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— Wikimedianer*in  —
NameLeonardo Campugiani
Geboren27 may 2002
Macerata, Italy
OrtSan Ginesio
ZeitzoneUTC +1
Land[[File:Flag of Italy.svg|22x20px|border |alt=Flag of Italy|link=[[:w:Italy]]]] Italy
User language
it-N Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances intermédiaires en français.
la-1 Hic usor/Haec ustrix simplici lingua Latina conferre potest.
Users by language

Hi visitor, I'm Campus27 and this is my global account. By continuing to scroll the page you will find more information about me and my accounts.

The main language used on this page is English, English being the language used internationally. In fact, english is an official language in over 40 countries, most of which are still part of the Commonwealth, and it is the most popular language in web content (about 55% according to the State of Boardband 2016).

Although Great Britain has left the European Union, British English is shown on the page, but the Ukrainian language or Bulgarian language (for example) is not yet entered as the main languages accepted by the European Union (English, French, Spanish, Russian) and the former Soviet Union have been entered.

PLEASE: If you start a discussion, enter the abbreviation for your language (e.g. en for English, fr for the French, de for German...).

European languages with profile

Hi visitor, I'm Campus27 and this is my global account. If you need to contact me, write to me. The English language already has a profile available for viewing by clicking here.

Ciao visitatore, sono Campus27 e questo è il mio account globale. Se hai bisogno di contattarmi, scrivimi. La lingua italiana dispone già di un profilo disponibile per la visualizzazione cliccando qui. (PRINCIPAL)

European languages

Salut visiteur, je suis Campus27 et c’est mon compte global. Si vous avez besoin de me contacter, écrivez-moi.

Hallo Besucher, ich bin Campus27 und das ist mein globales Konto. Wenn Sie mich kontaktieren müssen, schreiben Sie mir.

Γεια σου επισκέπτη, είμαι Campus27 και αυτός είναι ο παγκόσμιος λογαριασμός μου. Αν θες να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μου, γράψε μου.

Hæ gestur, ég er Campus27 og þetta er alþjóðlegi reikningurinn minn. Skrifaðu til mín ef þú þarft að hafa samband við mig.

Hei besøkende, jeg er Campus27 og dette er min globale konto. Hvis du trenger å kontakte meg, skriv til meg.

Привет посетитель, я Campus27, и это мой глобальный счет. Если вам нужно связаться со мной, напишите мне.

Hola visitante, soy Campus27 y esta es mi cuenta global. Si necesitas contactarme, escríbeme.

Hej besökare, jag campus27 och detta är mitt globala konto. Om du behöver kontakta mig, skriv till mig.

Hi visitor ego sum Campus27 et hoc est global ratio. Si vos postulo ut contact me scribes ad me. (ATTENTION: the Vatican State has Latin as its official language,[1] although the documents drawn up are also published with Italian: according to paragraph 2 of the "Law on the Sources of Law" of 7 June 1929, all laws and rules of the State are published in Italian in the "Supplement for the laws and provisions of the State of Vatican City" attached to the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.)

African and Middle Eastern languages

היי, מבקר, אני קמפוס 27 וזה החשבון הגלובלי שלי. אם אתה צריך ליצור איתי קשר, כתוב לי.

سڵاو، من کامپ27م و ئەمە هەژماری جیهانیم ئەگەر پێویستت بە پەیوەندی کردن بە منەوە هەیە، بۆم بنووسە (central) - Mêvanê silav, ez Kampus27 im û ev hesabê min ê gerdûnî ye. Eger tu hewceyî bi min re têkiliyê deyne, ji min re binivîse. (Northern)

مرحبا زائر ، أنا Campus27 وهذا هو حسابي العالمي. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى الاتصال بي، اكتب لي.

Merhaba ziyaretçi, ben Campus27 kulüpler ve bu benim küresel hesabım. Benimle irtibata geçmen gerekiyorsa, bana yaz.

Asian languages

嗨, 访客, 我是 Campus27, 这是我的全球帐户。如果你需要联系我,请写信给我。

हाय आगंतुक, मैं Campus27 हूं और यह मेरा वैश्विक खाता है। यदि आपको मुझसे संपर्क करने की आवश्यकता है, तो मुझे लिखें।


안녕하세요 방문자, 나는 Campus27이고 이것은 내 글로벌 계정입니다. 저에게 연락해야 하는 경우 저에게 편지를 보내십시오.

Hi khách truy cập, tôi là Campus27 và đây là tài khoản toàn cầu của tôi. Nếu bạn cần liên hệ với tôi, hãy viết thư cho tôi.

South America languages

Oi visitante, eu sou campus27 e esta é a minha conta global. Se precisar entrar em contato comigo, escreva para mim.


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