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You may be able to find maps and other data about the location on earth with geographical coordinates

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{latdegabs}° {latminint}′ {latsecdec}″ {latNS}
{londegabs}° {lonminint}′ {lonsecdec}″ {lonEW}

and a scale of approximately

1 : {scale}

in the resources listed below.

Global Systems

Systems with Wiki aspects

Near Realtime Satellite Maps

Maps requiring special software

You can also get the location in Google Earth with an addtional Wikipedia overlay in following languages:
English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish.
You need to download only once.

Local Systems

North America


  • Find this location on swedish Eniro. Roads and topography, route planner, aerial imagery and combination of aerial imagery and roads. [16]

{osgb36ref} on the British national grid reference system (note: this excludes Northern Ireland, which uses the Irish national grid reference system)

  • Find this location on Eniro. Roads and topography, route planner, aerial imagery and combination of aerial imagery and roads. [23]

{ch1903easting} / {ch1903northing} on Swiss Grid



Note:Coordinates on some Japanese map sites differs from other ones.

South America

Some of these services have provision for manual navigation by coordinates, in which case this information may be useful:

Degrees, minutes, seconds latitude and longitude: {latdegabs}° {latminint}′ {latsecdec}″ {latNS} {londegabs}° {lonminint}′ {lonsecdec}″ {lonEW} WGS84
Degrees, minutes latitude and longitude: {latdegabs}° {latmindec}′ {latNS} {londegabs}° {lonmindec}′ {lonEW} WGS84
Decimal degrees latitude and longitude: {latdegdec}° {londegdec}° WGS84
UTM Northing, Easting and zone: {utmnorthing} {utmeasting} {utmzone} WGS84
UK Ordnance Survey: {osgb36ref} Airy 1830
Switzerland CH1903; Easting, Northing: {ch1903easting} {ch1903northing} Bessel 1841
New Zealand NZTM; Easting, Northing: {nztmeasting} {nztmnorthing} NZGD2000

Coordinates listed as datum WGS84 will also be valid for NAD83 and EU89.









  • SIX - New South Wales - Topographic and road plus aerial photography
  • LIST - Tasmania - Topographic, tourist and property maps

New Zealand

Other Location Based Information

Sunrise Sunset



Amateur Radio

See also

[[Category:Coordinates templates|*Mapsources]]