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English: Winter (December through March) index of the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) based on the difference of normalized sea level pressure (SLP) between Gibraltar and SW Iceland since 1823, with loess smoothing (black, confidence interval in grey).

Data source : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.

Reference : Jones, P.D., Jónsson, T. and Wheeler, D., 1997: Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and South-West Iceland. Int. J. Climatol. 17, 1433-1450. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0088(19971115)17:13<1433::AID-JOC203>3.0.CO;2-P

Oeneis. Originally created by Benutzer:Marsupilami11 ;

updated with 2021 data and produced with R code by Oeneis
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Create this graph

Annual and winter NAO in multiple languages

Dieses Chart11 wurde mit R erstellt.

R code

# Build multi languages plots for annual and winter NAO
# based on CRU data.
# Used for https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:Other_versions/NAO_winter
# e.g. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Winter-NAO-Index.svg
# See https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:Other_versions/NAO_winter.R to edit this file


theme_update(plot.caption = element_text(size = 7))
oldDec <- getOption("OutDec")

# get data : winter and annual
# add sign column for colors
nao_cru <- "https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/nao/nao.dat" %>% 
  read_table(col_types = "iddddddddddddd", na = "-99.99", col_names = c("year", 1:12, "annual")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "period", values_to = "nao")

nao_cru_djfm <- nao_cru %>% 
  filter(period %in% c("12", "1", "2", "3")) %>%
  mutate(winter = if_else(period == "12", 
                          paste(year, year + 1, sep = "-"),
                          paste(year - 1, year, sep = "-"))) %>% 
  group_by(winter) %>% 
  summarise(nao = mean(nao, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(year = as.numeric(str_extract(winter, "^\\d{4}")),
         sign = if_else(nao < 0, "negative", "positive")) %>% 
  filter(year > 1822)

nao_cru_annual <- nao_cru %>% 
  filter(period == "annual") %>% 
  mutate(sign = if_else(nao < 0, "negative", "positive")) %>% 
  filter(year > 1822)

# manage languages
language <- list(
  es_ES = list(
    winter = list(
      data = nao_cru_djfm,            
      title = "Índice de invierno de la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO)",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW de Islandia, de diciembre a marzo",
      caption = "https://w.wiki/4b$m\nData : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. y Wheeler, D. (1997)\nActualizado regularmente. Accedido a",
      x = "Año",
      y = "Diferencia de presión normalizada a nivel del mar (hPa)",
      outDec = "."
    annual = list(
      data = nao_cru_annual,
      title = "Índice anual de la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO)",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW de Islandia",
      caption = "Data : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. y Wheeler, D. (1997)\nActualizado regularmente. Accedido a",
      x = "Año",
      y = "Diferencia de presión normalizada a nivel del mar (hPa)",
      outDec = "."
  de_DE = list(
    winter = list(
      data = nao_cru_djfm,
      title = "Nordatlantischen Oszillation (NAO) Winter Index",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW Island, Dezember bis März",
      caption = "https://w.wiki/4b$m\nDatei : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. und Wheeler, D. (1997)\nRegelmäßig aktualisiert. Zugänglich am",
      x = "Jahre",
      y = "Differenz der standardisierten Luftdruck (hPa)",
      outDec = ","
    annual = list(
      data = nao_cru_annual,      
      title = "Nordatlantischen Oszillation (NAO) Index",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW Island",
      caption = "Datei : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. und Wheeler, D. (1997)\nRegelmäßig aktualisiert. Zugänglich am",
      x = "Jahre",
      y = "Differenz der standardisierten Luftdruck (hPa)",
      outDec = ","
  en_US = list(
    winter = list(
      data = nao_cru_djfm,            
      title = "North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) winter index",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW Iceland, December to March",
      caption = "https://w.wiki/4b$m\nData : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. and Wheeler, D. (1997)\nUpdated regularly. Accessed",
      x = "Year",
      y = "Difference of normalized sea level pressure (hPa)",
      outDec = "."
    annual = list(
      data = nao_cru_annual,
      title = "North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) annual index",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW Iceland",
      caption = "Data : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. and Wheeler, D. (1997)\nUpdated regularly. Accessed",
      x = "Year",
      y = "Difference of normalized sea level pressure (hPa)",
      outDec = "."
  fr_FR = list(
    winter = list(
      data = nao_cru_djfm,
      title = "Indice hivernal de l'oscillation nord-atlantique (ONA)",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW Islande, décembre à mars",
      caption = "https://w.wiki/4b$m\nDonnées : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. et Wheeler, D. (1997)\nMise à jour régulière. Accédé le",
      x = "année",
      y = "différence de pression normalisée (hPa)",
      outDec = ","
    annual = list(
      data = nao_cru_annual,
      title = "Indice annuel de l'oscillation nord-atlantique (ONA)",
      subtitle = "Gibraltar - SW Islande",
      caption = "Données : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. et Wheeler, D. (1997)\nMise à jour régulière. Accédé le",
      x = "année",
      y = "différence de pression normalisée (hPa)",
      outDec = ","
  it_IT = list(
    winter = list(
      data = nao_cru_djfm,
      title = "Indice invernale dell'Oscillazione Nord Atlantica (NAO)",
      subtitle = "Gibilterra - SW Islanda, da dicembre a marzo",
      caption = "https://w.wiki/4b$m\nDati : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. e Wheeler, D. (1997)\nAggiornato regolarmente. Accesso a",
      x = "Anno",
      y = "Differenza di pressione normalizzata\nal livello del mare (hPa)",
      outDec = ","
    annual = list(
      data = nao_cru_annual,
      title = "Indice annuale dell'Oscillazione Nord Atlantica (NAO)",
      subtitle = "Gibilterra - SW Islanda",
      caption = "Dati : Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia.\nJones, P.D., Jónsson, T. e Wheeler, D. (1997)\nAggiornato regolarmente. Accesso a",
      x = "Anno",
      y = "Differenza di pressione normalizzata\nal livello del mare (hPa)",
      outDec = ","

for (l in names(language)) {
  for (t in names(language[[l]])) {
    current <- language[[l]][[t]]
    options(OutDec = current$outDec)
    # plot graph
    ggplot(current$data, aes(year, nao)) +
      geom_col(aes(fill = sign)) +
      geom_smooth(span = .1, color = "black", alpha = 0.3) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = c("positive" = "darkorange2",
                                   "negative" = "deepskyblue3")) +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1820, max(current$data$year), 20)) +
      guides(fill = "none") +
      labs(title = current$title,
           subtitle = current$subtitle,
           caption = glue("{current$caption} {format(Sys.Date(), '%Y-%m-%d')}"),
           x = current$x,
           y = current$y)
    ggsave(file = glue("nao_cru_{t}_{l}_{Sys.Date()}.svg"), 
           width = 20,
           height = 12.4,
           units = "cm",
           scale = 0.8,
           device = svg)

options(OutDec = oldDec)


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Winter index of the North Atlantic oscillation

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aktuell00:44, 23. Nov. 2023Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:44, 23. Nov. 2023566 × 351 (154 KB)Oeneisupdate 2022-2023
19:02, 22. Dez. 2022Vorschaubild der Version vom 19:02, 22. Dez. 2022566 × 351 (153 KB)Oeneis2022 update
10:14, 15. Aug. 2022Vorschaubild der Version vom 10:14, 15. Aug. 2022566 × 351 (154 KB)Oeneisupdate with 2021-2022 data
19:16, 26. Dez. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 19:16, 26. Dez. 2021566 × 351 (150 KB)Oeneisupdate wiki link
14:03, 26. Dez. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 14:03, 26. Dez. 2021566 × 351 (149 KB)Oeneis2020-2021 data. Using CRU data
15:25, 1. Nov. 2020Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:25, 1. Nov. 2020566 × 351 (137 KB)Oeneis2019 data
10:22, 21. Okt. 2018Vorschaubild der Version vom 10:22, 21. Okt. 2018566 × 351 (135 KB)Oeneis2017-2018 data
16:49, 8. Okt. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 16:49, 8. Okt. 2017566 × 351 (138 KB)Oeneisuse device = svg to get a nicer renderer
22:14, 28. Sep. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 22:14, 28. Sep. 2017512 × 317 (46 KB)Oeneis2016-2017 data
17:57, 16. Nov. 2016Vorschaubild der Version vom 17:57, 16. Nov. 2016512 × 317 (46 KB)Oeneis2016 data
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