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Englische und Schottische

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Freimaurer - schottisch
James Anderson (Freimaurer)
Robert Burns
Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 10. Duke of Hamilton
James Finlayson (Schauspieler)
Norman Macleod
James Wilson McKay
Robert Moray
George Ramsay, 9. Earl of Dalhousie
Walter Scott
Jock Stein
Englische Freimaurer
Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale
Leopold Stennett Amery
Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Annie Besant
Mabel Besant-Scott
Henry Brougham, 1. Baron Brougham and Vaux
James Andrew Broun-Ramsay, 1. Marquess of Dalhousie
Richard Francis Burton
John Butler (Pionier)
Spencer Cavendish, 8. Duke of Devonshire
Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn
Arthur of Connaught
Charles Cornwallis, 1. Marquess Cornwallis
Fiennes Cornwallis, 3. Baron Cornwallis
Benjamin Disraeli
Arthur Conan Doyle
Eduard VII.
Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn
Geoffrey Fisher
Alexander Fleming
John French, 1. Earl of Ypres
Georg IV. (Vereinigtes Königreich)
Georg V. (Vereinigtes Königreich)
Georg VI. (Vereinigtes Königreich)
George, 1. Duke of Kent
Edward Grey
Friedrich Ludwig von Hannover
John Hely-Hutchinson, 2. Earl of Donoughmore
Henry, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn
Harry Holmes
James Keith
Rudyard Kipling
Herbert Kitchener, 1. Earl Kitchener of Khartoum
Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2. Earl Granville
Thomas Lipton
Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers
Henry McMahon
Moses Montefiore
John Moore (General)
Horatio Nelson, 1. Viscount Nelson
William Onslow, 4. Earl of Onslow
Cecil Rhodes
Frederick Roberts, 1. Earl Roberts
George Robinson, 1. Marquess of Ripon
Edmundo Ros
Arthur Russell, 2. Baron Ampthill
Ernest Shackleton
Frederick Edwin Smith, 1. Earl of Birkenhead
Sidney Smith (Admiral)
Thomas Stamford Raffles
Victor Child Villiers, 7. Earl of Jersey
Charles Warren
Arthur Wellesley, 1. Duke of Wellington
Wilhelm IV. (Vereinigtes Königreich)
John Wilkes
William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh
William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh
Edward Windsor, 2. Duke of Kent
Michael Windsor
Garnet Wolseley, 1. Viscount Wolseley
John Yarker
Edward, Duke of York and Albany
Friedrich August, Herzog von York und Albany