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Zitat aus der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung bezüglich Medienmanipulation durch China hinzugefügt.
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Mit dem [[Englische Sprache|englischsprachigen]] Begriff '''50 Cent Party''', auch '''50 Cent Army'''<ref name="wp2016">{{Internetquelle|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/05/19/the-chinese-government-fakes-nearly-450-million-social-media-comments-a-year-this-is-why/ |titel=The Chinese government fakes nearly 450 million social media comments a year. This is why. |autor=Henry Farrell |werk=washingtonpost.com | sprache=en |datum=2016-05-19 |zugriff=2016-12-12}}</ref> genannt, ({{zh|c=五毛党}} wǔmáo dǎng) werden von der [[Staatsrat der Volksrepublik China|Chinesischen Regierung]] bezahlte Internetkommentatoren genannt, die über [[propaganda]]gesteuerte Kommentare gezielt das [[Meinungsbildung|Meinungsbild]] in [[Internetforum|Internetforen]] und [[Soziales Netzwerk (Internet)|sozialen Netzwerken]] manipulieren.<ref name="zeit-2014-02-07">{{Internetquelle | url=http://www.zeit.de/community/2014-01/kommentare-russland-manipulation | titel=Aus den Kommentaren: Russische Botschaft | autor=Annika von Taube | werk=[[Die Zeit#Zeit Online|zeit.de]] | datum=2014-02-07 |zugriff=2016-12-12}}</ref>
{{Use dmy dates|date=December 2015}}
|p=wǔmáo dǎng
|l=five-[[wiktionary:dime|dime]] [[political party|party]]
|altname=Internet commentator(s)
|p2=wǎngluò pínglùn yuán
|l2=Internet commentator

Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass etwas 2 Millionen chinesische Regierungsangestellte auf diese Weise pro Jahr etwa 450 Millionen Kommentare in chinesischen sozialen Medien [[Posting|posten]].<ref name="wp2016"/> Sie sind dabei vor allem auf dem [[Twitter]]-[[Klon (Informationstechnik)|Klon]] [[Sina Weibo]] und dem [[Google]]-Klon [[Baidu]] aktiv.<ref name="welt-155523450" />
The '''50 Cent Party''', or '''50 Cent Army''' ({{zh|c=五毛党}} wǔmáo dǎng), is the colloquial term for [[Internet]] commentators, i.e. [[Internet troll|trolls]] ({{zh|c=网络评论员}} wǎngluò pínglùn yuán), hired by Chinese publicity authorities in an attempt to manipulate [[public opinion]] to the benefit of the [[Chinese Communist Party]]<ref name="BBC1"/><ref name="chinadigitaltimes"/> during the early phases of Internet's rollout to the wider public in China. The name derives from the allegation that commentators were said to be paid fifty cents (in [[Renminbi]]) for every post,<ref name="tibetanreview" /><ref name="dnai" /><ref name="freedomhouse" /> though some speculate that they are probably not paid anything for the posts, instead being required to do so as a part of their official Party duties.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|url=https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/06/red-astroturf-chinese-government-makes-millions-of-fake-social-media-posts/|title=Red astroturf: Chinese government makes millions of fake social media posts|last=Gallagher|first=Sean|website=Ars Technica|access-date=2016-06-14}}</ref> They created favourable comments or articles on popular Chinese social media networks, intended to derail discussions that are unhelpful to the Communist Party and promoted narratives that served the government's interests, together with disparaging comments and misinformation about political opponents and critics of the Chinese government, both domestic and abroad.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/politics/2012/10/china%E2%80%99s-paid-trolls-meet-50-cent-party|title=China’s Paid Trolls: Meet the 50-Cent Party|website=www.newstatesman.com|access-date=2016-08-27}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://shanghaiist.com/2016/05/20/china_fakes_488_million_posts_yearly.php|title=Chinese trolls write 488 million fake social media posts a year and don't even earn 50 cents for it|website=Shanghaiist|access-date=2016-08-27}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-50-cent-party-2014-10?IR=T|title=China Banned The Term '50 Cents' To Stop Discussion Of An Orwellian Propaganda Program|access-date=2016-08-27}}</ref> It is also used as a derogatory term against people with perceived pro-CPC or [[Chinese nationalism|Chinese nationalist]] views.<ref name="Wertime"/>
Nach einer von drei [[Harvard University|Harvard]]-Wissenschaftlern veröffentlichten Studie ist das Ziel dabei vor allem die Ablenkung von politisch kontroversen Themen. Dazu würden die Propagandisten beispielsweise die Regierung loben, Symbole der Partei verbreiten oder auf die glorreiche Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei verweisen. Entgegen den Erwartungen vor der Studie scheinen sich die Internetkommentatoren dabei nicht in Diskussionen verwickeln zu lassen und gehen nicht auf Argumente anderer Kommentatoren ein.<ref name="welt-155523450" />

Laut der Zeitung "Zeit" werden die chinesischen Internetkommentatoren insbesondere auch dort eingesetzt, wo kritisch über undemokratische politische Systeme berichtet wird. Dieser Artikel beruht allerdings nach eigener Aussage lediglich auf einem "Verdacht aus der Community", also auf Einschätzungen von Usern des Forums von Zeit Online. Beweisen lasse sich demnach diese Vermutung nicht.<ref>{{Literatur|Titel=Aus den Kommentaren: Russische Botschaft|Sammelwerk=Die Zeit|Ort=Hamburg|Datum=2014-02-07|ISSN=0044-2070|Online=http://www.zeit.de/community/2014-01/kommentare-russland-manipulation|Abruf=2017-01-27}}</ref>
A 2016 [[Harvard University]] paper found that in contrast to common assumptions, Chinese Internet commentators are mostly paid government bureaucrats, responding to government directives in times of crisis, and flood Chinese social media with pro-government comments. They also rarely engage in direct arguments, and around 80% of the analysed posts involve pro-China cheerleading with inspirational slogans, and 13% involve general praise and suggestions on governmental policies.<ref name="Wertime"/><ref name="King"/>

Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung beschreibt das Phänomen der Medienmanipulation durch China wie folgt:
As of 2016, this practice seems to have largely ceased, and propagandist participation in Internet discussions has become part of the Communist party officials' normal work. Also the nature of participation has become more nuanced and less aggressive.<ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/29/china-internet-censorship-strategic-distraction-gary-king The secret army of cheerleaders policing China’s internet]. Retrieved 2016-06-13.</ref><ref>[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/05/19/the-chinese-government-fakes-nearly-450-million-social-media-comments-a-year-this-is-why/ The Chinese government fakes nearly 450 million social media comments a year. This is why.] Retrieved 2016-06-13.</ref> Research indicated a "massive secretive operation" to fill China's Internet with propaganda has resulted in some 488 million posts carried out by fake social media accounts, out of the 80 billion posts generated on Chinese social media. To maximize their influence, their pro-government comments are made largely during times of intense online debate, and when online protests have a possibility of transforming into real life actions.<ref name="Wertime"/>

"Zu den Bedrohungen von aussen, die die wehrhafte Demokratie auf die Probe stellen, gehören nicht zuletzt Manipulationen, Beeinflussungen und Sabotage durch Cyberangriffe. China, das neben Russland und Iran ''als besonders aktiv in der nachrichtendienstlichen Tätigkeit'' in Deutschland erwähnt wird, ist offenbar immer mehr auch an politischer Spionage interessiert." <ref>{{Internetquelle|url=https://www.nzz.ch/international/verfassungsschutzbericht-deutschland-im-fadenkreuz-der-spione-und-extremisten-ld.1304369|titel=Deutschlands Inlandgeheimdienst hat alle Hände voll zu tun|autor=|hrsg=|werk=|datum=|sprache=|zugriff=2017-05-07}}</ref>
In October 2004, the Publicity Department of [[Changsha]] started hiring Internet commentators, in one of the earliest known uses of professional Internet commentators.<ref name="commentators" /><ref name="changshaxuanchuan"/>

== Namensherkunft ==
In March 2005, the [[Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China]] enacted a systematic censorship of Chinese college bulletin board systems. The popular "Little Lily" BBS, run by [[Nanjing University]], was forced to close. As a new system was prepared to be launched, school officials hired students as part-time web commentators, paid from the university's work-study funds, to search the forum for undesirable information and actively counter it with Party-friendly viewpoints. In the following months, party leaders from [[Jiangsu]] began hiring their own teams.<ref name="feer"/> By mid-2007, web commentator teams recruited by schools, and party organizations were common across China. [[Shanghai Normal University]] employed undergraduates to monitor for signs of dissent and post on university forums.<ref name="nyt"/> These commentators not only operate within political discussions, but also in general discussions.<ref name="feer" /><ref name=nyt /> Afterwards, some schools and local governments also started to build similar teams.<ref name="sohu"/><ref name="guoluo"/><ref name="t20090729_791744"/>
Der Name ''50 Cent party'' leitet sich von dem Gerücht ab, dass die Manipulatoren 50 Cent des [[Renminbi]] pro Beitrag erhalten sollen.<ref name="welt-155523450">{{Internetquelle | url=http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/webwelt/article155523450/So-raffiniert-flutet-China-das-Netz-mit-Propaganda.html | titel=China fabriziert 488 Millionen Social-Media-Postings im Jahr | autor= Stephan Dörner | werk=[[Die_Welt#Online-Ausgabe|welt.de]] | datum=2016-05-20 |zugriff=2016-12-12}}</ref> Dies entspräche etwa 5 [[Cent_(Währung)#Der_Eurocent|Eurocent]].<ref>{{Internetquelle|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7783640.stm |titel=China's internet 'spin doctors' |autor=Michael Bristow |werk=news.bbc.co.uk | sprache=en |datum=2008-12-16 |zugriff=2016-12-12}}</ref>

Der Harvard-Studie zufolge werden nahezu alle Postings von Regierungsmitarbeitern verfasst. Dabei handelt es sich unter anderem um Mitarbeiter von Steuerbehörden und Gerichten. Diese Tätigkeit wird offensichtlich nicht gesondert vergütet, sondern gehört zu den Aufgaben der Beamten.<ref name="welt-155523450" />
On 23 January 2007, Chinese leader [[Hu Jintao]] demanded a "reinforcement of ideological and public opinion front construction and positive publicity" at the 38th collective learning of [[Politburo of the Communist Party of China|Politburo]].<ref name="xinhuanet"/> Large Chinese websites and local governments have been requested to publish the sayings of Hu, and select "comrades with good political quality" to form "teams of Internet commentators" by the [[CPC Central Committee]] ({{lang|zh|中共中央办公厅}}) and [[General Office of the State Council]] ({{lang|zh|国务院办公厅}}).<ref name="feer" /><ref name="dwnews"/>

== Arbeitsweise ==
Negative reporting of local authorities has increased on the Internet since then.<ref name="cdt"/> In one instance described on the [[China Digital Times]], the [[Jiaozuo]] (Henan) City [[Public Security Bureau]] established a mechanism to analyse public opinion after criticism of the police handling of a traffic incident appeared on the Internet. The Bureau responded with 120 staff calling for the truth to be revealed in line with the public opinion, which gradually shifted and eventually supported the police position, denouncing the original poster.<ref name=cdt/><ref name=zhong /> In the aftermath of the [[2008 Weng'an riot|2008 Guizhou riot]], Internet forums were filled with posts critical of the local authorities; the ''[[China News Weekly]]'' later reported that "the major task of the propaganda group was to organize commentators to past [sic] posts on websites to guide online public opinions."<ref name=zhong />
In einem Artikel von Xiao Qiang auf der Website China Digital Times wird eine zugespielte Dienstanweisung an die chinesischen Internetkommentatoren wie folgt beschrieben: <ref name=":0">{{Literatur|Titel=Leaked Propaganda Directives and Banned "Future" - China Digital Times (CDT)|Sammelwerk=China Digital Times (CDT)|Datum=2011-06-24|Online=http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2011/06/future-banned-on-sina-weibo-search/|Abruf=2017-01-27}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Literatur|Titel=【真理部】网评员《上级通知》 - 中国数字时代|Sammelwerk=中国数字时代|Datum=2011-06-24|Online=http://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/2011/06/%E7%BD%91%E8%AF%84%E5%91%98%E3%80%8A%E4%B8%8A%E7%BA%A7%E9%80%9A%E7%9F%A5%E3%80%8B/|Abruf=2017-01-27}}</ref>

Um den Einfluss der taiwanesischen Demokratie zu umschreiben, um in der Arbeit der öffentlichen Meinungsführung weiter voranzukommen und im Einklang mit den Anforderungen der höheren Instanzen "strategisch und qualifiziert zu sein", hoffen wir, dass Internetkommentatoren gewissenhaft die Denkweise der Netzbürger verstehen, internationale Entwicklung erfassen und die Arbeits eines Internetkommentators besser durchführen. Zu diesem Zweck wird folgende Bekanntmachung erlassen:
In 2010, the Shanghai [[Communist Youth League of China|Communist Youth League]]'s official website published a summary, saying that there were more than 200 topics by Shanghai Municipal Authorities' Internet commentators posted at [[People's Daily]] site, [[Xinhua]] site, Eastday (东方网), [[Sina.com|Sina]] and [[Tianya Club|Tianya]] after many incidents in 2009, including [[Lotus Riverside]] incident, [[Green Dam Youth Escort|Green Dam]] software forced installation, [[Putuo District, Shanghai|Putuo]] [[City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau|Urban Administrative]] incident, [[Influenza A virus subtype H1N1|H1N1]]'s control, Shanghai entrapment incident ([[:zh:钓鱼执法|钓鱼执法]]), Pan Rong (潘蓉)'s self-immolation, etc. It was praised by Shanghai Internet Publicity Office.<ref name="shy"/>
# So weit wie möglich soll Amerika das Ziel der Kritik sein. Spielen Sie die Existenz Taiwans herab.
# Konfrontieren Sie nicht direkt (die Idee der) Demokratie, sondern nutzen Sie die Argumentation "Welches System kann tatsächlich Demokratie umsetzen".
# So weit wie möglich sollen Gewalthandlungen in westlichen Ländern als Beispiele genutzt werden, dass Demokratie nicht für den Kapitalismus geeignet ist.
# Nutzen Sie die Einmischung von Amerika und anderen Ländern in internationale Angelegenheiten, um zu erklären, dass westliche Demokratie tatsächlich eine Invasion anderer Länder ist und wie der Westen die westlichen Werte anderen Ländern aufzwingt.
# Nutzen Sie die blutige und zerreißende Geschichte der (einst) schwachen Menschen (in China), um parteifreundliche und patriotische Emotionen zu provozieren.
# Vermitteln Sie den Eindruck, dass die positive Entwicklung innerhalb von China die (soziale) Stabilität unterstützt. <ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" />

== Siehe auch ==
In December 2014, a Chinese blogger hacked into and published email archives for the Internet Propaganda Department of [[Zhanggong District]] in [[Ganzhou]], including over 2,700 emails of 50 Cent Party Internet commentators.<ref>[http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/12/thousands-local-internet-propaganda-emails-leaked/ Thousands of Local Internet Propaganda Emails Leaked], China Digital Times, 3 December 2014.</ref><ref>[http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/12/zhanggong-leaks-history-best-judge/ Zhanggong Leaks: History is the Best Judge], China Digital Times, 10 December 2014.</ref> For instance, on 16 January 2014, Shi Wenqing, secretary of the Ganzhou branch of the CCP, held a televised "internet exchange" in which he answered questions from a local news website forum; 50 Cent Party commentators were instructed to post seven discussion points, such as (translated) "I really admire Party Secretary Shi, what a capable and effective Party Secretary! I hope he can be the father of Ganzhou for years to come."<ref>[http://qz.com/311832/hacked-emails-reveal-chinas-elaborate-and-absurd-internet-propaganda-machine/ Hacked emails reveal China’s elaborate and absurd internet propaganda machine], Quartz, 18 December 2014.</ref>
* [[Astroturfing]]
* [[Troll-Armee]]
* [[Troll (Netzkultur)]]

==Range of operation==
== Literatur ==
* Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts: [http://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/50c.pdf?m=1463587807 ''How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument.''] vom 26. August 2016
The [[Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China]] now holds regular training sessions, where participants are required to pass an exam after which they are issued a job certification.<ref name="feer"/> As of 2008, the total number of 50-cent operatives was estimated to be in the tens of thousands,<ref name="BBC1"/> and possibly as high as 280,000–300,000.<ref name="feer"/><ref name="tw"/> Every large Chinese website is instructed by the Information Office to create a trained team of Internet commentators.<ref name="feer" />
* Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E Roberts: ''How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression.'' In: ''American Political Science Review.'' Band 107, 2013, S.&nbsp;1–18.
* Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts: ''Reverse-engineering censorship in China: Randomized experimentation and participant observation.'' In: ''[[Science]].'' Nummer 6199, Band 345, 2014, S.&nbsp;1–10.

== Weblinks ==
According to the ''Chinese Communists' opinions of the recruitment of university Work Committee (tentative)'', the university Internet commentators are mainly selected from [[en cadre|cadres]] or student cadres at Communist Party Publicity Department of universities, Youth League, Office of Academic Affairs, Network Center, Admissions Employment Department, Political Theory Department, Teaching Department and other units.<ref name="gaoxiaozhaopin"/>
* {{Internetquelle|url=https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/29/china-internet-censorship-strategic-distraction-gary-king |titel=The secret army of cheerleaders policing China’s internet |autor=John Naughton |werk=theguardian.com |datum=2016-05-29 |zugriff=2016-12-12}}
* {{Internetquelle|url=http://www.dw.com/en/how-pro-government-trolls-guide-chinas-online-debate/a-19279903 |titel=How pro-government trolls 'guide' China's online debate |autor=Cherie Chan |werk=dw.com |datum=2016-05-24 |zugriff=2016-12-12}}

== Einzelnachweise ==
The court of [[Qinghe District, Huai'an|Qinghe District]], Huai'an organized a team of 12 commentators.<ref name="huaian"/> [[Gansu|Gansu Province]] hired 650 commentators, sorted by their writing abilities.<ref name="sina"/> Suqian Municipal Publicity Department's first 26 commentators' team were reported by ''[[Yangtse Evening Post]]'' in April 2005.<ref name="su"/> According to high-profile [[Independent (politician)|independent]] Chinese blogger Li Ming, the pro-Chinese government web commentators must number "at least in the tens of thousands".<ref name="autogenerated1"/>
<references />

[[Wen Yunchao]] ([[:zh:温云超|温云超]]), a former Internet commentator said that there were about 20 full-time commentators for the local news websites in [[Guangdong]]. A county-level discipline inspection commission's Internet commentator estimated more than 100 spare-time Internet commentators in his county, whose population was about 1 million. Hu Yong, an Internet expert from [[Peking University]], said that "the public opinion molders have already penetrated different layers of Chinese society", he found public opinion watchmen that deal with negative information on the forums in tourist city's airport and county-level middle school.<ref name="commentators" /> A 2016 [[Harvard University|Harvard]] study estimated that the group posts about 488 million [[social media]] comments per year.<ref>{{cite news|title=China 'flooding' social media with fake posts|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-36340514|accessdate=22 May 2016|work=BBC News}}</ref>

According to an article published by [[Xiao Qiang]] on her website [[China Digital Times]], a leaked propaganda directive, sent to 50 Cent Party Internet commentators, stated their objective was the following:<ref name="chinadigitaltimes1"/><ref name="chinadigitaltimes2"/>
In order to circumscribe the influence of Taiwanese democracy, in order to progress further in the work of guiding public opinion, and in accordance with the requirements established by higher authorities to "be strategic, be skilled," we hope that internet commentators conscientiously study the mindset of netizens, grasp international developments, and better perform the work of being an internet commentator. For this purpose, this notice is promulgated as set forth below:

:(1) To the extent possible make America the target of criticism. Play down the existence of Taiwan.
:(2) Do not directly confront [the idea of] democracy; rather, frame the argument in terms of "what kind of system can truly implement democracy.”
:(3) To the extent possible, choose various examples in [[Western countries]] of violence and unreasonable circumstances to explain how democracy is not well-suited to capitalism.
:(4) Use America's and other countries' interference in [[international relations|international affairs]] to explain how [[Western democracy]] is actually an invasion of other countries and [how the West] is forcibly pushing [on other countries] Western values.
:(5) Use the bloody and tear-stained history of a [once] weak people [i.e., China] to stir up pro-Party and patriotic emotions.
:(6) Increase the exposure that positive developments inside China receive; further accommodate the work of maintaining [social] stability.<ref name="chinadigitaltimes1"/><ref name="chinadigitaltimes2"/>

The English version of China-based ''Global Times'' reported that Changsha Publicity Department's Internet commentators were paid 0.5 yuan per post, which is considered as the origin of the term "50 Cent Party". However, according to the local party-building website, the basic salary of such commentators was 600 [[Chinese yuan|yuan]] in 2006.<ref name="commentators" /><ref name="changshaxuanchuan" />

In 2010, the Internet commentators from [[Hengyang]] Municipal Committee Party School were paid 0.1 yuan per post and less than 100 yuan monthly bonus.<ref name="hydjnet"/><ref name="cenews"/>

A county-level discipline inspection commission's Internet commentator from Hunan Province told ''Global Times'' that a 500-word article is worth 40 yuan on local websites and 200 yuan on national sites.<ref name="commentators" />

There is an alternate official term for the Internet Commentator, as well as several unofficial terms coined by [[netizen]]s for them:
{| class="wikitable"
!Chinese (Simp/Trad)
!Literally in English
!Commonly in English
|Official name (Primary)
|wǎngluò pínglùn yuán
|Internet commentator
|Internet commentator
| rowspan=2 | Abbreviation in Chinese: 网评员/網評員 (wǎng píng yuán)
|Official name (Secondary)
|wǎngluò yuè píng yuán
|Internet examiner and commentator
|Unofficial term
|{{linktext|五|毛|党}}/五毛黨 or simply 五毛
|wǔmáo dǎng or wǔmáo
|5 mao<ref group="Note" name="mao">"毛" (máo), formally known as "[[Jiao (currency)|jiao]]", is a colloquial unit of current Chinese currency [[Renminbi]] which equals to 0.1 basic unit yuan.</ref> Party or 5 mao, 5 dimes
|50 Cent Party
|The most common name, pejorative. Other English translation: 50 Cent Army
|Unofficial term
|wǎng píng yuán
|Ape that comments on the Internet
|Pronounced identically with the above Chinese ''wǎng píng yuán'' 网评员 abbreviation, punning ''yuán'' ([[Wikt:猿|猿]] "ape; monkey") for ''yuán'' ([[Wikt:员|员]] "personnel, staff member"), pejorative
|Other English terms
|{{linktext|红|马|甲}}/紅馬甲, {{linktext|红|卫|兵}}/紅衛兵
|hóng mǎjiǎ, hóng wèibīng
|Red vest; [[Red Guards (China)|Red guard]]
|Red vest, [[Red Guards (People's Republic of China)|Red vanguard]]<ref name="zhong"/><ref name="elgan"/>
|The Chinese translation for these English terms are rarely used

Among those names, "50 Cent Party" (五毛党) was the most common and pejorative unofficial term.<ref name="China's plan to use internet for propaganda"/> It was created by Chinese [[netizen]]s as a satire. Many trace the origin of the "50-cent" name to the salaries at the Publicity Department of [[Changsha]], which according to the English version of ''[[Global Times]]'', supplemented Internet Commentators' basic income with 50-cent ("5 mao")<ref group="Note" name="mao" /> per post since October 2004.<ref name="commentators"/>

The term is derogatorily applied by cynical Chinese netizens to any person who blatantly expresses pro-[[Communist Party of China|Communist Party]] thoughts online.<ref name="dnai" /> However, there's another word "5 US cent (五美分)" used by some netizens to denigrate anti-party comments, with the implication that those commentators are hired by the governments of the United States, Taiwan or other [[Western world#Modern political|western countries]]. Zhang Shengjun, a professor of international politics at [[Beijing Normal University]] published an article ''Who would be afraid of the cap of "50 Cent Party"?'' on the Chinese version of ''Global Times'', saying that the term is spread by western media outfits, "it has become a baton waved towards all Chinese patriots" to make the Chinese government a constant target of criticism.<ref name="commentators"/><ref name="huanqiu"/>

The Chinese cyberspace is also noted for its ideological contests between "rightists" - reformists who advocate Western style democratic reforms, versus "leftists" - conservatives and neo-Confucianists who advocates Chinese nationalism and restructured socialism. In this backdrop, rightists sometimes refer to leftists derogatorily as "50 Centers", regardless of their actual employment background.<ref name="Wertime"/>

The Hong Kong-based ''[[Apple Daily]]'' reported that although a search for "五毛党" ("50 Cent Party" in Chinese) on a search engine produces results, most were inaccessible and had been deleted.<ref name="AppleDailycommentators"/>

==Effects and opinions==
The Internet commentator/50 Cent Party's activities were described by CPC general secretary, Chinese President [[Hu Jintao]] as "a new pattern of public-opinion guidance";<ref name="radioau" /><ref name="cmp" /> "they represent a shift from simply erasing dissenting opinions to guiding dialogue, lest the "truth may hurt social stability".<ref name="commentators" /> In 2010, a contributor to ''[[The Huffington Post]]'' stated that some comments she received on one of her posts were from the 50 Cent Party;<ref name="Usha" /> she also stated that the 50 Cent Party monitors popular US websites, news sites and blogs and posts comments that advance Chinese governmental interests.<ref name="Usha" />

David Wertime of [[Foreign Policy]] argued that the narrative where a large army of paid Internet commentators are behind China's poor public dialogue with its critics is "Orwellian, yet strangely comforting". Rather, many of the Chinese netizens spreading nationalist sentiment online aren't paid, but often mean what they say.<ref name="Wertime"/>

==See also==
* [[Internet Water Army]], private astroturfing from paid Chinese writers paralleling the 50 Cent Party
* [[Great Firewall of China]], a Chinese "national firewall" Internet censorship system
* [[Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China]]
* [[Astroturfing]], a form of advocacy in support of a political, organizational, or corporate agenda, designed to give the appearance of a "grassroots" movement
* [[State-sponsored Internet sockpuppetry]], a list of other similar programs internationally



<ref name="Wertime">[https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/19/meet-the-chinese-internet-trolls-pumping-488-million-posts-harvard-stanford-ucsd-research/ Meet the Chinese Trolls Pumping Out 488 Million Fake Social Media Posts]. Foreign Policy. May 19, 2016</ref>

<ref name="King">[http://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/50c.pdf?m=1463587807 How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument]. Harvard University. June 1, 2016</ref>

<ref name="BBC1">{{cite news|last=Bristow|first=Michael|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7783640.stm|title=China's internet 'spin doctors'|work=[[BBC News Online]]|date=16 December 2008}}</ref>

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<ref name="gaoxiaozhaopin">"为认真贯彻落实《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》(中发〔2004〕16号)和《教育部、共青团中央关于进一步加强高等学校校园网络管理工作的意见》(教社政〔2004〕17号)精神,牢牢把握网上舆论主导权,为我省高等教育改革发展稳定提供良好的舆论环境,努力构建社会主义和谐校园,现就加强高校网络评论员队伍建设提出以下意见。"</ref>

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==External links==
* [http://chinadigitaltimes.net/china/fifty-cent-party/ 50 Cent Party related news and translations on China Digital Times]
*[https://gking.harvard.edu/50c How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument]. ''[[American Political Science Review]]''.
* [http://www.businessinsider.in/China-Hires-As-Many-As-300000-Internet-Trolls-To-Make-The-Communist-Party-Look-Good/articleshow/44859392.cms China Hires As Many As 300,000 Internet Trolls To Make The Communist Party Look Good], ''[[Business Insider]]'', 17 October 2014
* [http://news.mingpao.com/ins/%E5%85%B1%E9%9D%92%E5%9C%98%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E5%91%BD%E5%85%A8%E5%9C%8B%E6%8B%9B%E6%94%AC%E5%8D%83%E8%90%AC%E7%B6%B2%E7%B5%A1%E7%BE%A9%E5%B7%A5%20%20%E8%83%A1%E4%BD%B3%E6%96%A5%E4%BA%94%E6%AF%9B%E9%BB%A8%E5%A3%93%E5%88%B6%E7%95%B0%E8%A6%8B/web_tc/article/20150406/s00004/1428309001027 共青團文件命全國招攬千萬網絡義工 胡佳斥五毛黨壓制異見 (17:01)]. ''Ming Pao'', 6 April 2015

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Version vom 5. Juli 2017, 08:04 Uhr

Mit dem englischsprachigen Begriff 50 Cent Party, auch 50 Cent Army[1] genannt, (chinesisch 五毛党 wǔmáo dǎng) werden von der Chinesischen Regierung bezahlte Internetkommentatoren genannt, die über propagandagesteuerte Kommentare gezielt das Meinungsbild in Internetforen und sozialen Netzwerken manipulieren.[2]

Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass etwas 2 Millionen chinesische Regierungsangestellte auf diese Weise pro Jahr etwa 450 Millionen Kommentare in chinesischen sozialen Medien posten.[1] Sie sind dabei vor allem auf dem Twitter-Klon Sina Weibo und dem Google-Klon Baidu aktiv.[3] Nach einer von drei Harvard-Wissenschaftlern veröffentlichten Studie ist das Ziel dabei vor allem die Ablenkung von politisch kontroversen Themen. Dazu würden die Propagandisten beispielsweise die Regierung loben, Symbole der Partei verbreiten oder auf die glorreiche Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei verweisen. Entgegen den Erwartungen vor der Studie scheinen sich die Internetkommentatoren dabei nicht in Diskussionen verwickeln zu lassen und gehen nicht auf Argumente anderer Kommentatoren ein.[3]

Laut der Zeitung "Zeit" werden die chinesischen Internetkommentatoren insbesondere auch dort eingesetzt, wo kritisch über undemokratische politische Systeme berichtet wird. Dieser Artikel beruht allerdings nach eigener Aussage lediglich auf einem "Verdacht aus der Community", also auf Einschätzungen von Usern des Forums von Zeit Online. Beweisen lasse sich demnach diese Vermutung nicht.[4]

Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung beschreibt das Phänomen der Medienmanipulation durch China wie folgt:

"Zu den Bedrohungen von aussen, die die wehrhafte Demokratie auf die Probe stellen, gehören nicht zuletzt Manipulationen, Beeinflussungen und Sabotage durch Cyberangriffe. China, das neben Russland und Iran als besonders aktiv in der nachrichtendienstlichen Tätigkeit in Deutschland erwähnt wird, ist offenbar immer mehr auch an politischer Spionage interessiert." [5]


Der Name 50 Cent party leitet sich von dem Gerücht ab, dass die Manipulatoren 50 Cent des Renminbi pro Beitrag erhalten sollen.[3] Dies entspräche etwa 5 Eurocent.[6]

Der Harvard-Studie zufolge werden nahezu alle Postings von Regierungsmitarbeitern verfasst. Dabei handelt es sich unter anderem um Mitarbeiter von Steuerbehörden und Gerichten. Diese Tätigkeit wird offensichtlich nicht gesondert vergütet, sondern gehört zu den Aufgaben der Beamten.[3]


In einem Artikel von Xiao Qiang auf der Website China Digital Times wird eine zugespielte Dienstanweisung an die chinesischen Internetkommentatoren wie folgt beschrieben: [7][8]

Um den Einfluss der taiwanesischen Demokratie zu umschreiben, um in der Arbeit der öffentlichen Meinungsführung weiter voranzukommen und im Einklang mit den Anforderungen der höheren Instanzen "strategisch und qualifiziert zu sein", hoffen wir, dass Internetkommentatoren gewissenhaft die Denkweise der Netzbürger verstehen, internationale Entwicklung erfassen und die Arbeits eines Internetkommentators besser durchführen. Zu diesem Zweck wird folgende Bekanntmachung erlassen:

  1. So weit wie möglich soll Amerika das Ziel der Kritik sein. Spielen Sie die Existenz Taiwans herab.
  2. Konfrontieren Sie nicht direkt (die Idee der) Demokratie, sondern nutzen Sie die Argumentation "Welches System kann tatsächlich Demokratie umsetzen".
  3. So weit wie möglich sollen Gewalthandlungen in westlichen Ländern als Beispiele genutzt werden, dass Demokratie nicht für den Kapitalismus geeignet ist.
  4. Nutzen Sie die Einmischung von Amerika und anderen Ländern in internationale Angelegenheiten, um zu erklären, dass westliche Demokratie tatsächlich eine Invasion anderer Länder ist und wie der Westen die westlichen Werte anderen Ländern aufzwingt.
  5. Nutzen Sie die blutige und zerreißende Geschichte der (einst) schwachen Menschen (in China), um parteifreundliche und patriotische Emotionen zu provozieren.
  6. Vermitteln Sie den Eindruck, dass die positive Entwicklung innerhalb von China die (soziale) Stabilität unterstützt. [7][8]

Siehe auch


  • Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts: How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument. vom 26. August 2016
  • Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E Roberts: How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression. In: American Political Science Review. Band 107, 2013, S. 1–18.
  • Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts: Reverse-engineering censorship in China: Randomized experimentation and participant observation. In: Science. Nummer 6199, Band 345, 2014, S. 1–10.


  1. a b Henry Farrell: The Chinese government fakes nearly 450 million social media comments a year. This is why. In: washingtonpost.com. 19. Mai 2016, abgerufen am 12. Dezember 2016 (englisch).
  2. Annika von Taube: Aus den Kommentaren: Russische Botschaft. In: zeit.de. 7. Februar 2014, abgerufen am 12. Dezember 2016.
  3. a b c d Stephan Dörner: China fabriziert 488 Millionen Social-Media-Postings im Jahr. In: welt.de. 20. Mai 2016, abgerufen am 12. Dezember 2016.
  4. Aus den Kommentaren: Russische Botschaft. In: Die Zeit. 7. Februar 2014, ISSN 0044-2070 (zeit.de [abgerufen am 27. Januar 2017]).
  5. Deutschlands Inlandgeheimdienst hat alle Hände voll zu tun. Abgerufen am 7. Mai 2017.
  6. Michael Bristow: China's internet 'spin doctors'. In: news.bbc.co.uk. 16. Dezember 2008, abgerufen am 12. Dezember 2016 (englisch).
  7. a b Leaked Propaganda Directives and Banned "Future" - China Digital Times (CDT). In: China Digital Times (CDT). 24. Juni 2011 (chinadigitaltimes.net [abgerufen am 27. Januar 2017]).
  8. a b 【真理部】网评员《上级通知》 - 中国数字时代. In: 中国数字时代. 24. Juni 2011 (chinadigitaltimes.net [abgerufen am 27. Januar 2017]).