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Amasra (historisch Amastris) ist eine etwa 7000 Einwohner zählende Hafenstadt am Schwarzen Meer in der türkischen Provinz Bartın.

Amasra liegt auf einer Halbinsel, deren flachem Übergang zum Festland, sowie einer über eine Brücke erreichbaren Insel (Büyük Ada, „Große Insel“). Der Stadt vorgelagert liegt eine unbewohnte weitere Insel, die „Kanincheninsel“ (Tavşan adası).

Der alte Name Amastris des in der historischen Region Paphlagonien gelegenen Ortes geht auf Amastris, Nichte des letzten Perserkönigs Darius III. und Frau von Dionysius von Herakleia und später von Lysimachos, zurück.

Four small Ionian colonies, Sesamus, Cytorus, Cromna, also mentioned in the Iliad [1], and Tium, were combined by Amastris, after her separation from Lysimachus[2], to form the new community of Amastris, placed on a small river of the same name and occupying a peninsula[3]. Tium, says Strabo, soon detached itself from the community, but the rest kept together, and Sesamus was the acropolis of Amastris. From this it appears that Amastris was really a confederation or union of three places, and that Sesamus was the name of the city on the peninsula. This may explain the fact that Mela[4] mentions Sesamus and Cromna as cities of Paphlagonia, and does not mention Amastris.[5]

The territory of Amastris produced a great quantity of boxwood, which grew on Mount Cytorus. Its tyrant Eumenes presented the city of Amastris to Ariobarzanes of Pontus in c. 265260 BC rather than submit it to domination by Heraclea, and it remained in the Pontic kingdom until its capture by Lucius Lucullus in 70 BC in the second Mithridatic War.[6] The younger Pliny, when he was governor of Bithynia and Pontus, describes Amastris, in a letter to Trajan[7], as a handsome city, with a very long open place (platea), on one side of which extended what was called a river, but in fact was a filthy, pestilent, open drain. Pliny obtained the emperor's permission to cover over this sewer. On a coin of the time of Trajan, Amastris has the title Metropolis. It continued to be a town of some note to the seventh century of our era.

The city was not abandoned in Byzantine Era, when the acropolis was transformed into a fortress and the still surviving church was built. It was sacked by the Rus during the First Russo-Byzantine War in the 830s. But it was in 1261 that Amastris regained part of its former importance; in that year the town was taken by the Italian city-state of Genoa in its bid to obtain sole control of the Black Sea trade. Genoese domination ended in 1460 when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II conquered the whole Anatolian shores of the Black Sea, forcing its inhabitants to move to Istanbul. The Greeks were replaced with Turkish villagers and the church became a mosque, the town losing most of its former importance.

  1. Homer, ii. 855
  2. Memnon, History of Heraclea, 5, 9
  3. Strabo, Geography, xii. 3
  4. Pomponius Mela, De chorographia, i. 93
  5. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, vi. 2
  6. Appian, The Foreign Wars, "The Mithridatic Wars", 82
  7. Pliny the Younger, Letters, x. 99

Koordinaten: 41° 45′ N, 32° 23′ O

Kategorie:Ort in der Türkei