Benutzer:Ca$e/Theologischer Realismus

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  • Michael Welker: Theological Realism and Eschatological Symbol Systems: Resurrection, the Reign of God, and the Presence in Faith and in the Spirit, in: T. Peters / R. Russell / M. Welker (Hg.), Resurrection: Theological and Scientific Assessments, Eerdmans: Grand Rapids 2002, 31-42.

speziellere Theorieansätze (dialektischer, kritischer theologischer Realismus etc), Sekundärliteratur

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  • P. F. B. Loemendaal: Grammars of Faith, A Critical Evaluation of D.Z.Phillips’s Philosophy of Religion, Diss. Leiden 2006, 327-382 (Inhaltsverzeichnis)
  • Stephen T. Davis: Anselm and Phillips on Religious Realism, in: Timothy Tessin / Mario von der Ruhr (Hgg.): Philosophy and The Grammar of Religious Belief, New York: St. Martin’s Press 1995.
  • Brad Shipway: The Theological Application of Bhaskar's Stratified Reality, The Scientific Theology of A. E. McGrath, in: Journal of Critical Realism 3 (2004), 191-203.

andere Verwendungen

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  • Robin. W. Lovin: Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian Realism, Cambridge: University Press 1995
  • Reinhold Niebuhr: Christian Realism and Political Problem, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1953.
  • H.D. Lewis (Hg.): Clarity is Not Enough Essays in Criticism of Linguistic Philosophy, 2. A. London: George Allen & Unwin 1969, ISBN ISBN 0041100069 darin u.a. der Aufsatz von Price
  • Oliver Crisp: On Analytic Theology, veröff. in Vorb. in: Michael Rea / Oliver Crisp (Hgg.): Analytic Theology, OUP 2008.
  • Bas van Fraassen: The Empirical Stance, Yale University Press 2002 (Synopse), insb. Kap. 1 Against Analytic Metaphysics
  • E.J. Lowe: Is Conceptualist Realism a Stable Position?, in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71/2 (2005), 456–461.
  • Don Cupitt: Taking Leave of God, London: SCM 1980
  • Anthony Freeman: God In Us, London: SCM 1993
  • Richard Harries: The Real God, London: Mowbray 1994
  • Brian Hebblethwaite: The Ocean of Truth, Cambridge: CUP 1988
  • John Hick: An Interpretation of Religion, Basingstoke: Macmillan 1989
  • Gordon Kaufman: The Theological Imagination, Philadelphia: Westminster 1981
  • Anthony Thiselton (Hg.): Interpreting God and the Postmodern Self, Edinburgh: T&T Clark 1994
  • Keith Ward: Holding Fast to God, London: SPCK 1982