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  • Florio Banfi: Giovanni Michele Nagonio panegirista di Uladislao II Re di Boemia ed Ungheria. In: L’Europa Orientale 17 (1937) Nr. 3/4, S. 198–207.
  • John L. Flood: Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire. A Bio-bibliographical Handbook. Vol. 3: L–R. Berlin 2006, ISBN 9783110181005, S. 1410–1412.
  • Paul Gwynne: 'Tu alter Caesar eris': Maximilian I, Vladislav II, Johannes Michael Nagonius and the renovatio Imperii. In: Renaissance Studies 10 (1996) Nr. 1, S. 56–71 (JSTOR:24412339).
  • Paul Gwynne: Poets and Princes. The panegyric poetry of Johannes Michael Nagonius. Turnhout 2012, ISBN 9782503531601 (Courts 1).
  • Carla Piccone: Il manoscritto TORINO, BN F V 5 tra letteratura e potere: la costruzione della figura di Giovanni Michele Pingonio. In: Studi Medievali 55 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 759–799.
  • Bernhard Schirg und Paul Gwynne: The ‘Economics of Poetry’: Fast Production as a Crucial Skill in Neo-Latin Encomiastic Poetry. In: Paul Gwynne und Bernhard Schirg (Hrsg.): The Economics of Poetry. The Efficient Production of Neo-Latin Verse, 1400–1720. Oxford [u. a.] 2018, ISBN 978-1-78707-055-4 (Court cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance 6), S. 21–63.
  • Godelieve Tournoy-Thoen: Les premiers épithalames humanistes en France. In: France et Italie dans la culture européenne. Moyen Âge et Renaissance. Festschrift Franco Simone. Genf 1980, ISBN 2051001782 (Bibliothèque Franco Simone 4), S. 199–224.
  • Francis Wormald: An Italian Poet at the Court of Henry VII. In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 14 (1951) Nr. 1/2, S. 118–119 (JSTOR:750355).
  1. Beschreibung von Ulrike Spyra auf Manuscripta Mediaevalia.
  2. Maria Francesca Stamuli: Gian Michele Nagonio, Nove testi poetici in lode di Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Lombardia, abgerufen am 30. Juni 2022.