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Bitte entfernt überprüfte Einträge aus dieser Liste.
:en:Architectural Record
:en:Jenny d'Héricourt
:fr:François Véron
:fr:Georges Danion#Dans les églises parisiennes
:e:Unus mundus
:en:De Witt Sumners
:en:Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
:en:List of Historic Monuments (Poland)
:en:Hot 3
:ru:Касатонов, Игорь Владимирович
:ru:Морской сборник
:ru:Российский государственный гуманитарный университет
:en:Marc Fitoussi
:fr:Le Brasier ardent
:en:KHOJ (arts organization)
:en:LOOP Barcelona
:en:Marine Policy
:ro:Crucea „Meritul Sanitar”
:ro:Laureat al Premiului de Stat
:ro:Ordinul „Coroana României”
:fr:Tour de France du compagnonnage
:en:Richard Castelli 2 ×
:en:Susheila Nasta
:fr:42e régiment de transmissions#Cinqui%C3%A8me p%C3%A9riode : 1993 – 1999
:en:Jean Claude Ades
:en:Friedl Kubelka
:en:Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
:en:Tabula scalata
:fr:Neil Beloufa
:en:Stanford Law Review
:en:Arcadia Fund
:en:National Dong Hwa University
:en:Easterseals (U.S.)
:en:National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
:en:NXP LPC#LPC1700
:en:Richard A. Epstein
:en:Strain (biology)
:it:Mario Battaini
:en:Philip Campbell (scientist)
:pl:Złota Sowa Polonii
:tr:Aydın Karlıbel
:ru:Мирожский монастырь
:en:Benita Valente
:en:John Reardon (baritone)
:en:Judith Blegen
:en:Louis Quilico
:en:Dylan Dresdow
:en:Tom Coyne (music engineer)
:en:Angela McRobbie
:en:Children's of Alabama
:en:Track & Field News Athlete of the Year
:en:World Institute of Pain
:en:University of Georgia (Tbilisi)
:en:Acta Philosophica
:en:Green Car Crash
:it:"FF.SS." - Cioè: "...che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?"
:en:Joseph Sabin
:en:Mourning Becomes Electra (opera)
:fr:Annales du service des antiquités de l'Égypte (numéros 1 à 10)
:en:Abdolhamid Ismaeelzahi
:en:BP Portrait Award
:pl:Mateusz Kusznierewicz
:en:International Mathematical Modeling Challenge
:en:Mathematical rigor
:en:Rigorous proof
:fr:Rigueur mathématique
:en:Arrow’s impossibility theorem#Relaxing the Dictatorship prohibition
:en:Judgement aggregation
:en:Nikolai Nikolayevich Vorobyov (mathematician)
:en:Metamagical Themas#List of Douglas R Hofstadter Metamagical Themas columns
:en:HR Sendesaal
:en:The Basketball Diaries
:fr:Philippe Bérenger
:en:Park Avenue Armory
:en:James Oxley
:en:Nothing to Prove (H2O album)
:en:Hollywood Post Alliance Award for Outstanding Editing – Television (30 Minutes and Under)
:en:Area Studies
:en:Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation
:en:ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon
:en:Peter P. Chen Award
:en:Anthony Dunne
:en:West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences
:en:North German baroque organ in Örgryte Nya Kyrka
:en:Ville Topias Pulkki
:fi:Unto K. Laine
:sv:Caprice Records
:en:Non-shrink grout
:fr:Pyramide de Mauperthuis
:en:World Triathlon Long Distance Championships
:fr:Éditions Slatkine
:fr:Luc Lang
:fr:Centre de détention de Casabianda
:cs:Elsa Brod-Taussig
:en:File:Ubu Imperator.jpg
:en:List of Islamic scholars
:en:Harrow College
:en:Luigi Parrilli
:en:FX Palo Alto Laboratory
:en:Maison d'éducation de la Légion d'honneur
:en:International Max Planck Research School for Heart and Lung Research