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Thema Wissenschaftskultur.

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EGS About

Zuerst: The EGS was established as a Graduate School in 1994, and chartered as graduate and post-graduate degree-granting University, with a Campus in Saas-Fee, Wallis. The EGS is accredited by permission of the State Council (Staatsrat) of the State and Canton Wallis, Switzerland, to award recognized Master (M.A.) and Ph.D. (Dr.phil.) degrees and is formally recognized as university in Wallis by Staatsratsbeschluss (State Council decision, from June 20, 2002). EGS is funded by the non-for profit EGS-Foundation. Cofounders are the State and Canton of Wallis, the town of Saas Fee and The European Foundation of Interdisciplinary Studies (EGIS).

dann Fachbereiche s.u.


Chairman: Dr. Fritz Schaeren. VRV Dr. Fritz Schaeren AG für Unternehmerberatung Rheingutstrasse 1 8245 Feuerthalen/ Schaffhuse nicht VR RAt ab 4.2011. VR Raut EGIS Europaeische Stiftung fuer interdisziplinaere Studien br /> Vice-Chairman: Dr. Felix Zurbriggen. RA + Notar, Sitz in Visp, Wohnort Saas Fee, Haus Stegmatte. Gemeindepräsident Saas Fee.
President and Provost: Prof. Emerit. Dr. h.c. P.J. Knill, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees: Dr. phil. Herbert Eberhart, Psychologe FSP, Dr. Kurt Grünwald, Prof. Dr. Martin Hielscher, Lisette Imhof, Univ. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kriz, Peter Margelist, Representative of Ministery of Education, Wallis European Graduate School, European Graduate School Foundation. Alter Kehr 20, CH-3953 Leuk-Stadt Switzerland. Phone: +41-27-474 9917 Fax: +41-27-474 9969 gleichzeitig auch die Adresse der Media and Communication Division and Arts and Health Adresse

Nachweis in Saas Fee Gletscherpost 8/2007

Presidents Office

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Paolo J. Knill, Dr. phil., Dr. h.c. Keine Adresse

Divisions + Personal

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Degrees offered: Ph.D. in Communication and M.A. in Communication Dean: Prof. Dr. Martin Hielscher Program Director: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schirmacher Chief Information Officer: Prof. Hendrik Speck Central Office: European Graduate School Media & Communication Division, Alter Kehr 20, CH-3953 Leuk-Stadt Switzerland. Phone: +41-27-474 9917 Fax: +41-27-474 9969 New York Mailing Address: European Graduate School Media and Communication 151 First Ave #14 New York, NY 10003, USA Phone: +1 (212) 254 5267 Fax +1 (646) 417 5922

Martin Hielscher Dean of , hält einen intensiven Sommerkurs ab

Programm Direktor Wolfgang Schirmacher, macht Programm und teaches many Intensive Seminars during the summer residency in Saas-Fee.

Arts, Health and Society

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Degrees offered: Ph.D. in Expressive Arts, CAGS in Expressive Arts, M.A. in Expressive Arts Therapy, M.A. in Expressive Arts Coaching, Consulting and Education and M.A. in Expressive Arts Conflict Transformation and Peace Building. Dean Masters Program: Prof. Dr. Margo Fuchs Dean Doctoral Program: Prof. Dr. Stephen K. Levine Dean Individualized Studies: Prof. Dr. Ellen Levine Program Director ­ Expressive Arts in Conflict Transformation and Peace Building: Marybeth Morand, MBA. CAGS Program Director - KPF Modules: Joachim Schmidt M.A. CAGS Central Office: European Graduate School Arts, Health & Society Division, Alter Kehr 20, CH-3953 Leuk-Stadt Switzerland. Phone: +41-27-474 9917 Fax: +41-27-474 9969

Campus angeblich in Saas Fee, auf der EGS Seite nicht zu finden, gegoogelte Adresse EGS European Graduate School Foundation Haus Stegmatte, 3906 Saas-Fee, Schweiz +41 27 474 99 17 ‎ Haus Stegmatte ist die Privatadresse des Vicechairman der EGSF. Er ist Anwalt und Notar mit Sitz ins Visp. Das ist das Haus von Irmgard Zurbriggen in dieser Liste, so sieht es aus hier

auf Website steht : The Allalin Hotel, located at the sunny "Lomatte", is the principal reception place for students and faculty of European Graduate School. The owner Tobias Zurbriggen is managing the hotel in the 3rd generation and guaranties for quality and a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

Tagungshaus Steinmatte

Nicht anerkannt von

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Schweizer Rektorenkonferenz


Hendrik Speck Auf EGS: Hendrik Speck, Ph.D. (ABD) (All but dissertation) is a media theorist, designer, internet expert and professor. He is a tenured professor of Digital Media in Germany at the Fachhochschule Kaisersl.. ABD-ler sowieSowas