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Eine Follow-Up-Studie:

  • Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [1]

Spitzer Studie publiziert: ?Anzeichen/Indizien/Beweise? gefunden für die ?Wirksamkeit/Leistngsfähigkeit? der Reorientierungstherapie

„These results would seem to contradict the position statements of the major mental health organizations in the United States, which claim there is no scientific basis for believing psychotherapy effective in addressing same-sex attraction. Yet Spitzer reports evidence of change in both sexes, although female participants reported significantly more change than did male participants.“

Die Sätze könnten problematisch sein. Kann zu wenig englisch dafür

„97% were of a Christian background, 3% were Jewish, with an overwhelming 93% of all participants stating that religion was either "extremely" or "very" important in their lives.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [2]

„19% of the participants were mental health professionals or directors of ex-gay ministries.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [3]

„The majority of respondents (85% male, 70% female) did not find the homosexual lifestyle to be emotionally satisfying. 79% of both genders said homosexuality conflicted with their religious beliefs, with 67% of men and 35% of women stated that gay life was an obstacle to their desires either to marry or remain married.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [4]

„Although all of the participants had been sexually attracted to members of the same sex, a certain percentage (males 13%, females 4%) had never actually experienced consensual homosexual sex. More of the male respondents (34%) than females (2%) had engaged in homosexual sex with more than 50 different partners during their lifetime. Further, more of the men than women (53% to 33%) had never engaged in consensual heterosexual sex before the therapy effort.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [5]

„Dr. Spitzer said the data collected showed that, following therapy, many of the participants experienced a marked increase in both the frequency and satisfaction of heterosexual activity, while those in marital relationships noted more emotional fulfillment between their spouses and themselves.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [6]

„As for completely reorienting from homosexual to heterosexual, most respondents indicated that they still occasionally struggled with unwanted attractions--in fact, only 11% of the men and 37% of the women reported complete change. Nevertheless this study, Spitzer concludes, "clearly goes beyond anecdotal information and provides evidence that reparative therapy is sometimes successful."“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [7]

„Spitzer acknowledges the difficulty of assessing how many gay men and women in the general population would actually desire reparative therapy if they knew of its availability; many people, he notes, are evidently content with a gay identity and have no desire to change.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [8]

„Is reorientation therapy harmful? For the participants in our study, Spitzer notes, there was no evidence of harm. "To the contrary," he says, "they reported that it was helpful in a variety of ways beyond changing sexual orientation itself."“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [9]

„And because his study found considerable benefit and no harm, Spitzer said, the American Psychiatric Association should stop applying a double standard in its discouragement of reorientation therapy, while actively encouraging gay-affirmative therapy to confirm and solidify a gay identity.“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [10]

„Furthermore, Spitzer wrote in his conclusion, "the mental health professionals should stop moving in the direction of banning therapy that has, as a goal, a change in sexual orientation. Many patients, provided with informed consent about the possibility that they will be disappointed if the therapy does not succeed, can make a rational choice to work toward developing their heterosexual potential and minimizing their unwanted homosexual attractions."“

Roy Waller and Linda A. Nicolosi: Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy, Stand: 21. September 2004 [11]

Soweit eigentlich OK der gesamte Text.

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„The psychiatrist who led the team that deleted homosexuality from the diagnostic manual in 1973, now says homosexuality may sometimes be changeable.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Like most psychiatrists, I thought that homosexual behavior could be resisted--but that no one could really change their sexual orientation. I now believe that's untrue--some people can and do change.“

Robert L. Spitzer: in Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„[Protestierer bei der APA-Konferenz] They carried placards saying, "Homosexuals Can Change--We Did--Ask Us!" Others said, "Don't Affirm Me into a Lifestyle that was Killing Me Physically and Spiritually," and "The APA Has Betrayed America with Politically Correct Science."“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Most had been referred to him by The National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality and by Exodus, a ministry for homosexual strugglers.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Most of the subjects said their religious faith was very important in their lives, and about three-quarters of the men and half of the women had been heterosexually married by the time of the study. Most had sought change because a gay lifestyle had been emotionally unsatisfying. Many had been disturbed by promiscuity, stormy relationships, a conflict with their religious values, and the desire to be (or to stay) heterosexually married.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Typically, the effort to change did not produce significant results for the first two years. Subjects said they were helped by examining their family and childhood experiences, and understanding how those factors might have contributed to their gender identity and sexual orientation.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Contrary to conventioned wisdom, some highly motivated individuals, using a variety of change efforts, can make substantial change in multiple indicators of sexual orientation, and achieve good heterosexual functioning.“

Robert L. Spitzer: in Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„But, Dr. Spitzer said, his findings suggest that complete change--cessation of all homosexual fantasies and attractions (which is generally considered an unrealistic goal in most therapies) is probably quite uncommon.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Still, when subjects did not actually change sexual orientation--for example, their change had been one of behavioral control and self-identity, but no significant shift in attractions--they still reported an improvement in overall emotional health and functioning.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

Aha. Das ist für Nicolosi wahrscheinlich das mittlere Drittel.

„This study is believed to be the most detailed investigation of sexual orientation change to date, in that it assessed a variety of homosexual indicators.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

Sehr mager. Eine einzige größere Untersuchung.

„American Psychiatric Association president Daniel Borenstein was asked by the Washington Post to comment on the recent Spitzer study. "There are a group of people who think all homosexual behavior must be changed...and they try to impose their values [on gay men and lesbians}, which is inappropriate," he said.“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

„Dr. Spitzer agreed that this study should not be used to justify coercion. Nor should it be used as an argument for the denial of civil rights. "But patients should have the right," Spitzer stated, "to explore their heterosexual potential."“

Linda Ames Nicolosi: Historic Gay Advocate Now Believes Change is Possible, 9. Mai 2001,

So weit recht gut.

Spitzer im Interview

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Christianity Today

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„But from the very first people [die Probanden] that I talked to, I had the feeling they were talking about something real.“

Robert L. Spitzer: Douglas Leblanc: Therapeutically Incorrect, 29. März 2005,

„The scene has changed drastically over the last 20 or 30 years. When I started clinical practice in 1961, it was very common to get a male patient who wanted to change. Today those people don't go to psychiatrists because the word is out that the mental health profession doesn't regard it as a problem.“

Robert L. Spitzer: Douglas Leblanc: Therapeutically Incorrect, 29. März 2005,

"Have you considered conducting a follow-up study?"
No. I feel a little battle fatigue. But also I'm not sure what the study would be. [...] The study that ought to be done is a controlled study where people go into the therapy, and then you initially evaluate them, and then you evaluate them later and see how many actually changed. But that study is not going to be done, unfortunately.
"Is that because of a lack of interest or funding?"
The reasons are, number one, reparative therapists are not scientists—they don't do studies. The second reason is, if somebody proposed that the National Institute of Mental Health do such a study, I think almost certainly any gays in the study section would say this is a total waste of time: They would say, We already know it's hokum, so why do it?“

Robert L. Spitzer: Douglas Leblanc: Therapeutically Incorrect, 29. März 2005,

„I think the politically correct term now is reorientation therapy. Reparative already implies something's broken—of course the reparative therapists believe this, but it kind of infuriates the gays to even call it reparative therapy.“

Robert L. Spitzer: Douglas Leblanc: Therapeutically Incorrect, 29. März 2005,

Die Antwort von Dr. A. Dean Byrd, head of the NARTH Scientific Advisory Committee: [25]

Und weiteres von Joseph Berger, M.D., a Distinguished Fellow with the American Psychiatric Association, is a member of NARTH's Scientific Advisory Committee über die Entwicklung.