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Name Wikipedia-Eintrag (de) Wikidata-Eintrag Vermerk bei interessanten Biographien DOAB genutzt
Cabral, Amílcar Lopes (1924) Amílcar Cabral wikidata:Q213416 kap-verdischer Politiker und Unabhängigkeitskämpfer
Cadornega, António de Oliveira (1623) wikidata:Q9620567 portugiesischer Schriftsteller und General
Caesar, Julius Julius Caesar
Caillié, René-Auguste (1799)
Caluza, Reuben Tholakele (1895)
Camara, M’Balia (1929)
Cambyses II (558–522 BCE)
Cameron, Edwin (1953) Edwin Cameron
Camp, Sokari Douglas (1958) Sokari Douglas Camp
Camus, Albert (1913) Albert Camus
Capitein, Jacobus Elisa Johannes (1717)
Cardoso, Boaventura (1944)
Carvalho Alvarenga, Rosa de (fl. late eighteenth–mid-nineteenth century) kein Wikipedia- und Wickidata-Eintrag
Carvalho, Agostinho André Mendes de. Agostinho André Mendes de Carvalho
Carvalho, Ruy Duarte de (1941)
Cary, Lott (1780)
Casely-Hayford, Adelaide (1868)
Casely-Hayford, Gladys May (1904) Gladys Casely-Hayford wikidata:Q3108449 X
Casely-Hayford, Joseph Ephraim (1866)
Cassamo, Suleiman (1962) Suleiman Cassamo
Cato the Elder (Marcus Porcius Cato; 234–149 BCE)
Cavafy, Constantine (1863)
Cege wa Kibiru (1908)
Césaire, Aimé (1913) Aimé Césaire
Cetshwayo ka Mpande (1826) Cetshwayo ka Mpande
Chadid, Merieme (1969) Q4120071
Chaeremon (fl. late first century CE) Q1108102
Chambas, Mohammed Ibn (1950) Mohamed Ibn Chambas
Changamire, Dombo (1996)
Chaoui, Touria (1936) Touria Chaoui
Charwe (1862)
Cheney-Coker, Syl (1945) Syl Cheney Coker
Chenna, Aicha (1941) Aicha Ech-Chenna
Cheops. Cheops
Chibambo, Rose Ziba (1928) Q16090773
Chico Rei (fl. eighteenth century)
Chiepe, Gaositwe K. T. (1926) Gaositwe Kogakwa Tibe Chiepe
Chilembwe, John (1871) John Chilembwe
Chiluba, Frederick (1943) Frederick Chiluba
Chimombo, Steve (1945) Q3395631
Chinamano, Josiah (1922)
Chinamano, Ruth (1925) Q16016393
Chipembere, Henry Blasius Masauko (1930)
Chipenda, Daniel (1931) Q5216803
Chirwa, Orton Edgar Ching’oli (1919)
Chirwa, Vera Mlangazuwa (1932)
Chisiza, Dunduzu Kaluli (1930)
Chissano, Joaquim (1939) Joaquim Chissano
Chitapankwa, Mutale Mutaka (1810)
Chitepo, Herbert (1923) Herbert Chitepo
Chitepo, Victoria Fikile (1928) Victoria Chitepo wikidata:Q27469157 x
Chiziane, Paulina (1955) Paulina Chiziane wikidata:Q270580 mosambikanische Schriftstellerin
Chona, Mainza Mathias (1930) Mainza Mathias Chona
Choukri, Mohamed (1935) Mohamed Choukri
Chraı¨bi, Driss (1926) Driss Chraïbi
Christian, George William (1872)
Chwa, Daudi (1896) Daudi Chwa II.
Clapperton, Hugh (1788) Hugh Clapperton
Clark-Bekederemo, John Pepper (1935) John Pepper Clark
Clement of Alexandria (c. 150–c. 215 CE) Clemens von Alexandria
Cleomenes of Naucratis (d. 323 BCE) Kleomenes von Naukratis
Cleopatra Selene (Kleopatra; 40–5 BCE) Kleopatra Selene
Cleopatra VII (69–30 BCE) Kleopatra VII.
Clitomachus (187/186–110/109 BCE) Kleitomachos
Clot, Auguste Barthélemy (1793)
Clozel, Marie François-Joseph (1860)
Coelho, Joăo Paulo Borges (1955) wikidata:Q3810727 mosambikanischer Historiker und Schritsteller
Coetzee, J. M. (1940)
Cole, Ernest (1940)
Colenso, Harriette (1847)
Colenso, John William (1814)
Coll-Seck, Awa Marie (1951)
Compaoré, Blaise (1951)
Conny, Jan (1670)
Constantinus Africanus (1087)
Conté, Lansana (1934)
Cooper, Henry Nehemiah (1927)
Correia, Aurelia (1800s) kein Wikipedia -und Wikimedia-Eintrag
Cosmas III (d. 932)
Costa Alegre, Caetano de (1864) Caetano da Costa Alegre wikidata:Q120241 portugiesischer Dichter saotomensischer Herkunft
Couto, Mia (1955) Mia Couto wikidata:Q382101 mosambikanischer Schriftsteller
Coventry, Kirsty (1983)
Craveirinha, José (1922) José Craveirinha wikidata:Q563131 mosambikanischer Dichter
Cressy, Harold (1889)
Cronjé, Geoffrey (1907)
Crowther, Samuel Ajayi (1809)
Cruz, Viriato Francisco Clemente da (1928) wikidata:Q3242267 angolanischer Dichter und Politiker
Cugoano, Quobna Ottobah (1757)
Cummings-John, Constance (1918)
Cwa I (1690)
Cyprian of Carthage (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus; c. 200–258 CE)
Cyril of Alexandria (375–444 CE)
