Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 2 Jahren von in Abschnitt Nathan Sally Stern Article - English and More
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Gudn Tach!
Wenn ich richtig gesehen habe, hast du im Artikel Johann Belz im Rahmen deiner Ergänzungen eine Selbstreferenz (wieder-)eingesetzt. Es gibt abhängig davon, was dein Ziel ist, zwei Möglichkeiten, das zu verbessern:

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Ich bin übrigens nur ein Bot. Falls ich nicht richtig funktioniere, sag bitte seth Bescheid.
Frohes Schaffen und freundliche Grüße! :-) -- CamelBot (Diskussion) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-CamelBot-2021-09-16T21:00:00.000Z-Hinweis auf Selbstreferenzierungen11Beantworten

Nathan Sally Stern

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Hallo SternsErbe!

Die von dir angelegte Seite Nathan Sally Stern wurde zum Löschen vorgeschlagen. Gemäß den Löschregeln wird über die Löschung mindestens sieben Tage diskutiert und danach entschieden.

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Grüße, Xqbot (Diskussion) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-Xqbot-2021-10-06T15:11:00.000Z-Nathan Sally Stern11   (Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch durch einen Bot erstellt. Wenn du zukünftig von diesem Bot nicht mehr über Löschanträge informiert werden möchtest, trag dich hier ein.)Beantworten


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Hallo SternsErbe,

vielen Dank für deinen Diskussionsbeitrag. In der Wikipedia ist es üblich, Diskussionsbeiträge zu signieren. Dazu schreibst du einfach --~~~~ dahinter. Alternativ kannst du auch mit dem Signatur-Icon Signatur und Zeitstempel oberhalb des Bearbeitungsfensters die vier Tilden einfügen. Die Software wandelt die Tilden beim Speichern automatisch in deinen Benutzernamen oder deine IP-Adresse und einen Zeitstempel um. Damit ermöglichst du anderen Autoren die Zuordnung deines Beitrages zu deinem Benutzernamen oder deiner IP-Adresse.

Viele Grüße, --SignaturBot (Diskussion) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-SignaturBot-2021-10-07T18:04:00.000Z-Unterschrift11Beantworten

Nathan Sally Stern Article - English and More

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Hi SternsErbe

My name is Eric Abneri. I am the great great grandson of Nathan Sally Stern. Grete (or Greta) was my great grandmother, and I had the chance to meet her when I was younger before she passed.

I am highly grateful of your preservation of Nathan in his rightful place of German engineering history. He truly was an incredible man.

I have heard lots about him, and sometime I'd like to make an English page for him as well as add more known informaton.

I was curious, are you a descendant as well of Nathan? If not, how did you find out and learn about him. I would love to chat sometime!

Thanks Eric (nicht signierter Beitrag von Abneric (Diskussion | Beiträge) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-Abneric-2022-03-29T17:17:00.000Z-Nathan Sally Stern Article - English and More11)Beantworten

Hi Eric,
wonderful hearing from you. Unfortunately I am not related to Nathan, I am a mechanical engineer myself working for the company now called Continental Teves in Frankfurt am Main. In the company we have a kind of a small "museum" on Alfred Teves history remembering aswell Nathan´s achievements. Teves being the farsighted entrepreneur Nathan was the technical genius behind Teves´ rise from a tiny business to a leading automotove supplier between 1916 and 1936.
Inspired by the wonderfull book Erik Eckermann wrote in 1985 I wanted to give Nathan the place in the digital memory of Wikipedia he deserves as automotive pioneer. What I am still looking for is a photo of Nathan S. suitable to be uplaoded in WikiCommons without copyright uncertainty.
I also thought of doing an English article on Nathan but am still afraid it may lack the precision and elegance only a native speaker can bring in.
Maybe we can cooperate here, if I can assist in adding content to the German article I will be glad.
Thank you and keep in touch
Christian SternsErbe (Diskussion) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-SternsErbe-2022-04-03T17:10:00.000Z-Abneric-2022-03-29T17:17:00.000Z11Beantworten
Hello Christian,
Thank you for the reply! It is good to hear his legacy lives in Frankfurt and in the company. I will have to come visit some day along with my father (who as a kid met Nathan regularly until he passed away). At home we do have one copy of the Erik Eckermann book and I have used translator services to read a little bit of it a page at a time. I want to thank you very much for your write up of Nathan on Wikipedia. It is greatly appreciated by me, my father, and my family.
I have a close friend who knows Wikipedia quite well, better than me, I will have him use google translate (which I found to be fairly accurate), and then I will smooth out the details. It seems you made no errors in the article as well to my knowledge. I still am learning more about him all the time.
As for a photo, I have many photos of Nathan at home, and as I am currently at school I will not be able to get you one until around May 1st. When that time comes, I will send multiple and let you pick which you like. I would be elated and excited to collaborate with you, and find out more about Nathan.
I have one specific question, your article and a source mentions Nathan's memoirs. Me, my father, nor his brother have ever heard about such memoirs. Does the company or you have a copy of them? I would love to find out more about that and give them a read. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about his personal life or later business dealings. I know that he met his business partner for American Measuring Instruments as bunkmates when he was interned by the British during WW2. I would be more than happy to answer anything you may be wondering to the best of my ability, and to ask my father.
Once again, I am highly appreciative of what you have done, and your remembrance of his legacy. It is greatly appreciated.
Talk soon,
Eric Abneric (Diskussion) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-Abneric-2022-04-05T04:50:00.000Z-SternsErbe-2022-04-03T17:10:00.000Z11Beantworten
Hello Eric,
Thank you and your family very much for finding such nice words.
Looking for the book "Nathan S. Stern - Ingenieur aus der Frühzeit des Automobils", which is hardly available in antiquarian stores, I got in e-mail contact with Erik Eckermann, who is living at the Ammersee near Munich. He provided me the book and later copies of articles Nathan wrote in the 1960s for a German automobil (or Club?) gazette with the strange title "Das Schnauferl" (an old-school expression for oldtimer). If you give me your e-mail I can send a scan of it (the quality of the photos already being poor). It´s about his early years at Adlerwerke and his 20 years with Alfred Teves. It´s fascinating how vividly he remembered technical details from 50 years ago and great to read his voice.
Maybe I can encourage you to join the Wikipedia community yourself. I did in fact spontaneously to write the Nathan article, and because 1st Corona lockdown was so boring. It´s really simple and I am impressed how professional the tool is (with bots to help and others fixing typos for example). Loading up images is also simple but you have to be sure not to violate the copyrights (for photos older than a certain time it´s easier but here the rules vary between Germany and the US).
I am really looking forward to our collaboration. And if you happen to come to Frankfurt we should definitely meet and it will be a pleasure to guide you around some places of Frankfurt which used to be the center of Germany´s automotive industry in 1930s (a fact which is almost forgotten now).
Take care, Christian SternsErbe (Diskussion) Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-SternsErbe-2022-04-07T19:51:00.000Z-Abneric-2022-04-05T04:50:00.000Z11Beantworten
I had no idea Erik Eckermann was still alive! Me and my dad presumed he was very old or passed. We know not much about him. Id absolutely love to see those articles, my email is I am really looking forward to it.
I do want to get involved more with Wikipedia, it is a strong sense of doing something good for the world. When I get more time I will learn a bit more from my friend.
It's my pleasure to collaborate with you, and one day me and my father (hopefully within a few years) will make it to Frankfurt and I would absolutely be enthused to meet you and hear a bit of your knowledge. Nathan's ancestors go back at least a few hundred years to the Frankfurt area, so it will feel right to make the trek there.
My Best,
Eric Benutzer Diskussion:SternsErbe#c-