern part of the range.

Die Weibchen legen zwischen 200 und 1100 Eier pro Saison und kleben die Eipakete an die Vegetation unterhalb der Wasseroberfläche. Dabei werden möglichst tiefe Stellen des Laichgewässers bevorzugt, die nicht so schnell austrocknen können. Aus den Eiern schlüpfen, abhängig von der Wassertemperatur, nach sechs bis 14 Tagen die Kaulquappen.[1]

The tadpoles of Rana aurora are a tan to dark brown color with scattered clumps of golden flecks. The dorsal and ventral tail fins have tiny dark spots and a golden tone. Small tadpoles have a light gold line along the side of the body that disappears as the tadpole grows. The labial tooth row formula, defined as a fraction designating the location and number of labial tooth rows, are 2/3 or 3/4 (Stebbins 2003). The total size of the tadpole before metamorphosis is 50-70 mm (total length) (Dodd 2013).

Ein Großteil des Habitats


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<reference> [1] </reference>


  • Ololygon tripui auf Scinax tripui

Kaiser FJI hatte ds telefon ab 1900 auf dem Klo, damit es niemand sieht. Er wollte auch keine Oberleitung in der Mariahilfer-Str.

This species of frog is very variable in colour and patterning. It reaches 55 mm in length, has extremely long legs, and is very streamlined. Its dorsal surface is a shade of brown with longitudinal skin folds or warts that are darker in colour than the skin around them. The ventral surface is white and granular. A brown stripe starts from the nostril, goes across the eye, through the tympanum and ends between the armpit and groin. The tympanum is brown with a white circle surrounding it. The thighs are marked with black lines on a yellow background. Throats of breeding males are yellow. Although being a 'tree frog', this species spends most of its life as an adult on land, due to its inability to climb because of its small discs.

Das Verbreitungsgebiet des Raketen-Laubfroschs reicht vom Nordosten des Bundesstaats Western Australia ostwärts über das nördliche Northern Territory bis nach Nord- und Ostqueensland. Im Süden gibt es ein Vorkommen bis Gosford im östlichen New South Wales und weiter südlich ein disjungtes Vorkommen bis Avalon, einen Vorort von Sydney. Im Süden Australiens ist er südliches Neuguinea Lebensraum: Wälder, Sümpfe, Waldland

Ecology and behaviour

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This frog inhabits swamps, ponds, and flooded grasslands in forests and open woodland. The call is a 'wick... wick' repeated several times followed by a 'but... but'; the call may last for several seconds. Males call from spring through early autumn while sitting around the bank of a water body or in shallow water. Breeding increases after rain. This frog can leap 2 m (6.5 ft), roughly 36 times its own length. This would be the equivalent of a 1.8 m (6 ft) human making a jump 64.8 m (105 ft) long.

Ähnliche Arten

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This species is a member of the rocket frog complex, which includes many species, for example Freycinet's frog (Litoria freycineti) and broad-palmed frog (L. latopalmata). All species in this complex are very agile jumpers and often contain "rocket frog" in the common name and have a duck-like quacking or wicking call. L. nasuta is sympatric with every species in this complex through at least part of its range. The dorsolateral stripes and skin folds on this species are best used to distinguish this species from others in the complex. The Australian wood frog, (Rana daemeli) is physically similar to this species and others in the complex. R. daemeli and L. nasuta both occur in the northern part of the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland.

It is kept as a pet, and in Australia this animal may be kept in captivity with the appropriate permit.

  • 2020 2020-04-13 Nidirana xiangica Ranidae China Lyu Z-T, Dai K-Y, Li Y, Wan H, Liu Z-Y, Qi S, Lin S-M, Wang J, Li Y-L, Zeng Y-J, Li P-P, Pang H, Wang Y-Y. 2020. Comprehensive approaches reveal three cryptic species of genus Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from China. ZooKeys 914: 127-159. (10.3897/zookeys.914.36604)
  • 2020 2020-04-13 Nidirana mangveni Ranidae China Lyu Z-T, Dai K-Y, Li Y, Wan H, Liu Z-Y, Qi S, Lin S-M, Wang J, Li Y-L, Zeng Y-J, Li P-P, Pang H, Wang Y-Y. 2020. Comprehensive approaches reveal three cryptic species of genus Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from China. ZooKeys 914: 127-159. (10.3897/zookeys.914.36604)
  • 2020 2020-04-13 Nidirana guangdongensis Ranidae China Lyu Z-T, Dai K-Y, Li Y, Wan H, Liu Z-Y, Qi S, Lin S-M, Wang J, Li Y-L, Zeng Y-J, Li P-P, Pang H, Wang Y-Y. 2020. Comprehensive approaches reveal three cryptic species of genus Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from China. ZooKeys 914: 127-159. (10.3897/zookeys.914.36604)
  • 2020 2020-04-04 Leptobrachella suiyangensis Megophryidae China Luo T, Xiao N, Gao K, Zhou J 2020 A new species of Leptobrachella (Anura, Megophryidae) from Guizhou Province, China. ZooKeys 923:115-140. (10.3897/zookeys.923.47172)
  • 2020 2020-03-28 Anaxyrus nevadensis Bufonidae United States Gordon MR, Simandle ET, Sandmeier FC, Tracy CR 2020 Two new cryptic endemic toads of Bufo discovered in central Nevada, western United States (Amphibia: Bufonidae: Bufo [Anaxyrus]). Copeia 108:166-183. (10.1643/CH-18-086)
  • 2020 2020-03-28 Anaxyrus monfontanus Bufonidae United States Gordon MR, Simandle ET, Sandmeier FC, Tracy CR 2020 Two new cryptic endemic toads of Bufo discovered in central Nevada, western United States (Amphibia: Bufonidae: Bufo [Anaxyrus]). Copeia 108:166-183. (10.1643/CH-18-086)
  • 2020 2020-03-27 Hyloxalus arliensis Dendrobatidae Colombia Acosta-Galvis AR, M Vargas-Ramírez, M Anganoy-Criollo, OA Ibarra, and S. Gonzáles. 2020. Description of a new diminutive Hyloxalus (Anura: Dendrobatidae: Hyloxalinae) from the Magdalena Valley of Colombia. Zootaxa 4758: 83-102. (10.11646/zootaxa.4758.1.3)
  • 2020 2020-03-24 Pristimantis pluvian Strabomantidae Brazil de Oliveira EA, LA da Silva, EAP Silva, KLA Guimarães, M Penhacek, JG Martínez, LRR Rodrigues, DJ Santana, EJ Hernández-Ruz. 2020. Four new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Craugastoridae) in the eastern Amazon. PLoS One 15: e0229971. (10.1371/journal.pone.0229971)
  • 2020 2020-03-24 Pristimantis pictus Strabomantidae Brazil de Oliveira EA, LA da Silva, EAP Silva, KLA Guimarães, M Penhacek, JG Martínez, LRR Rodrigues, DJ Santana, EJ Hernández-Ruz. 2020. Four new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Craugastoridae) in the eastern Amazon. PLoS One 15: e0229971. (10.1371/journal.pone.0229971)
  • 2020 2020-03-24 Pristimantis moa Strabomantidae Brazil de Oliveira EA, LA da Silva, EAP Silva, KLA Guimarães, M Penhacek, JG Martínez, LRR Rodrigues, DJ Santana, EJ Hernández-Ruz. 2020. Four new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Craugastoridae) in the eastern Amazon. PLoS One 15: e0229971. (10.1371/journal.pone.0229971)
  • 2020 2020-03-24 Pristimantis giorgii Strabomantidae Brazil de Oliveira EA, LA da Silva, EAP Silva, KLA Guimarães, M Penhacek, JG Martínez, LRR Rodrigues, DJ Santana, EJ Hernández-Ruz. 2020. Four new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Craugastoridae) in the eastern Amazon. PLoS One 15: e0229971. (10.1371/journal.pone.0229971)
  • 2020 2020-03-22 Copiula mosbyae Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Guenther R, Richards S 2020 Two new frog species of the genus Copiula Mehely, 1901 (Anura, Microhylidae, Asterophryinae) from southern Papua New Guinea. Russian Journal of Herpetology 27:41-53. (10.30906/1026-2296-2020-27-1-41-53)
  • 2020 2020-03-22 Copiula bisyllaba Microhylidae Papua New Guinea Guenther R, Richards S 2020 Two new frog species of the genus Copiula Mehely, 1901 (Anura, Microhylidae, Asterophryinae) from southern Papua New Guinea. Russian Journal of Herpetology 27:41-53. (10.30906/1026-2296-2020-27-1-41-53)
  • 2020 2020-03-20 Brachytarsophrys orientalis Megophryidae China Li Y, Zhang D-D, Lyu Z-T, Wang J, Li Y-L, Liu Z-Y, Chen H-H, Rao D-Q, Z-F Jin, Zhang C-Y, Wang Y-Y. 2020 Review of the genus Brachytarsophrys (Anura:Megophryidae), with revalidation of Brachytarsophrys platyparietus and description of a new species from China. Zoological Research 41:105−122. (10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.033)
  • 2020 2020-03-13 Bolitoglossa copinhorum Plethodontidae Honduras Itgen MW, Sessions SK, Wilson LD, Townsend JH 2020 (2019) Integrative systematic revision of Bolitoglossa celaque (Caudata: Plethodontidae), with a new species from the Lenca Highlands of Honduras. Herpetological Monographs 33:48-70.
  • 2020 2020-03-12 Pristimantis bowara Craugastoridae Colombia Acevedo AA, O Armesto, and RE Palma. 2020. Two new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) with notes on the distribution of the genus in northeastern Colombia. Zootaxa 4750: 499-523. (10.11646/zootaxa.4750.4.3)
  • 2020 2020-03-12 Pristimantis ardilae Craugastoridae Colombia Acevedo AA, O Armesto, and RE Palma. 2020. Two new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) with notes on the distribution of the genus in northeastern Colombia. Zootaxa 4750: 499-523. (10.11646/zootaxa.4750.4.3)
  • 2020 2020-03-10 Amolops tuanjieensis Ranidae China Gan Y-L, G-H Yu, and Z-J Wu. 2020. A new species of the genus Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Yunnan, China. Zoological Research 41: 1-6. (10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.018)

2020 2020-03-10 Eleutherodactylus erythrochomus Eleutherodactylidae Mexico Palacios-Aguilar R, and R Santos-Bibiano. 2020. A new species of direct-developing frog of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from the Pacific lowlands of Guerrero, Mexico. Zootaxa 4750: 250-260. (10.11646/zootaxa.4750.2.8)

  • 2020 2020-03-04 [[Pristimantis terrapacis Strabomantidae Colombia Ospina-Sarria JJ, Angarita-Sierra T. 2020 A New Species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Eastern Slope of the Cordillera Oriental, Arauca, Colombia, Herpetologica 76: 83-92. (10.1655/Herpetologica-D-19-00048)
  • 2020 2020-03-04 Phrynobatrachus mbabo Phrynobatrachidae Cameroon Gvoždík V, Nečas T, Dolinay M, Zimkus BM, Schmitz A, Fokam EB. 2020. Evolutionary history of the Cameroon radiation of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachidae: Phrynobatrachus), with descriptions of two critically endangered new species from the northern Cameroon Volcanic Line. PeerJ 8:e8393 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8393 (10.7717/peerj.8393)
  • 2020 2020-03-04 Phrynobatrachus arcanus Phrynobatrachidae Cameroon; Nigeria Gvoždík V, Nečas T, Dolinay M, Zimkus BM, Schmitz A, Fokam EB. 2020. Evolutionary history of the Cameroon radiation of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachidae: Phrynobatrachus), with descriptions of two critically endangered new species from the northern Cameroon Volcanic Line. PeerJ 8:e8393 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8393 (10.7717/peerj.8393)
  • 2020 2020-03-02 Kurixalus gracilloides Rhacophoridae Viet Nam Nguyen TV, TV Duong, KT Luu, and NA Poyarkov. 2020. A new species of Kurixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from northern Vietnam with comments on the biogeography of the genus. Journal of Natural History DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1728411. (10.1080/00222933.2020.1728411)
  • 2020 2020-03-01 Osteocephalus sangay Hylidae Ecuador Valeria D. Chasiluisa, Marcel A. Caminer, Andrea Varela-Jaramillo & Santiago R. Ron (2020) Description and phylogenetic relationships of a new species of treefrog of the Osteocephalus buckleyi species group (Anura: Hylidae), Neotropical Biodiversity, 6:1, 21-36, DOI: 10.1080/23766808.2020.1729306 (10.1080/23766808.2020.1729306)
  • 2020 2020-02-26 Sarcohyla floresi Hylidae Mexico Kaplan M, P Heimes, and R Aguilar. 2020. A new species of Sarcohyla (Anura: Hylidae: Hylini) from the Sierra Madre del Sur of Guerrero and Estado de México, México. Zootaxa 4743: 382-390. (10.11646/zootaxa.4743.3.5)
  • 2020 2020-01-28 Walkerana muduga Ranidae India Dinesh KP, SP Vijayakumar, V Ramesh, A Jayarajan, SR Chandramouli, and K Shanker. 2020. A deeply divergent lineage of Walkerana (Anura: Ranixalidae) from the Western Ghats of Peninsular India. Zootaxa 4729: 266-276. (10.11646/zootaxa.4729.2.7)
  • 2020 2020-01-28 Ansonia kelabitensis Bufonidae Indonesia Matsui M, K Nishikawa, K Eto, and MY Hossman. 2020. Two New Ansonia from Mountains of Borneo (Anura, Bufonidae). Zoological Science 37: 1-11. (10.2108/zs190078)
  • 2020 2020-01-28 Ansonia kanak Bufonidae Indonesia Matsui M, K Nishikawa, K Eto, and MY Hossman. 2020. Two New Ansonia from Mountains of Borneo (Anura, Bufonidae). Zoological Science 37: 1-11. (10.2108/zs190078)
  • 2020 2020-01-22 Nidirana yeae Ranidae China Wei G, S-Z Li, J Liu, Y-L Cheng, N Xu, and B Wang. 2020. A new species of the Music frog Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from Guizhou Province, China. ZooKeys 904: 63-87. (10.3897/zookeys.904.39161)
  • 2020 2020-01-22 Panophrys xianjuensis Megophryidae China Wang B, Y-Q Wu, J-W Peng, S-C Shi, N-N Lu, and J Wu. 2020. A new Megophrys Kuhl & Van Hasselt (Amphibia, Megophryidae) from southeastern China. ZooKeys 904: 35-62. (10.3897/zookeys.904.47354)
  • 2020 2020-01-21 Liurana minuta Ceratobatrachidae India Saikia B and B Sinha. 2020. On the Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) of India with the description of three new species from Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119: 303-315. (10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/141629)
  • 2020 2020-01-21 Liurana indica Ceratobatrachidae India Saikia B and B Sinha. 2020. On the Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) of India with the description of three new species from Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119: 303-315. (10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/141629)
  • 2020 2020-01-21 Liurana himalayana Ceratobatrachidae India Saikia B and B Sinha. 2020. On the Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) of India with the description of three new species from Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119: 303-315. (10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/141629)
  • 2020 2020-01-16 Panophrys caobangensis Megophryidae Viet Nam Nguyen TQ, CT Pham, TT Nguyen, AM Luong, and T Ziegler. 2020. A new species of Megophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Vietnam. Zootaxa 4722: 401-422. (10.11646/zootaxa.4722.5.1)
  • 2020 2020-03-13 Bolitoglossa copinhorum Plethodontidae Honduras Itgen MW, Sessions SK, Wilson LD, Townsend JH 2020 (2019) Integrative systematic revision of Bolitoglossa celaque (Caudata: Plethodontidae), with a new species from the Lenca Highlands of Honduras. Herpetological Monographs 33:48-70.
  • 2020 2020-03-12 Pristimantis bowara Craugastoridae Colombia Acevedo AA, O Armesto, and RE Palma. 2020. Two new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) with notes on the distribution of the genus in northeastern Colombia. Zootaxa 4750: 499-523. (10.11646/zootaxa.4750.4.3)
  • 2020 2020-03-12 Pristimantis ardilae Craugastoridae Colombia Acevedo AA, O Armesto, and RE Palma. 2020. Two new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) with notes on the distribution of the genus in northeastern Colombia. Zootaxa 4750: 499-523. (10.11646/zootaxa.4750.4.3)
  • 2020 2020-03-10 Amolops tuanjieensis Ranidae China Gan Y-L, G-H Yu, and Z-J Wu. * 2020. A new species of the genus Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Yunnan, China. Zoological Research 41: 1-6. (10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.018)
  • 2020 2020-03-10 Eleutherodactylus erythrochomus Eleutherodactylidae Mexico Palacios-Aguilar R, and R Santos-Bibiano. 2020. A new species of direct-developing frog of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from the Pacific lowlands of Guerrero, Mexico. Zootaxa 4750: 250-260. (10.11646/zootaxa.4750.2.8)
  • 2020 2020-03-04 Pristimantis terrapacis Strabomantidae Colombia Ospina-Sarria JJ, Angarita-Sierra T. 2020 A New Species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Eastern Slope of the Cordillera Oriental, Arauca, Colombia, Herpetologica 76: 83-92. (10.1655/Herpetologica-D-19-00048)
  • 2020 2020-03-04 Phrynobatrachus mbabo Phrynobatrachidae Cameroon Gvoždík V, Nečas T, Dolinay M, Zimkus BM, Schmitz A, Fokam EB. 2020. Evolutionary history of the Cameroon radiation of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachidae: Phrynobatrachus), with descriptions of two critically endangered new species from the northern Cameroon Volcanic Line. PeerJ 8:e8393 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8393 (10.7717/peerj.8393)
  • 2020 2020-03-04 Phrynobatrachus arcanus Phrynobatrachidae Cameroon; Nigeria Gvoždík V, Nečas T, Dolinay M, Zimkus BM, Schmitz A, Fokam EB. 2020. Evolutionary history of the Cameroon radiation of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachidae: Phrynobatrachus), with descriptions of two critically endangered new species from the northern Cameroon Volcanic Line. PeerJ 8:e8393 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8393 (10.7717/peerj.8393)
  • 2020 2020-03-02 Kurixalus gracilloides Rhacophoridae Viet Nam Nguyen TV, TV Duong, KT Luu, and NA Poyarkov. 2020. A new species of Kurixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from northern Vietnam with comments on the biogeography of the genus. Journal of Natural History DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1728411. (10.1080/00222933.2020.1728411)
  • 2020 2020-03-01 Osteocephalus sangay Hylidae Ecuador Valeria D. Chasiluisa, Marcel A. Caminer, Andrea Varela-Jaramillo & Santiago R. Ron (2020) Description and phylogenetic relationships of a new species of treefrog of the Osteocephalus buckleyi species group (Anura: Hylidae), Neotropical Biodiversity, 6:1, 21-36, DOI: 10.1080/23766808.2020.1729306 (10.1080/23766808.2020.1729306)
  • 2020 2020-02-26 Sarcohyla floresi Hylidae Mexico Kaplan M, P Heimes, and R Aguilar. 2020. A new species of Sarcohyla (Anura: Hylidae: Hylini) from the Sierra Madre del Sur of Guerrero and Estado de México, México. Zootaxa 4743: 382-390. (10.11646/zootaxa.4743.3.5)
  • 2020 2020-01-28 Walkerana muduga Ranidae India Dinesh KP, SP Vijayakumar, V Ramesh, A Jayarajan, SR Chandramouli, and K Shanker. 2020. A deeply divergent lineage of Walkerana (Anura: Ranixalidae) from the Western Ghats of Peninsular India. Zootaxa 4729: 266-276. (10.11646/zootaxa.4729.2.7)
  • 2020 2020-01-28 Ansonia kelabitensis Bufonidae Indonesia Matsui M, K Nishikawa, K Eto, and MY Hossman. 2020. Two New Ansonia from Mountains of Borneo (Anura, Bufonidae). Zoological Science 37: 1-11. (10.2108/zs190078)
  • 2020 2020-01-28 Ansonia kanak Bufonidae Indonesia Matsui M, K Nishikawa, K Eto, and MY Hossman. 2020. Two New Ansonia from Mountains of Borneo (Anura, Bufonidae). Zoological Science 37: 1-11. (10.2108/zs190078)
  • 2020 2020-01-22 Nidirana yeae Ranidae China Wei G, S-Z Li, J Liu, Y-L Cheng, N Xu, and B Wang. 2020. A new species of the Music frog Nidirana (Anura, Ranidae) from Guizhou Province, China. ZooKeys 904: 63-87. (10.3897/zookeys.904.39161)
  • 2020 2020-01-22 Megophrys xianjuensis Megophryidae China Wang B, Y-Q Wu, J-W Peng, S-C Shi, N-N Lu, and J Wu. 2020. A new Megophrys Kuhl & Van Hasselt (Amphibia, Megophryidae) from southeastern China. ZooKeys 904: 35-62. (10.3897/zookeys.904.47354)
  • 2020 2020-01-21 Liurana minuta Ceratobatrachidae India Saikia B and B Sinha. 2020. On the Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) of India with the description of three new species from Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119: 303-315. (10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/141629)

2020 2020-01-21 Liurana indica Ceratobatrachidae India Saikia B and B Sinha. 2020. On the Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) of India with the description of three new species from Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119: 303-315. (10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/141629) 2020 2020-01-21 Liurana himalayana Ceratobatrachidae India Saikia B and B Sinha. 2020. On the Liurana (Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) of India with the description of three new species from Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119: 303-315. (10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/141629)

  • 2020 2020-01-16 Megophrys caobangensis Megophryidae Viet Nam Nguyen TQ, CT Pham, TT Nguyen, AM Luong, and T Ziegler. 2020. A new species of Megophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Vietnam. Zootaxa 4722: 401-422. (10.11646/zootaxa.4722.5.1)

Year Described Date Added Species Family Country Distribution Reference

  • 2019 2020-01-04 Kurixalus absconditus Rhacophoridae Indonesia Mediyansyah, A Hamidy, M Munir, and M Matsui. 2019. A new tree frog of the genus Kurixalus Ye, Fei & Dubois, 1999 (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae) from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Treubia 46: 51-72. (10.14203/treubia.v46i0.3790)
  • 2019 2020-01-02 Amolops pallasitatus Ranidae China Qi, S, Z Zhou, Z Lyu, Y Lu, H Wan, M Hou, K Guo, and P Li. 2019. Description of a new species of Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Tibet, China. Asian Herpetological Research 10: 219–229. (10.16373/j.cnki.ahr.190016)
  • 2019 2019-12-22 Zhangixalus pachyproctus Rhacophoridae China Yu G, H Hui, M Hou, Z Wu, D Rao, and J Yang. 2019. A new species of Zhangixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae), previously confused with Zhangixalus smaragdinus (Blyth, 1852). Zootaxa 4711: 275-292. (10.11646/zootaxa.4711.2.3)
  • 2019 2019-12-22 Osteocephalus omega Hylidae Colombia Duellman WE. 2019. The last one: a new species of Osteocephalus (Anura: Hylidae) from Colombia, with comments on the morphological and behavioral diversity within the genus. Phyllomedusa 18: 141-157. (10.11606/issn.2316-9079.v18i2p141-157)
  • 2019 2019-12-20 Sarcohyla toyota Hylidae Mexico Grünwald CI, H Franz-Chávez, KI Morales-Flores, IT Ahumada-Carrillo, and JM Jones. 2019. A rare new treefrog of the genus Sarcohyla (Anura: Hylidae) from Guerrero, Mexico. Zootaxa 4712: 345-364. (10.11646/zootaxa.4712.3.2)
  • 2019 2019-12-19 Ameerega panguana Dendrobatidae Peru Brown JL, K Siu-Ting, R Von May, E Twomey, WX Guillory, MS Deutsch, and G Chávez. 2019. Systematics of the Ameerega rubriventris complex (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with descriptions of two new cryptic species from the East-Andean versant of Peru. Zootaxa 4712: 211-235. (10.11646/zootaxa.4712.2.3)
  • 2019 2019-12-19 Ameerega imasmari Dendrobatidae Peru Brown JL, K Siu-Ting, R Von May, E Twomey, WX Guillory, MS Deutsch, and G Chávez. 2019. Systematics of the Ameerega rubriventris complex (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with descriptions of two new cryptic species from the East-Andean versant of Peru. Zootaxa 4712: 211-235. (10.11646/zootaxa.4712.2.3)
  • 2019 2019-12-15 Rhacophorus vanbanicus Rhacophoridae Viet Nam Kropachev II, Orlov NL, Ninh HT, Nguyen TT 2019 A new species of Rhacophorus genus (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae: Rhacophorinae) from Van Ban District, Lao Cai Province, northern Viernam. Russian J Herpetology 26:325-334. (10.30906/1026-2296-2019-26-6-325-334)
  • 2019 2019-12-12 Ischnocnema bocaina Brachycephalidae Brazil Taucce PPG, BF Zaidan, H Zaher, and PCA Garcia. 2019. A new species of Ischnocnema Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862 (Anura: Brachycephalidae) of the I. lactea species series from southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 4706: 531-545. (10.11646/zootaxa.4706.4.3)
  • 2019 2019-12-07 Aneides caryaensis Plethodontidae United
  1. a b M. Jennings: Natural history and decline of native ranids in California. Proceedings of the Conference on California Herpetology. H. F. DeLise, P. R. Brown, B. Kaufman, and B. M. McGurty (Hrsg.): Southwestern Herpetologists Society Special Publication, 1988, S. 1-143.