„Benutzer:Kpfiwa/Leuchttürme Sankt Petersburg Gebiet“ – Versionsunterschied

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* '''UHKO''': [[United Kingdom Hydrographic Office]]
* '''UHKO''': [[United Kingdom Hydrographic Office]]
* {{Internetquelle|autor='''NGA''' |url=https://msi.nga.mil/api/publications/download?key=16694312/SFH00000/UpdatedPub116bk.pdf&type=view |titel=List of Lights |hrsg=[[National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency|NGI]] |datum=2021 |format=PDF |sprache=en |abruf=2021-03-23}}
* {{Internetquelle|autor='''NGA''' |url=https://msi.nga.mil/api/publications/download?key=16694312/SFH00000/UpdatedPub116bk.pdf&type=view |titel=List of Lights |hrsg=[[National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency|NGI]] |datum=2021 |format=PDF |sprache=en |abruf=2021-03-23}}
* {{Internetquelle|url=http://wlol.arlhs.com/index.php?mode=zones&zone=ERU|autor='''ARLHS''' |titel=ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL) [[ARLHS]] |sprache=en|datum=2009|abruf=2020-09-19}}
* {{Internetquelle|url=http://wlol.arlhs.com/index.php?mode=zones&zone=ERU|autor='''ARLHS''' |titel=ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL) |hrsg=[[Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society|ARLHS]] |sprache=en|datum=2009|abruf=2020-09-19}}
*{{Internetquelle|autor='''RLHA''' |url=http://mayak.info/ne-news.html |titel=List of lighthouses in Russia – Lighthouses of Russia |werk=mayak.info|sprache=en |abruf=2021-03-17}}
*{{Internetquelle|autor='''RLHA''' |url=http://mayak.info/ne-news.html |titel=List of lighthouses in Russia – Lighthouses of Russia |werk=mayak.info|sprache=en |abruf=2021-03-17}}

Version vom 29. März 2021, 07:34 Uhr

Die russische Seestadt Sankt Petersburg (russisch Санкт-Петербург Sankt-Peterburg liegt an der Newabucht am Ostende des Finnischen Meerbusens der Ostsee. Die Stadt hieß von 1914 bis 1924 Petrograd (russisch Петроград) und von 1924 bis 1991 Leningrad (russisch Ленинград).

Die Stadt und Region wurde seit der Gründung durch Peter dem Großen (1703) zu einem bedeutenden Marinestützpunkt, Handels- und Passagierhafen ausgebaut. Das machte die Anlage von Navigationseinrichtungen notwendig.

Fast alle Leuchttürme gehören der Russischen Marine, werden von ihr verwaltet und gewartet. Einige Anlagen ihnen haben zivile Eigner, insbesondere Museen. Seit dem Zerfall des Sowjetimperiums sind etliche Leuchttürme immer noch für Besuche geschlossen, da sie sich oft in sensiblen Militärgebieten befinden.

In den Listen sind nur Leuchtfeuer aufgenommen, die auffällig, historisch oder architektonisch bedeutsam sind. Alle Detailangaben sind ausschließlich informativ und für den nautischen Einsatz nicht geeignet.

Sankt Petersburg (Stadthäfen)

Der Stadthäfen liegen im Südwesten von Stankt Petersburg und haben Zugang zur Newabucht.

Name Positionskordinaten seit Höhe in m Code Nummer[1] Anmerkungen
Feuer Bau
Lesnoi Mole Unterfeuer ⇑⇔⇓ BILD 59° 53′ 3″ N, 30° 11′ 5″ O ? 21 16 CODE Admiralty C4062; NGA 13062. Square cylindrical skeletal tower, painted black. The upper 2/3 of the west side of the tower carries a slatted daymark, painted red with a black vertical stripe. The range guides ships from the Morskoy Kanal into the commercial harbor of St. Petersburg, on the south side of the city. Located at the end of the Lesnoy docks on the St. Petersburg waterfront. Site and tower probably closed to the public. [1]
Lesnoy Mole Range Middle 100px 59° 52′ 59,3″ N, 30° 11′ 24,8″ O ? 26 24 CODE Admiralty C4062.05; NGA 13062.1 Square skeletal tower, painted black. Located at the west end of the containership port; site and tower probably closed to the public. [2]
Lesnoi Mole Rear 59° 52′ 40,1″ N, 30° 12′ 59″ O ? 76 73 CODE Admiralty C4062.2; NGA 13062.2 red light occulting once every 4 s. Round tower with lantern and several galleries, painted with red and white horizontal bands. This remarkable and nearly-unknown tower is the tallest Russian lighthouse and one of the tallest lighthouses in the world. Located in a dockyard area on the waterfront; site and tower probably closed to the public. [3]
Rostrata-Säulen 59° 56′ 34,8″ N, 30° 18′ 24,8″ O
59° 56′ 40,8″ N, 30° 18′ 18″ O
1811 FH TH CODE ARLHS ERU-311 Inactive as aids to navigation. Two ornate red columns with galleries, topped by gas burners on tripods and decorated with six ship's prows. Lights were displayed at the tops of the towers during the nineteenth century and decorative gas lights are lit there on special occasions today.. The columns were originally lit with oil; they have never had modern lamps. Located at the eastern end of Vasilievski Island in downtown St. Petersburg, where the Neva River divides into two channels as it approaches the Gulf of Finland. Site open, towers closed. Site manager: City of St. Petersburg. [4]
59.98152, 30.20077 1995 FH TH CODE Pseudo­leucht­turm I 300-Jahre-Jübiläumspark steht dieser 22 m hohe, runde Granittum mit Aussichtsraum oben. Eine Erinnerung n die maritime Beseutung der Stadt, aber ohne jegliche nautische Funktion. Парк имени 300-летия Санкт-Петербурга

Bezirk Kronstadt

Kronstadt (russisch Кроншта́дт) ist der historische Heimathafen der Russischen Ostseeflotte. Die Stadt und der Marinestützpunkt befinden sich auf der Insel Kotlin, 30 km westlich von St. Petersburg. Der Petersburger Damm, der dem Hochwasserschutz und als Landverkehrsweg dient, erfordert eine angepasste Kennzeichnung der Seeverkehrswege.

Name Bild Positionskordinaten seit Nummer[1] Anmerkungen
Tолбухин маяк
60° 2′ 32,9″ N, 29° 32′ 31,1″ O 1719 1810 ARLHS  ERU-070; UKHO C4010; NGA 13012 Brennebene 29 m, weißes Licht, 3 s an, 9 s aus. 30 m 2-stufiger runder zylindrischer Steinturm im alten Stil mit Laterne und Galerie, weiß gestrichen; Laternenkuppel ist rot. 2-stöckiges Wächterhaus und andere Lichtstationsgebäude. Der heutige Turm, der älteste aktive Leuchtturm im Nordwesten Russlands, wurde vonAndrejan D. Sacharow, einem berühmten russischen Architekten, entworfen. Das Hotel liegt auf einer winzigen Insel etwa 7 km westnordwestlich der Westspitze von Kotlin. Nur mit dem Boot erreichbar. Standort und Turm geschlossen. [5]
Ostrov Kotlin Floodgate Outer South Mole BILD POSI SEIT NR 2008. Active; focal plane 17 m (56 ft); two green flashes every 5 s. 10 m (33 ft) round cylindrical tower, painted green with a white horizontal band. Trabas has a photo and Google has a satellite view. Located on the south mole at the west entrance to the floodgate. Site and tower closed. Admiralty C4011; NGA 13021. [6]
Ostrov Kotlin Floodgate Outer North Mole BILD POSI SEIT NR 2008. Active; focal plane 17 m (56 ft); two red flashes every 5 s. 10 m (33 ft) round cylindrical tower, painted red with a white horizontal band. Trabas has a photo and Google has a satellite view. Located on the north mole at the west entrance to the floodgate. Site and tower closed. Admiralty C4011.2; NGA 13021.1. [7]
Ostrov Kotlin Floodgate Inner South Mole BILD POSI SEIT NR 2008. Active; focal plane 14 m (46 ft); two green flashes every 5 s. 10 m (33 ft) round cylindrical tower, painted green with a white horizontal band. Trabas has a photo, Roma Glintwine has a distant street view, and Google has a satellite view. Located on the south mole at the east entrance to the floodgate. Site and tower closed. Admiralty C4011.4; NGA 13022 [8]
Ostrov Kotlin Floodgate Inner North Mole BILD POSI SEIT NR 2008. Active; focal plane 14 m (46 ft); two red flashes every 5 s. 10 m (33 ft) round cylindrical tower, painted red with a white horizontal band. Trabas has a photo, Roma Glintwine has a closeup street view, and Google has a satellite view. Located on the south mole at the east entrance to the floodgate. Site and tower closed. Admiralty C4011.6; NGA 13022.1 [9]
Litke East Range Rear BILD POSI SEIT UKHO C4013.1 Date unknown. Inactive. 17 m (56 ft) round cylindrical metal tower, painted white with a black vertical stripe on the former range line. Located on the south side of Kotlin Island just east of the ring road. Site and tower closed. ex-Admiralty. 4013.2 in Stadtnähe? . [10]
Morskoy Kanal Range Rear BILD POSI SEIT NR 1914. Active; focal plane 40 m (131 ft); long white flash every 6 s. 41.5 m (136 ft) octagonal tower with lantern and gallery. The lighthouse is unpainted gray concrete with black and white horizontal bands on the side facing the range line. The Morskoy Kanal is the dredged channel through Neva Bay (Nevskaya Guba) from Kronstadt to St. Petersburg; the channel is ruler straight and has a length of about 28 km (17 mi). The Lesnoy Range in St. Petersburg guides eastbound traffic in the channel, while the Morskoy Kanal Range lights guide westbound traffic. Located about 1 km southwest of Fort Kronshlot. Accessible only by boat. Site and tower closed. ARLHS ERU-050; Admiralty C4059.1; NGA 13048.1 [LINK]
Fort Nikolai Range Front BILD POSI SEIT NR 1891. Inactive since the early 1920s. 16 m (52 ft) round cast iron tower with lantern and gallery, painted red, built just outside the walls of Fort Kronshlot (formerly Fort Nikolai). An excellent closeup and a second closeup are available, and Google has a satellite view. The current Fort Kronshlot Light was the rear light of this range. The light became unnecessary after the current Kronstadt Rear Light was built in the 1920s. It appears that the lighthouse has been maintained as a daybeacon, since still stands on the range line. Located 180 m (200 yd) west of the Fort Kronshlot Light on a small island just west of the naval base, near the east end of Ostrov Kotlin. Accessible only by boat, but there are distant views from Kronstadt and from the civilian port of Lomonosov on the mainland 3 km (2 mi) to the south. ARLHS ERU-314 [11] [12]
Fort Kronshlot (Kronstadt Range Front) BILD POSI SEIT ARLHS ERU-314 1891. Inactive since the early 1920s. 16 m (52 ft) round cast iron tower with lantern and gallery, painted red, built just outside the walls of Fort Kronshlot (formerly Fort Nikolai). The current Fort Kronshlot Light was the rear light of this range. The light became unnecessary after the current Kronstadt Rear Light was built in the 1920s. It appears that the lighthouse has been maintained as a daybeacon, since still stands on the range line. Located 180 m (200 yd) west of the Fort Kronshlot Light on a small island just west of the naval base, near the east end of Ostrov Kotlin. Accessible only by boat, but there are distant views from Kronstadt and from the civilian port of Lomonosov on the mainland 3 km (2 mi) to the south. [13]
Kabotazhnaya Gavan Range Front BILD POSI SEIT Admiralty C4020 NGA 13024 Date unknown. Active; focal plane 16 m (52 ft); red flash every 1.5 s. 15 m (49 ft) square skeletal tower, mounted on a square concrete pier. The entire lighthouse is enclosed by a wood daymark painted white on three sides and red with a black vertical stripe on the side facing the range line. Dmitry Ishanin has a photo, a closeup is available, Trabas has a photo, and Google has a satellite view. This light is a front range light that guides naval vessels as they enter the Kronstadt naval station. Located about 600 m (0.4 mi) north of Fort Kronshlot. Accessible only by boat. Site and tower closed. . [14]
Holzleuchtturm Kronstadt BILD POSI SEIT NR Date unknown. Active; focal plane 31 m (102 ft); quick-flashing red light. 29 m (95 ft) square steel frame tower, faced with wood siding, with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted white, except the side facing the range is painted red with a black vertical stripe on the range line; lantern painted red. Evgeny Gerashchenko's photo is at right, another closeup photo is available, Trabas has a photo, Vladimir Petrukovich has a nice photo, Mikhail Shishov has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse was repainted in 2007. This light is a rear range light that guides naval vessels as they enter the Kronstadt naval station. The lighthouse stands on the Petrovskaya Pristan (mole), one of the breakwaters protecting the main harbor of Kronstadt, the traditional and historic home port of the Russian Navy. Accessible by walking the pier. Site open, tower closed. ARLHS ERU-144; Admiralty C4020.1; NGA 13024.1. [LINK]
Morskoy Kanal Range Front BILD POSI SEIT NR 1914. Active; focal plane 19 m (62 ft); quick-flashing white light. 20 m (66 ft) octagonal concrete tower with lantern and gallery. The lighthouse is unpainted gray concrete, except the side facing the range is painted black with a white vertical stripe on the range line. Trabas has a closeup photo, a photo of both range lights is available, and Google has a satellite view. Perhaps endangered, the lighthouse has a distinct lean. Located about 1.6 km (1 mi) southwest of the Kronstadt lighthouse. Accessible only by boat. Site and tower closed. ARLHS ERU-049; Admiralty C4059; NGA 13048. [15]
Sredney Gavan' Range Front BILD POSI SEIT NR 2008 (?). Active; focal plane 16 m (52 ft); quick-flashing red light, visible only on the range line. 12 m (39 ft) square cylindrical skeletal tower; the front of the tower is covered by a daymark colored white with a red vertical stripe. Trabas has Klaus Kern's photo and Google has a satellite view. This range guides eastbound vessels through the Floodgate. Located on a detached breakwater south of the naval harbor. Site and tower closed. Admiralty C4036; NGA 13020. [16]
Sredney Gavan' Range Middle BILD POSI SEIT Admiralty C4036.1; NGA 13020.1 2008 (?). Active; focal plane 29 m (95 ft); quick-flashing red light, visible only on the range line. 25 m (82 ft) triangular cylindrical skeletal tower; the front of the tower is covered by a daymark colored white with a red vertical stripe. Trabas has a closeup photo and Google has a satellite view. Located about 400 m (1/4 mi) north of the Lomonosov Kanal Range Rear lighthouse (next entry). Site and tower closed. [17]
Lomonosovskogo (Lomonosovskiy Kanal) (Range Rear) BILD POSI SEIT NR 1915. Active; focal plane 54 m (177 ft); continuous green light shone only to the south. 54 m (177 ft) octagonal concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Tower is unpainted gray concrete; lantern painted red. One of Dmitry Rostopshin's photos is at right, Jessica Brach has a 2007 photo, Trabas has a photo, another photo is available, and Google has a good satellite view. Since 2009 this is no longer a range light; it is a directional light guiding vessels leaving Lomonosov. Located near the east end of the naval harbor at Kronstadt, about 2.3 km (1.5 mi) east southeast of the front light at Fort Kronshlot. Site and tower closed but there are good views from shore and distant views from the civilian port of Lomonosov on the mainland 3 km (2 mi) to the south. ARLHS ERU-047; Admiralty C4012.1; NGA 13040 [18]
Voyennaya Gavan (Voennogo Ugla, Friedrichstadt'skiy, Kronstadt'skiy) BILD POSI SEIT NR 1915. Active; focal plane 54 m (177 ft); continuous green light shone only to the south. 54 m (177 ft) octagonal concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Tower is unpainted gray concrete; lantern painted red. One of Dmitry Rostopshin's photos is at right, Jessica Brach has a 2007 photo, Trabas has a photo, another photo is available, and Google has a good satellite view. Since 2009 this is no longer a range light; it is a directional light guiding vessels leaving Lomonosov. Located near the east end of the naval harbor at Kronstadt, about 2.3 km (1.5 mi) east southeast of the front light at Fort Kronshlot. Site and tower closed but there are good views from shore and distant views from the civilian port of Lomonosov on the mainland 3 km (2 mi) to the south. ARLHS ERU-047; Admiralty C4012.1; NGA 13040 [19]
Voyennaya Gavan (Voennogo Ugla, Friedrichstadt'skiy, Kronstadt'skiy) BILD POSI SEIT NR Date unknown. Demolished in 2019. This was a 16 m (52 ft) round tower, painted white with a black vertical stripe. Google has a street view and Bing has a satellite view. Located about 300 m (1000 ft) west of the front light. Site status unknown. ex-Admiralty C4042.21; NGA 13044.1. [20]
Kronstadt Fairway No. 15 (Summer Harbor) Range Front BILD POSI SEIT Admiralty C4042.2
NGA 13044
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 14 m (46 ft); continuous green light. 12 m (39 ft) round tower, painted white with a black vertical stripe. Trabas has a photo and Google has a street view and a satellite view. Located at the eastern tip of Kotlin Island. Site status unknown. [21]
Sredney Gavan' Range Rear BILD POSI SEIT NR ANM [22]

Bezirk Petrowski – Lomonosov Gebiet

Lomonossow (russisch Ломоно́сов), bis 1948 Oranienbaum (russisch Ораниенба́ум) genannt, ist ein Hafen an der Südseite der Newabucht westlich von Peterhof und gegenüber dem Marinestützpunkt Kronstadt.

Name Positionskordinaten seit Nummer[1] Anmerkungen

Bezirk Kurort: Selenogorsk

Selenogorsk (russisch Зеленогорск) ist eine Stadt am Finnischen Meerbusen, etwa 50 Kilometer nordwestlich des Stadtzentrums von Sankt Petersburg. Den kleinen Hafen hatte man aufgegeben, wurde aber in den letzten Jahren zu einem Yachthafen umgebaut.

Name Positionskordinaten seit Nummer[1] Anmerkungen
Zelenogorskaya Gavan' Range Front BILD 60.18667,29.70147 SEIT RU 2201-1706
UHKO C4081.5
Date unknown. Listed as active; focal plane 9 m (30 ft); red light, 2 s on, 2 s off. 5 m (17 ft) round cylindrical tower with lantern, painted orange with a white vertical stripe on the range line. The small harbor here had been abandoned, but it recent years it has been redeveloped as a yacht harbor. It appears that the range lights were moved, perhaps several times, as this development proceeded. Site open, tower closed. Fundamentreste erkennbar [keinLINK]
Zelenogorskaya Gavan' Range Rear BILD 60.187376, 29.701914 SEIT RU 2201-1707
UHKO C4081.51
Date unknown. Listed as active; focal plane 16 m (52 ft); red light, 2 s on, 2 s off. 12 m (39 ft) round cylindrical tower with lantern, painted white with a red vertical stripe on the range line. Formerly located near the waterfront of Zelenogorsk. Reste noch sichtbar [LINK]

Bezirk Petrowski – Strelna und Peterhof

Strelna und Peterhof sind kleinere Gemeinden südwestlich von Stankt Petersburg am Südufer der Newbucht. Beide sind die Standorte großer zaristischer Paläste, heute Museen, die eine große Anzahl von Touristen anziehen.

Name Positionskordinaten seit Nummer[1] Anmerkungen



  1. a b c d e Registrierungen: