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David face About me: My interests are mainly about early modern history, especially the french Ancien Régime, the french monarchy, court life, courtiers and nobility, the Palace of Versailles and other royal residences. I'm a collector of historical french sources, like manuscripts, publications, books and others originated between 1200 and 1789 / 1814 and 1848 and I'm trying to support articles with convenient images – if possible.

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Geographylogo Location: Dortmund, Germany.

de Diese Person spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.

en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.

fr-2 Cette personne sait contribuer avec un niveau moyen en français.

es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
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Conditions of re-useing my pictures

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If you like to use one of my pictures in a published work, first refer to the relevant description page to check its precise status:

  • Pictures in the Public Domain can be used for any purpose, including commercial use, and without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law. Please note that many national legislations recognize the right for the author to receive proper credit for their work. Legal requirements notwithstanding, I expect to be credited as a common courtesy.
  • Pictures under the CC-BY licence can be used for any purpose, including commercial use, as long as you credit their author.

In both cases, you can use my pictures without requesting any authorisation. However, I can provide a personal authorisation – if needed – upon request by mail. I will also be happy to hear from you if you reuse my pictures.


Credit should be given as follows wherever convenient: Collection Louis de France, Dortmund, [+ ARCHIVE SECTION – as indicated in every image title (see image details)], CLdF-[+ ACCESSION NUMBER]/ Wikimedia Commons

Example: "Collection Louis de France, Dortmund, Manuscripts, CLdF-BR 0105/ Wikimedia Commons"

I warrant that:

  • the pictures mentioning my name as author are indeed my own work;
  • my pictures representing always:
  1. a work whose copyright expired;
  2. only original and ancient items (no copies) of my own private collection, whose copyrights are expired;
  3. a copyrighted work, permanently installed in a public space, in a country allowing freedom of panorama;
  • my pictures are irrevocably released under a free license.

To the best of my knowledge, my pictures do not infringe the copyright or any other personal or property rights of any person or third party. I will give no further warranty.

My pictures are free in every meaning of the word. Please just give a credit like written above. If you feel that every work deserves a payment, consider making a donation to the Wikimedia Foundation, which supports this website.

How to contact me

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eMail: collection (AT)